{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Ɓukasz Garczewski (TOR) " ] }, "rss-desc": "Displays RSS feeds on MediaWiki pages in a standard or in user-definable formats using template pages", "rss-tracking-category": "Pages using the RSS extension", "rss-tracking-category-desc": "The page has an RSS feed.", "rss-error": "Failed to load RSS feed from $1: $2", "rss-empty": "Failed to load RSS feed from $1!", "rss-fetch-nourl": "Fetch called without a URL!", "rss-invalid-url": "Not a valid URL: $1", "rss-parse-error": "Error parsing XML for RSS", "rss-ns-permission": "RSS is not allowed in this namespace.", "rss-url-is-not-allowed": "\"$1\" is not in the list of allowed feeds. {{PLURAL:$3|$2 is the only allowed feed|The allowed feeds are as follows: $2}}.", "rss-empty-allow-list": "\"$1\" is not in the list of allowed feeds. There are no allowed feed URLs in the list.", "rss-deprecated-wgrssallowedfeeds-found": "The deprecated variable $wgRSSAllowedFeeds has been detected. Since RSS version 2.0 this variable has to be replaced by $wgRSSUrlWhitelist as described in the manual page [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:MyLanguage/Extension:RSS Extension:RSS].", "rss-item": "{{$1 | title = {{{title}}} | link = {{{link}}} | date = {{{date}}} | author = {{{author}}} | description = {{{description}}} }}", "rss-feed": "; '''[{{{link}}} {{{title}}}]'''\n: {{{description}}}\n: {{{author}}} {{{date}}}" }