Bartosz Dziewoński 6e2ce16be0 Fix Phan suppression
The SecurityCheck-XSS violation occurred because, in renderFeed(),
the $renderedFeed variable contains both wikitext (tainted) and
HTML (safe) at different points in the function, and Phan is unable
to disentangle that. Splitting it into two variables allows Phan to
validate the rest of the code just fine.

Change-Id: I4da446b869349f06fc0fc40816d44cee390c49a6
2024-09-19 07:45:02 +02:00

719 lines
20 KiB

namespace MediaWiki\Extension\RSS;
use DOMDocument;
use MediaWiki\MediaWikiServices;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Parser;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Sanitizer;
use MediaWiki\Status\Status;
use MediaWiki\Title\Title;
use MWHttpRequest;
use ParserFactory;
use PPFrame;
use TextContent;
use WANObjectCache;
use Wikimedia\AtEase\AtEase;
class RSSParser {
/** @var int */
protected $maxheads = 32;
/** @var string */
protected $date = "Y-m-d H:i:s";
/** @var int */
protected $ItemMaxLength = 200;
/** @var bool */
protected $reversed = false;
/** @var string[] */
protected $highlight = [];
/** @var string[] */
protected $filter = [];
/** @var string[] */
protected $filterOut = [];
/** @var string */
protected $itemTemplate;
/** @var string */
protected $url;
/** @var string */
protected $etag;
/** @var int */
protected $lastModified;
/** @var DOMDocument */
protected $xml;
/** @var string[] */
protected $displayFields = [ 'author', 'title', 'encodedContent', 'description' ];
/** @var string[] */
protected $stripItems;
/** @var string */
protected $markerString;
* @var WANObjectCache
private $cache;
* @var ParserFactory
private $parserFactory;
* @var RSSData
public $rss;
* @var MWHttpRequest
public $client;
* Convenience function that takes a space-separated string and returns an array of words
* @param string $str list of words
* @return array words found
private static function explodeOnSpaces( $str ) {
$found = preg_split( '# +#', $str );
return is_array( $found ) ? $found : [];
* Take a bit of WikiText that looks like
* <rss max=5></rss>
* and return an object that can produce rendered output.
* @param string $url
* @param array $args
public function __construct( $url, $args ) {
global $wgRSSDateDefaultFormat, $wgRSSItemMaxLength;
$this->url = $url;
// Quote marks to prevent XSS (T307028)
$this->markerString = "'\"" . wfRandomString( 32 );
$this->stripItems = [];
$this->cache = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getMainWANObjectCache();
$this->parserFactory = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getParserFactory();
# Get max number of headlines from argument-array
if ( isset( $args['max'] ) ) {
$this->maxheads = $args['max'];
# Get reverse flag from argument array
if ( isset( $args['reverse'] ) ) {
$this->reversed = true;
# Get date format from argument array
# or use a default value
# @todo FIXME: not used yet
if ( isset( $args['date'] ) ) {
$this->date = $args['date'];
} elseif ( isset( $wgRSSDateDefaultFormat ) ) {
$this->date = $wgRSSDateDefaultFormat;
# Get highlight terms from argument array
if ( isset( $args['highlight'] ) ) {
# mapping to lowercase here so the regex can be case insensitive below.
$this->highlight = self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['highlight'] );
# Get filter terms from argument array
if ( isset( $args['filter'] ) ) {
$this->filter = self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['filter'] );
# Get a maximal length for item texts
if ( isset( $args['item-max-length'] ) ) {
$this->ItemMaxLength = $args['item-max-length'];
} elseif ( is_numeric( $wgRSSItemMaxLength ) ) {
$this->ItemMaxLength = $wgRSSItemMaxLength;
if ( isset( $args['filterout'] ) ) {
$this->filterOut = self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['filterout'] );
// 'template' is the pagename of a user's itemTemplate including
// a further pagename for the feedTemplate
// In that way everything is handled via these two pages
// and no default pages or templates are used.
// 'templatename' is an optional pagename of a user's feedTemplate
// In that way it substitutes $1 (default: RSSPost) in MediaWiki:Rss-item
if ( isset( $args['template'] ) ) {
$itemTemplateTitleObject = Title::newFromText( $args['template'], NS_TEMPLATE );
if ( $itemTemplateTitleObject->exists() ) {
$itemTemplatePageObject = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()
->newFromTitle( $itemTemplateTitleObject );
$itemTemplateContentObject = $itemTemplatePageObject->getContent();
if ( $itemTemplateContentObject instanceof TextContent ) {
$this->itemTemplate = $itemTemplateContentObject->getText();
} else {
if ( isset( $args['templatename'] ) ) {
$feedTemplatePagename = $args['templatename'];
} else {
// compatibility patch for rss extension
$feedTemplatePagename = 'RSSPost';
$feedTemplateTitleObject = Title::newFromText( $feedTemplatePagename, NS_TEMPLATE );
if ( !$feedTemplateTitleObject->exists() ) {
$feedTemplatePagename = Title::makeTitleSafe( NS_MEDIAWIKI, 'Rss-feed' );
// MediaWiki:Rss-item = {{ feedTemplatePagename | title = {{{title}}} | ... }}
// if the attribute parameter templatename= is not present
// then it defaults to
// {{ Template:RSSPost | title = {{{title}}} | ... }}
// - if Template:RSSPost exists from pre-1.9 versions
// {{ MediaWiki:Rss-feed | title = {{{title}}} | ... }}
// - otherwise
$this->itemTemplate = wfMessage( 'rss-item', $feedTemplatePagename )->plain();
private function insertStripItem( $item ) {
$this->stripItems[] = $item;
$itemIndex = count( $this->stripItems ) - 1;
return "{$this->markerString}-{$itemIndex}-{$this->markerString}";
* Return RSS object for the given URL, maintaining caching.
* No attempt will be made to fetch remote files if there is something in cache.
* If there is an HTTP error while fetching an RSS object, the cached version
* will be returned, if it exists.
* @return Status object
public function fetch() {
if ( !isset( $this->url ) ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'rss-fetch-nourl' );
// Flow
// 1. check cache
// 2. if there is a hit, make sure its fresh
// 3. if cached obj fails freshness check, fetch remote
// 4. if remote fails, return stale object, or error
$key = $this->cache->makeKey( 'rss-fetch', $this->url );
$cachedFeed = $this->loadFromCache( $key );
if ( $cachedFeed !== false ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Outputting cached feed for ' . $this->url );
return Status::newGood();
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Cache Failed, fetching ' . $this->url . ' from remote.' );
return $this->fetchRemote( $key );
* Retrieve the URL from the cache
* @param string $key lookup key to associate with this item
* @return bool
protected function loadFromCache( $key ) {
global $wgRSSCacheCompare;
$data = $this->cache->get( $key );
if ( !is_array( $data ) ) {
return false;
[ $etag, $lastModified, $rss ] = $data;
if ( !isset( $rss->items ) ) {
return false;
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Got '$key' from cache" );
# Now that we've verified that we got useful data, keep it around.
$this->rss = $rss;
$this->etag = $etag;
$this->lastModified = $lastModified;
// We only care if $wgRSSCacheCompare is > 0
if ( $wgRSSCacheCompare && time() - $wgRSSCacheCompare > $lastModified ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Content is old enough that we need to check cached content' );
return false;
return true;
* Store these objects (i.e. etag, lastModified, and RSS) in the cache.
* @param string $key lookup key to associate with this item
* @return bool
protected function storeInCache( $key ) {
global $wgRSSCacheAge;
if ( !isset( $this->rss ) ) {
return false;
[ $this->etag, $this->lastModified, $this->rss ],
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Stored '$key' as in cache" );
return true;
* Retrieve a feed.
* @param string $key Cache key
* @param array $headers headers to send along with the request
* @return Status object
protected function fetchRemote( $key, array $headers = [] ) {
global $wgRSSFetchTimeout, $wgRSSUserAgent, $wgRSSProxy,
if ( $this->etag ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Used etag: ' . $this->etag );
$headers['If-None-Match'] = $this->etag;
if ( $this->lastModified ) {
$lastModified = gmdate( 'r', $this->lastModified );
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Used last modified: $lastModified" );
$headers['If-Modified-Since'] = $lastModified;
* 'noProxy' can conditionally be set as shown in the commented
* example below; in HttpRequest 'noProxy' takes precedence over
* any value of 'proxy' and disables the use of a proxy.
* This is useful if you run the wiki in an intranet and need to
* access external feed urls through a proxy but internal feed
* urls must be accessed without a proxy.
* The general handling of such cases will be subject of a
* forthcoming version.
$url = $this->url;
$noProxy = !isset( $wgRSSProxy );
// Example for disabling proxy use for certain urls
// $noProxy = preg_match( '!\.internal\.example\.com$!i', parse_url( $url, PHP_URL_HOST ) );
if ( isset( $wgRSSUrlNumberOfAllowedRedirects )
&& is_numeric( $wgRSSUrlNumberOfAllowedRedirects ) ) {
$maxRedirects = $wgRSSUrlNumberOfAllowedRedirects;
} else {
$maxRedirects = 0;
// we set followRedirects intentionally to true to see error messages
// in cases where the maximum number of redirects is reached
$client = MediaWikiServices::getInstance()->getHttpRequestFactory()->create( $url,
'timeout' => $wgRSSFetchTimeout,
'followRedirects' => true,
'maxRedirects' => $maxRedirects,
'proxy' => $wgRSSProxy,
'noProxy' => $noProxy,
'userAgent' => $wgRSSUserAgent,
foreach ( $headers as $header => $value ) {
$client->setHeader( $header, $value );
$fetch = $client->execute();
$this->client = $client;
if ( !$fetch->isGood() ) {
wfDebug( 'RSS', 'Request Failed: ' . Status::wrap( $fetch )->getWikitext() );
return $fetch;
return $this->responseToXML( $key );
* @see
* @param string $wikiText
* @param Parser $origParser
* @return string
protected function sandboxParse( $wikiText, $origParser ) {
$myParser = $this->parserFactory->getInstance();
$result = $myParser->parse(
$stripItems = $this->stripItems;
return preg_replace_callback(
static function ( array $matches ) use ( $stripItems ) {
$markerIndex = (int)$matches[1];
return $stripItems[$markerIndex];
* Render the entire feed so that each item is passed to the
* template which the MediaWiki then displays.
* @param Parser $parser
* @param PPFrame $frame The frame param to pass to recursiveTagParse()
* @return string
public function renderFeed( $parser, $frame ) {
$renderedFeed = '';
$wikitextFeed = '';
if ( isset( $this->itemTemplate ) && isset( $parser ) && isset( $frame ) ) {
$headcnt = 0;
if ( $this->reversed ) {
$this->rss->items = array_reverse( $this->rss->items );
foreach ( $this->rss->items as $item ) {
if ( $this->maxheads > 0 && $headcnt >= $this->maxheads ) {
if ( $this->canDisplay( $item ) ) {
$wikitextFeed .= $this->renderItem( $item, $parser ) . "\n";
$renderedFeed = $this->sandboxParse( $wikitextFeed, $parser );
$parser->addTrackingCategory( 'rss-tracking-category' );
return $renderedFeed;
* Render each item, filtering it out if necessary, applying any highlighting.
* @param array $item an array produced by RSSData where keys are the names of the RSS elements
* @param Parser $parser
* @return mixed
protected function renderItem( $item, $parser ) {
$renderedItem = $this->itemTemplate;
// $info will only be an XML element name, so we're safe using it.
// $item[$info] is handled by the XML parser --
// and that means bad RSS with stuff like
// <description><script>alert("hi")</script></description> will find its
// rogue <script> tags neutered.
// use the overloaded multi byte wrapper functions in GlobalFunctions.php
foreach ( array_keys( $item ) as $info ) {
if ( $item[$info] != "" ) {
switch ( $info ) {
// ATOM <id> elements and RSS <link> elements are item link urls
case 'id':
$txt = $this->sanitizeUrl( $item['id'] );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{link}}}', $txt, $renderedItem );
case 'link':
$txt = $this->sanitizeUrl( $item['link'] );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{link}}}', $txt, $renderedItem );
case 'date':
$tempTimezone = date_default_timezone_get();
date_default_timezone_set( 'UTC' );
$txt = date( $this->date,
strtotime( $this->escapeTemplateParameter( $item['date'] ) ) );
date_default_timezone_set( $tempTimezone );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{date}}}', $txt, $renderedItem );
$str = $this->escapeTemplateParameter( $item[$info] );
$str = $parser->getTargetLanguage()->truncateForVisual( $str, $this->ItemMaxLength );
$str = $this->highlightTerms( $str );
$renderedItem = str_replace( '{{{' . $info . '}}}',
$this->insertStripItem( $str ), $renderedItem );
// nullify all remaining info items in the template
// without a corresponding info in the current feed item
return preg_replace( "!{{{[^}]+}}}!U", "", $renderedItem );
* Sanitize a URL for inclusion in wikitext. Escapes characters that have
* a special meaning in wikitext, replacing them with URL escape codes, so
* that arbitrary input can be included as a free or bracketed external
* link and both work and be safe.
* @param string $url
* @return string
protected function sanitizeUrl( $url ) {
# Remove control characters
$url = preg_replace( '/[\000-\037\177]/', '', trim( $url ) );
# Escape other problematic characters
$out = '';
for ( $i = 0, $len = strlen( $url ); $i < $len; $i++ ) {
$boringLength = strcspn( $url, '<>"[|]\ {', $i );
if ( $boringLength ) {
$out .= substr( $url, $i, $boringLength );
$i += $boringLength;
if ( $i < $len ) {
$out .= rawurlencode( $url[$i] );
return $out;
* Sanitize user input for inclusion as a template parameter.
* Unlike in wfEscapeWikiText() as of r77127, this escapes }} in addition
* to the other kinds of markup, to avoid user input ending a template
* invocation.
* If you want to allow clickable link Urls (HTML <a> tag) in RSS feeds:
* $wgRSSAllowLinkTag = true;
* If you want to allow images (HTML <img> tag) in RSS feeds:
* $wgRSSAllowImageTag = true;
* @param string $text
* @return string
protected function escapeTemplateParameter( $text ) {
global $wgRSSAllowLinkTag, $wgRSSAllowImageTag;
$extraInclude = [];
$extraExclude = [ "iframe" ];
if ( $wgRSSAllowLinkTag ) {
$extraInclude[] = "a";
} else {
$extraExclude[] = "a";
if ( $wgRSSAllowImageTag ) {
$extraInclude[] = "img";
} else {
$extraExclude[] = "img";
if ( $wgRSSAllowLinkTag || $wgRSSAllowImageTag ) {
$ret = Sanitizer::removeSomeTags( $text, [
'extraTags' => $extraInclude,
'removeTags' => $extraExclude,
] );
} else {
// use the old escape method for a while
$text = str_replace(
'[', '|', ']', '\'', 'ISBN ',
'RFC ', '://', "\n=", '{{', '}}',
'&#91;', '&#124;', '&#93;', '&#39;', 'ISBN&#32;',
'RFC&#32;', '&#58;//', "\n&#61;", '&#123;&#123;', '&#125;&#125;',
htmlspecialchars( str_replace( "\n", "", $text ) )
// keep some basic layout tags
$ret = str_replace(
'&lt;p&gt;', '&lt;/p&gt;',
'&lt;br/&gt;', '&lt;br&gt;', '&lt;/br&gt;',
'&lt;b&gt;', '&lt;/b&gt;',
'&lt;i&gt;', '&lt;/i&gt;',
'&lt;u&gt;', '&lt;/u&gt;',
'&lt;s&gt;', '&lt;/s&gt;',
"", "<br/>",
"<br/>", "<br/>", "<br/>",
"'''", "'''",
"''", "''",
"<u>", "</u>",
"<s>", "</s>",
return $ret;
* Parse an HTTP response object into an array of relevant RSS data
* @param string $key the key to use to store the parsed response in the cache
* @return Status parsed RSS object (see RSSParse) or false
protected function responseToXML( $key ) {
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Got '" . $this->client->getStatus() . "', updating cache for $key" );
if ( $this->client->getStatus() === 304 ) {
# Not modified, update cache
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', "Got 304, updating cache for $key" );
$this->storeInCache( $key );
} else {
$this->xml = new DOMDocument;
$rawXML = $this->client->getContent();
if ( $rawXML == '' ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'rss-parse-error', 'No XML content' );
$oldDisable = false;
if ( LIBXML_VERSION < 20900 ) {
// Prevent loading external entities when parsing the XML (bug 46932)
$oldDisable = libxml_disable_entity_loader( true );
$this->xml->loadXML( $rawXML );
if ( LIBXML_VERSION < 20900 ) {
libxml_disable_entity_loader( $oldDisable );
$this->rss = new RSSData( $this->xml );
// if RSS parsed successfully
if ( $this->rss && !$this->rss->error ) {
$this->etag = $this->client->getResponseHeader( 'Etag' );
$this->lastModified =
strtotime( $this->client->getResponseHeader( 'Last-Modified' ) );
wfDebugLog( 'RSS', 'Stored etag (' . $this->etag . ') and Last-Modified (' .
$this->client->getResponseHeader( 'Last-Modified' ) . ') and items (' .
count( $this->rss->items ) . ')!' );
$this->storeInCache( $key );
} else {
return Status::newFatal( 'rss-parse-error', $this->rss->error );
return Status::newGood();
* Determine if a given item should or should not be displayed
* @param array $item associative array that RSSData produced for an <item>
* @return bool
protected function canDisplay( array $item ) {
$check = '';
/* We're only going to check the displayable fields */
foreach ( $this->displayFields as $field ) {
if ( isset( $item[$field] ) ) {
$check .= $item[$field];
if ( $this->filter( $check, 'filterOut' ) ) {
return false;
if ( $this->filter( $check, 'filter' ) ) {
return true;
return false;
* Filters items in or out if the match a string we're looking for.
* @param string $text the text to examine
* @param string $filterType "filterOut" to check for matches in the filterOut member list.
* Otherwise, uses the filter member list.
* @return bool Decision to filter or not.
protected function filter( $text, $filterType ) {
if ( $filterType === 'filterOut' ) {
$filter = $this->filterOut;
} else {
$filter = $this->filter;
if ( count( $filter ) == 0 ) {
return $filterType !== 'filterOut';
/* Using : for delimiter here since it'll be quoted automatically. */
$match = preg_match( ':(' . implode( '|',
array_map( 'preg_quote', $filter ) ) . '):i', $text );
if ( $match ) {
return true;
return false;
* Highlight the words we're supposed to be looking for
* @param string $text the text to look in.
* @return string with matched text highlighted in a <span> element
protected function highlightTerms( $text ) {
if ( count( $this->highlight ) === 0 ) {
return $text;
$terms = array_flip( array_map( 'strtolower', $this->highlight ) );
$highlight = ':' . implode( '|',
array_map( 'preg_quote', array_values( $this->highlight ) ) ) . ':i';
return preg_replace_callback( $highlight, static function ( $match ) use ( $terms ) {
$styleStart = "<span style='font-weight: bold; " .
"background: none repeat scroll 0%% 0%% rgb(%s); color: %s;'>";
$styleEnd = '</span>';
# bg colors cribbed from Google's highlighting of search terms
$bgcolor = [ '255, 255, 102', '160, 255, 255', '153, 255, 153',
'255, 153, 153', '255, 102, 255', '136, 0, 0', '0, 170, 0', '136, 104, 0',
'0, 70, 153', '153, 0, 153' ];
# Spelling out the fg colors instead of using processing time to create this list
$color = [ 'black', 'black', 'black', 'black', 'black',
'white', 'white', 'white', 'white', 'white' ];
$index = $terms[strtolower( $match[0] )] % count( $bgcolor );
return sprintf( $styleStart, $bgcolor[$index], $color[$index] ) . $match[0] . $styleEnd;
}, $text );