re r75046 - implement highlighting in a (hopefully) less ugly way

This commit is contained in:
Mark A. Hershberger 2010-11-02 17:56:35 +00:00
parent b327d5d893
commit 70cd9b0503

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@ -138,7 +138,8 @@ class RSS {
# Get highlight terms from argument array
if ( isset( $args['highlight'] ) ) {
$this->highlight = self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['highlight'] );
# mapping to lowercase here so the regex can be case insensitive below.
$this->highlight = array_flip( array_map( 'strtolower', self::explodeOnSpaces( $args['highlight'] ) ) );
# Get filter terms from argument array
@ -396,36 +397,31 @@ class RSS {
return false;
static function highlightThis( $term, $match ) {
$styleStart = "<span style='font-weight: bold; background: none repeat scroll 0%% 0%% rgb(%s); color: %s;'>";
$styleEnd = "</span>";
# bg colors cribbed from Google's highlighting of search teerms
$bgcolor = array( '255, 255, 102', '160, 255, 255', '153, 255, 153',
'255, 153, 153', '255, 102, 255', '136, 0, 0', '0, 170, 0', '136, 104, 0',
'0, 70, 153', '153, 0, 153' );
# Spelling out the fg colors instead of using processing time to create this list
$color = array("black", "black", "black", "black", "black",
"white", "white", "white", "white", "white" );
$index = $term[strtolower($match[0])] % count( $bgcolor );
return sprintf($styleStart, $bgcolor[$index], $color[$index]). $match[0] .$styleEnd;
function highlightTerms( $text ) {
$i = 0;
$starttag = 'v8x5u3t3u8h';
$endtag = 'q8n4f6n4n4x';
$color[] = 'coral';
$color[] = 'greenyellow';
$color[] = 'lightskyblue';
$color[] = 'gold';
$color[] = 'violet';
$count_color = count( $color );
foreach ( $this->highlight as $term ) {
if ( $term ) {
$text = preg_replace( "/\b(\w*?" . preg_quote( $term, '/' ) . "\w*?)\b/i", "$starttag" . "_" . $i . "\\1$endtag", $text );
if ( $i == $count_color ) {
$i = 0;
# To avoid trouble should someone wants to highlight the terms "span", "style", …
for ( $i = 0; $i < 5; $i++ ) {
$text = preg_replace( "/$starttag" . "_" . preg_quote( $i, '/' ) . "/",
"<span style=\"background-color:" . $color[$i] . "; font-weight: bold;\">", $text );
$text = preg_replace( "|$endtag|", '</span>', $text );
if ( count( $this->highlight ) === 0 ) {
return $text;
# SIGH ... anonymous functions are not available until 5.3
$f = create_function('$match', '$term = '.var_export($this->highlight, true).'; return RSS::highlightThis($term, $match);');
$highlight = '/'. implode( "|", array_map( 'preg_quote', array_keys( $this->highlight ) ) ) . '/i';
return preg_replace_callback( $highlight, $f, $text );