Jdlrobson eff7dc95e6 Revert "Add properties that will be logged with each EL request"
Breaks EventLogging as the old schema is not compatible with these
new properties. We will reapply the patch later when in a better state.
My bad for merging.

This reverts commit ca20031a0e.

Change-Id: Ia961e0f99339f9045af9d0a4653599a48518cc95
2016-05-18 18:47:16 +00:00

653 lines
18 KiB

( function ( $, mw ) {
'use strict';
* @class mw.popups.render.article
* @singleton
var article = {},
$window = $( window );
* Size constants for popup images
* @property SIZES
article.SIZES = {
portraitImage: {
h: 250, // Exact height
w: 203 // Max width
landscapeImage: {
h: 200, // Max height
w: 300 // Exact Width
landscapePopupWidth: 450, // Exact width of a landscape popup
portraitPopupWidth: 300, // Exact width of a portrait popup
pokeySize: 8 // Height of the triangle used to point at the link
* Survey link, if any, for this renderer
* @property surveyLink
article.surveyLink = mw.config.get( 'wgPopupsSurveyLink' );
* Send an API request and cache the jQuery element
* @param {jQuery} link
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
article.init = function ( link ) {
var href = link.attr( 'href' ),
title = mw.popups.getTitle( href ),
deferred = $.Deferred(),
scaledThumbSize = 300 * $.bracketedDevicePixelRatio();
if ( !title ) {
return deferred.reject().promise();
mw.popups.render.currentRequest = mw.popups.api.get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'info|extracts|pageimages|revisions',
formatversion: 2,
redirects: true,
exintro: true,
exsentences: 5,
// there is an added geometric limit on .mwe-popups-extract
// so that text does not overflow from the card
explaintext: true,
piprop: 'thumbnail',
pithumbsize: scaledThumbSize,
rvprop: 'timestamp',
titles: title,
smaxage: 300,
maxage: 300,
uselang: 'content'
}, {
headers: {
'X-Analytics': 'preview=1'
} ); deferred.reject );
mw.popups.render.currentRequest.done( function ( re ) {
mw.popups.render.currentRequest = undefined;
if (
!re.query ||
!re.query.pages ||
!re.query.pages[ 0 ].extract ||
re.query.pages[ 0 ].extract === ''
) {
// Restore the title attribute and set flag
if ( 'dont-empty-title' ) !== true ) {
.attr( 'title', 'title' ) )
.removeData( 'title' )
.data( 'dont-empty-title', true );
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ] = {};
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].popup = article.createPopup( re.query.pages[ 0 ], href );
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].getOffset = article.getOffset;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].getClasses = article.getClasses;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].process = article.processPopup;
} );
return deferred.promise();
* Returns a thumbnail object based on the ratio of the image
* Uses an SVG image where available to add the triangle/pokey
* mask on the image. Crops and resizes the SVG image so that
* is fits inside a rectangle of a particular size.
* @method createPopup
* @param {Object} page Information about the linked page
* @param {string} href
* @return {jQuery}
article.createPopup = function ( page, href ) {
var $div, hasThumbnail,
thumbnail = page.thumbnail,
tall = thumbnail && thumbnail.height > thumbnail.width,
$thumbnail = article.createThumbnail( thumbnail, tall ),
timestamp = new Date( page.revisions[ 0 ].timestamp ),
timediff = new Date() - timestamp,
oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24;
// createThumbnail returns an empty <span> if there is no thumbnail
hasThumbnail = $thumbnail.prop( 'tagName' ) !== 'SPAN';
$div = mw.template.get( 'ext.popups.desktop', 'popup.mustache' ).render( {
langcode: page.pagelanguagehtmlcode,
langdir: page.pagelanguagedir,
href: href,
isRecent: timediff < oneDay,
lastModified: mw.message( 'popups-last-edited', moment( timestamp ).fromNow() ).text(),
hasThumbnail: hasThumbnail
} );
// FIXME: Ideally these things should be added in template. These will be refactored in future patches.
if ( !hasThumbnail ) {
tall = thumbnail = undefined;
} else {
$div.find( '.mwe-popups-discreet' ).append( $thumbnail );
$div.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' )
.append( article.getProcessedElements( page.extract, page.title ) );
if ( article.surveyLink ) {
$div.find( 'footer' ).append( article.createSurveyLink( article.surveyLink ) );
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings = {
title: page.title,
tall: ( tall === undefined ) ? false : tall,
thumbnail: ( thumbnail === undefined ) ? false : thumbnail
return $div;
* Creates a link to a survey, possibly hosted on an external site.
* @param {string} url
* @return {jQuery}
article.createSurveyLink = function ( url ) {
if ( !/https?:\/\//.test( url ) ) {
throw new Error(
'The survey link URL, i.e. PopupsSurveyLink, must start with https or http.'
return $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', url )
.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
.attr( 'title', mw.message( 'popups-send-feedback' ) )
// Don't leak referrer information or `window.opener` to the survey hosting site. See
// for more
// information.
.attr( 'rel', 'noreferrer' )
.addClass( 'mwe-popups-icon mwe-popups-survey-icon' );
* Returns an array of elements to be appended after removing parentheses
* and making the title in the extract bold.
* @method getProcessedElements
* @param {string} extract Should be unescaped
* @param {string} title Should be unescaped
* @return {Array} of elements to appended
article.getProcessedElements = function ( extract, title ) {
var regExp, escapedTitle,
elements = [],
boldIdentifier = '<bi-' + Math.random() + '>',
snip = '<snip-' + Math.random() + '>';
title = article.removeParensFromText( title );
title = title.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ).trim(); // Remove extra white spaces
escapedTitle = mw.RegExp.escape( title ); // Escape RegExp elements
regExp = new RegExp( '(^|\\s)(' + escapedTitle + ')(|$)', 'i' );
// Remove text in parentheses along with the parentheses
extract = article.removeParensFromText( extract );
extract = extract.replace( /\s+/, ' ' ); // Remove extra white spaces
// Make title bold in the extract text
// As the extract is html escaped there can be no such string in it
// Also, the title is escaped of RegExp elements thus can't have "*"
extract = extract.replace( regExp, '$1' + snip + boldIdentifier + '$2' + snip + '$3' );
extract = extract.split( snip );
$.each( extract, function ( index, part ) {
if ( part.indexOf( boldIdentifier ) === 0 ) {
elements.push( $( '<b>' ).text( part.substring( boldIdentifier.length ) ) );
} else {
elements.push( document.createTextNode( part ) );
} );
return elements;
* Removes content in parentheses from a string. Returns the original
* string as is if the parentheses are unbalanced or out or order. Does not
* remove extra spaces.
* @method removeParensFromText
* @param {string} string
* @return {string}
article.removeParensFromText = function ( string ) {
newString = '',
level = 0,
i = 0;
for ( i; i < string.length; i++ ) {
ch = string.charAt( i );
if ( ch === ')' && level === 0 ) {
return string;
if ( ch === '(' ) {
} else if ( ch === ')' ) {
if ( level === 0 ) {
// Remove leading spaces before brackets
if ( ch === ' ' && string.charAt( i + 1 ) === '(' ) {
newString += ch;
return ( level === 0 ) ? newString : string;
* Use createElementNS to create the svg:image tag as jQuery
* uses createElement instead. Some browsers map the `image` tag
* to `img` tag, thus an `svg:image` is required.
* @method createSVGTag
* @param {string} tag
* @return {Object}
article.createSVGTag = function ( tag ) {
return document.createElementNS( '', tag );
* Returns a thumbnail object based on the ratio of the image
* Uses an SVG image where available to add the triangle/pokey
* mask on the image. Crops and resizes the SVG image so that
* is fits inside a rectangle of a particular size.
* @method createThumbnail
* @param {Object} thumbnail
* @param {boolean} tall
* @return {Object} jQuery DOM element of the thumbnail
article.createThumbnail = function ( thumbnail, tall ) {
var thumbWidth, thumbHeight,
svg = mw.popups.supportsSVG,
devicePixelRatio = $.bracketedDevicePixelRatio();
// No thumbnail
if ( !thumbnail ) {
return $( '<span>' );
thumbWidth = thumbnail.width / devicePixelRatio;
thumbHeight = thumbnail.height / devicePixelRatio;
if (
// Image too small for landscape display
( !tall && thumbWidth < article.SIZES.landscapeImage.w ) ||
// Image too small for portrait display
( tall && thumbHeight < article.SIZES.portraitImage.h ) ||
// These characters in URL that could inject CSS and thus JS
thumbnail.source.indexOf( '\\' ) > -1 ||
thumbnail.source.indexOf( '\'' ) > -1 ||
thumbnail.source.indexOf( '\"' ) > -1
) {
return $( '<span>' );
if ( tall && svg ) {
return article.createSvgImageThumbnail(
( thumbWidth > article.SIZES.portraitImage.w ) ?
( ( thumbWidth - article.SIZES.portraitImage.w ) / -2 ) :
( article.SIZES.portraitImage.w - thumbWidth ),
( thumbHeight > article.SIZES.portraitImage.h ) ?
( ( thumbHeight - article.SIZES.portraitImage.h ) / -2 ) :
if ( tall && !svg ) {
return article.createImgThumbnail( 'mwe-popups-is-tall', thumbnail.source );
if ( !tall && svg ) {
return article.createSvgImageThumbnail(
( thumbHeight > article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) ?
( ( thumbHeight - article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) / -2 ) :
article.SIZES.landscapeImage.w + 3,
( thumbHeight > article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) ?
article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h :
if ( !tall && !svg ) {
return article.createImgThumbnail( 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall', thumbnail.source );
* Returns the `svg:image` object for thumbnail
* @method createSvgImageThumbnail
* @param {string} className
* @param {string} url
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} thumbnailWidth
* @param {number} thumbnailHeight
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {string} clipPath
* @return {jQuery}
article.createSvgImageThumbnail = function (
className, url, x, y, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, width, height, clipPath
) {
var $thumbnailSVGImage, $thumbnail,
ns = '',
svgElement = article.createSVGTag( 'image' );
// certain browsers e.g. ie9 will not correctly set attributes from foreign namespaces (T134979)
svgElement.setAttributeNS( ns, 'xlink:href', url );
$thumbnailSVGImage = $( svgElement );
.addClass( className )
.attr( {
x: x,
y: y,
width: thumbnailWidth,
height: thumbnailHeight,
'clip-path': 'url(#' + clipPath + ')'
} );
$thumbnail = $( '<svg>' )
.attr( {
xmlns: ns,
width: width,
height: height
} )
.append( $thumbnailSVGImage );
return $thumbnail;
* Returns the `img` object for thumbnail
* @method createImgThumbnail
* @param {string} className
* @param {string} url
* @return {jQuery}
article.createImgThumbnail = function ( className, url ) {
return $( '<div>' )
.addClass( className )
.css( 'background-image', 'url("' + url.replace( /"/g, '\\"' ) + '")' );
* Positions the popup based on the mouse position and popup size
* Default popup positioning is below and to the right of the mouse or link,
* unless flippedX or flippedY is true. flippedX and flippedY are cached.
* @method getOffset
* @param {jQuery} link
* @param {Object} event
* @return {Object} This can be passed to `.css()` to position the element
article.getOffset = function ( link, event ) {
href = link.attr( 'href' ),
flippedX = false,
flippedY = false,
settings = mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings,
offsetTop = ( event.pageY ) ? // If it was a mouse event
// Position according to mouse
// Since client rectangles are relative to the viewport,
// take scroll position into account.
event.pageY - $window.scrollTop(),
link.get( 0 ).getClientRects(),
) + $window.scrollTop() + article.SIZES.pokeySize :
// Position according to link position or size
link.offset().top + link.height() + article.SIZES.pokeySize,
clientTop = ( event.clientY ) ?
event.clientY :
offsetLeft = ( event.pageX ) ?
event.pageX :
// X Flip
if ( offsetLeft > ( $( window ).width() / 2 ) ) {
offsetLeft += ( !event.pageX ) ? link.width() : 0;
offsetLeft -= ( !settings.tall ) ?
article.SIZES.portraitPopupWidth :
flippedX = true;
if ( event.pageX ) {
offsetLeft += ( flippedX ) ? 20 : -20;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings.flippedX = flippedX;
// Y Flip
if ( clientTop > ( $( window ).height() / 2 ) ) {
flippedY = true;
// Change the Y position to the top of the link
if ( event.pageY ) {
// Since client rectangles are relative to the viewport,
// take scroll position into account.
offsetTop = getClosestYPosition(
event.pageY - $window.scrollTop(),
link.get( 0 ).getClientRects(),
) + $window.scrollTop() + 2 * article.SIZES.pokeySize;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings.flippedY = flippedY;
return {
top: offsetTop + 'px',
left: offsetLeft + 'px'
* Returns an array of classes based on the size and setting of the popup
* @method getClassses
* @param {jQuery} link
* @return {Array} List of classes to applied to the parent `div`
article.getClasses = function ( link ) {
classes = [],
cache = mw.popups.render.cache [ link.attr( 'href' ) ],
tall = cache.settings.tall,
thumbnail = cache.settings.thumbnail,
flippedY = cache.settings.flippedY,
flippedX = cache.settings.flippedX;
if ( flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down' );
} else {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up' );
if ( flippedY && flippedX ) {
classes.push( 'flipped_x_y' );
if ( flippedY && !flippedX ) {
classes.push( 'flipped_y' );
if ( flippedX && !flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'flipped_x' );
if ( ( !thumbnail || tall ) && !flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-no-image-tri' );
if ( ( thumbnail && !tall ) && !flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-image-tri' );
if ( tall ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-is-tall' );
} else {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' );
return classes;
* Processed the popup div after it has been displayed
* to correctly render the triangle/pokeys
* @method processPopups
* @param {jQuery} link
article.processPopup = function ( link ) {
svg = mw.popups.supportsSVG,
cache = mw.popups.render.cache [ link.attr( 'href' ) ],
popup = mw.popups.$popup,
tall = cache.settings.tall,
thumbnail = cache.settings.thumbnail,
flippedY = cache.settings.flippedY,
flippedX = cache.settings.flippedX;
popup.find( '.mwe-popups-settings-icon' ).click( function () {;
} );
if ( !flippedY && !tall && cache.settings.thumbnail.height < article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) {
$( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).css(
cache.settings.thumbnail.height - article.SIZES.pokeySize
if ( flippedY ) {
popup.css( {
top: popup.offset().top - popup.outerHeight()
} );
if ( flippedY && thumbnail && svg ) {
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', '' );
if ( flippedY && flippedX && thumbnail && tall && svg ) {
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', 'url(#mwe-popups-landscape-mask-flip)' );
if ( flippedX && !flippedY && thumbnail && !tall && svg ) {
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', 'url(#mwe-popups-mask-flip)' );
if ( flippedX && !flippedY && thumbnail && tall && svg ) {
.removeClass( 'mwe-popups-no-image-tri' )
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', 'url(#mwe-popups-landscape-mask)' );
mw.popups.render.renderers.article = article;
* Given the rectangular box(es) find the 'y' boundary of the closest
* rectangle to the point 'y'. The point 'y' is the location of the mouse
* on the 'y' axis and the rectangular box(es) are the borders of the
* element over which the mouse is located. There will be more than one
* rectangle in case the element spans multiple lines.
* In the majority of cases the mouse pointer will be inside a rectangle.
* However, some browsers (i.e. Chrome) trigger a hover action even when
* the mouse pointer is just outside a bounding rectangle. That's why
* we need to look at all rectangles and not just the rectangle that
* encloses the point.
* @param {number} y the point for which the closest location is being
* looked for
* @param {ClientRectList} rects list of rectangles defined by four edges
* @param {boolean} [isTop] should the resulting rectangle's top 'y'
* boundary be returned. By default the bottom 'y' value is returned.
* @return {number}
function getClosestYPosition( y, rects, isTop ) {
var result,
minY = null;
$.each( rects, function ( i, rect ) {
deltaY = Math.abs( y - + y - rect.bottom );
if ( minY === null || minY > deltaY ) {
minY = deltaY;
// Make sure the resulting point is at or outside the rectangle
// boundaries.
result = ( isTop ) ? Math.floor( ) : Math.ceil( rect.bottom );
} );
return result;
* Expose for tests
mw.popups.render.getClosestYPosition = getClosestYPosition;
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );