diff --git a/RSS.i18n.php b/RSS.i18n.php
index 0aba53d..4ff861e 100644
--- a/RSS.i18n.php
+++ b/RSS.i18n.php
@@ -39,7 +39,18 @@ $messages['en'] = array(
$messages['qqq'] = array(
'rss-desc' => '{{desc|name=RSS|url=http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:RSS}}',
'rss-tracking-category' => 'The name of a category for all pages which use the <rss> parser extension tag. The category is automatically added unless the feature is disabled.',
+ 'rss-error' => 'Used as error message. Parameters:
+* $1 - URL of RSS feed
+* $2 - result which the RSS parser returned',
+ 'rss-empty' => 'Used as error message. Parameters:
+* $1 - URL of RSS feed',
'rss-invalid-url' => '$1 is the invalid URL for the RSS feed',
+ 'rss-url-is-not-whitelisted' => 'Used as error message. Parameters:
+* $1 - URL of RSS feed
+* $2 - list of allowed servers in the whitelist
+* $3 - number of allowed servers in the whitelist',
+ 'rss-empty-whitelist' => 'Used as error message. Parameters:
+* $1 - URL of RSS feed',
'rss-deprecated-wgrssallowedfeeds-found' => '{{doc-important|Do not translate $wgRSSAllowedFeeds
and $wgRSSUrlWhitelist
'rss-item' => '{{notranslate}}',
'rss-feed' => "; $1