Thiemo Kreuz 1cf4e5902b Enable Squiz.Strings.DoubleQuoteUsage PHPCS sniff
The majority of this was fixed just recently via I8de42df. The sniff
makes sure all old and new code conforms to this style.

Change-Id: I8aecf3653d021fc8f86abcdc5939529864f86a48
2019-03-01 11:28:20 +01:00

356 lines
11 KiB

* This file is part of the MediaWiki extension Popups.
* Popups is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Popups is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Popups. If not, see <>.
* @file
* @ingroup extensions
use Popups\PopupsContext;
use Popups\PopupsHooks;
* Integration tests for popups hooks
* @group Popups
* @coversDefaultClass \Popups\PopupsHooks
class PopupsHooksTest extends MediaWikiTestCase {
protected function tearDown() {
* @covers ::onGetPreferences
public function testOnGetPreferencesPreviewsDisabled() {
$contextMock = $this->getMockBuilder( PopupsContext::class )
->setMethods( [ 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage' ] )
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$this->setService( 'Popups.Context', $contextMock );
$prefs = [ 'someNotEmptyValue' => 'notEmpty' ];
PopupsHooks::onGetPreferences( $this->getTestUser()->getUser(), $prefs );
$this->assertCount( 1, $prefs, 'No preferences are retrieved.' );
$this->assertEquals( 'notEmpty',
$prefs[ 'someNotEmptyValue'],
'No preferences are changed.' );
* @covers ::onGetPreferences
public function testOnGetPreferencesNavPopupGadgetIsOn() {
$userMock = $this->getTestUser()->getUser();
$contextMock = $this->getMockBuilder( PopupsContext::class )
->setMethods( [ 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage', 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' ] )
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage' )
->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' )
->with( $userMock )
->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
$this->setService( 'Popups.Context', $contextMock );
$prefs = [];
PopupsHooks::onGetPreferences( $this->getTestUser()->getUser(), $prefs );
$this->assertArrayHasKey( PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME,
'The opt-in preference is retrieved.' );
$this->assertArrayHasKey( 'disabled',
'The opt-in preference has a status.' );
$this->assertEquals( true,
$prefs[ PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME]['disabled'],
'The opt-in preference\'s status is disabled.' );
$this->assertNotEmpty( $prefs[ PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME]['help-message'],
'The opt-in preference has a help message.' );
* @covers ::onGetPreferences
public function testOnGetPreferencesPreviewsEnabled() {
$contextMock = $this->getMockBuilder( PopupsContext::class )
->setMethods( [ 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage', 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' ] )
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage' )
->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$this->setService( 'Popups.Context', $contextMock );
$prefs = [
'skin' => 'skin stuff',
'someNotEmptyValue' => 'notEmpty',
'other' => 'notEmpty'
PopupsHooks::onGetPreferences( $this->getTestUser()->getUser(), $prefs );
$this->assertCount( 4, $prefs, 'A preference is retrieved.' );
$this->assertEquals( 'notEmpty',
$prefs[ 'someNotEmptyValue'],
'Unretrieved preferences are unchanged.' );
$this->assertArrayHasKey( PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME,
'The opt-in preference is retrieved.' );
$this->assertEquals( 1,
array_search( \Popups\PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME,
array_keys( $prefs ) ),
'The opt-in preference is injected after Skin select.' );
* @covers ::onGetPreferences
public function testOnGetPreferencesPreviewsEnabledWhenSkinIsNotAvailable() {
$contextMock = $this->getMockBuilder( PopupsContext::class )
->setMethods( [ 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage', 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' ] )
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage' )
->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$this->setService( 'Popups.Context', $contextMock );
$prefs = [
'someNotEmptyValue' => 'notEmpty',
'other' => 'notEmpty'
PopupsHooks::onGetPreferences( $this->getTestUser()->getUser(), $prefs );
$this->assertCount( 3, $prefs, 'A preference is retrieved.' );
$this->assertArrayHasKey( PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME,
'The opt-in preference is retrieved.' );
$this->assertEquals( 2,
array_search( PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME,
array_keys( $prefs ) ),
'The opt-in preference is appended.' );
* @covers ::onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars
public function testOnResourceLoaderGetConfigVars() {
$vars = [ 'something' => 'notEmpty' ];
$config = [
'wgPopupsEventLogging' => false,
'wgPopupsRestGatewayEndpoint' => '/api',
'wgPopupsVirtualPageViews' => true,
'wgPopupsGateway' => 'mwApiPlain',
'wgPopupsStatsvSamplingRate' => 0
$this->setMwGlobals( $config );
PopupsHooks::onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars( $vars, '' );
$this->assertCount( 6, $vars, 'A configuration is retrieved.' );
foreach ( $config as $key => $value ) {
$vars[ $key ],
"It forwards the \"{$key}\" config variable to the client."
* @covers ::onBeforePageDisplay
public function testOnBeforePageDisplayWhenDependenciesAreNotMet() {
$skinMock = $this->getMock( Skin::class );
$outPageMock = $this->getMock( OutputPage::class, [ 'addModules' ], [], '', false );
$outPageMock->expects( $this->never() )
->method( 'addModules' );
$loggerMock = $this->getMock( \Psr\Log\LoggerInterface::class );
$loggerMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'error' );
$contextMock = $this->getMockBuilder( PopupsContext::class )
->setMethods( [ 'areDependenciesMet', 'getLogger', 'isTitleBlacklisted' ] )
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'areDependenciesMet' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'isTitleBlacklisted' )
->will( $this->returnValue( false ) );
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getLogger' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $loggerMock ) );
$this->setService( 'Popups.Context', $contextMock );
PopupsHooks::onBeforePageDisplay( $outPageMock, $skinMock );
public function providerOnBeforePageDisplay() {
return [
[ false, false, false ],
[ true, true, false ],
// Code not sent if title blacklisted
[ true, false, true ],
// Code not sent if title blacklisted
[ false, false, true ]
* @covers ::onBeforePageDisplay
* @dataProvider providerOnBeforePageDisplay
public function testOnBeforePageDisplay( $shouldSendModuleToUser,
$isCodeLoaded, $isTitleBlacklisted ) {
$skinMock = $this->getMock( Skin::class );
$outPageMock = $this->getMock(
[ 'addModules' ],
$outPageMock->expects( $isCodeLoaded ? $this->once() : $this->never() )
->method( 'addModules' )
->with( [ 'ext.popups' ] );
$contextMock = $this->getMockBuilder( PopupsContext::class )
->setMethods( [ 'areDependenciesMet',
'shouldSendModuleToUser', 'isTitleBlacklisted' ] )
if ( !$isTitleBlacklisted ) {
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'areDependenciesMet' )
->will( $this->returnValue( true ) );
$contextMock->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'shouldSendModuleToUser' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $shouldSendModuleToUser ) );
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'isTitleBlacklisted' )
->will( $this->returnValue( $isTitleBlacklisted ) );
$this->setService( 'Popups.Context', $contextMock );
PopupsHooks::onBeforePageDisplay( $outPageMock, $skinMock );
* @covers ::onMakeGlobalVariablesScript
public function testOnMakeGlobalVariablesScript() {
$user = User::newFromId( 0 );
$outputPage = $this->getMockBuilder( OutputPage::class )
$outputPage->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getUser' )
->willReturn( $user );
$contextMock = $this->getMockBuilder( PopupsContext::class )
->setMethods( [ 'shouldSendModuleToUser', 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' ] )
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'shouldSendModuleToUser' )
->with( $user )
->willReturn( false );
$contextMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget' )
->with( $user )
->willReturn( false );
$this->setService( 'Popups.Context', $contextMock );
$vars = [];
PopupsHooks::onMakeGlobalVariablesScript( $vars, $outputPage );
$this->assertCount( 3, $vars, 'Three globals are are made.' );
$this->assertFalse( $vars[ 'wgPopupsShouldSendModuleToUser' ],
'The PopupsShouldSendModuleToUser global is present and false.' );
$this->assertFalse( $vars[ 'wgPopupsConflictsWithNavPopupGadget' ],
'The PopupsConflictsWithNavPopupGadget global is present and false.' );
* @covers ::onUserGetDefaultOptions
public function testOnUserGetDefaultOptions() {
$userOptions = [
'test' => 'not_empty'
$this->setMwGlobals( [
'wgPopupsOptInDefaultState' => '1'
] );
PopupsHooks::onUserGetDefaultOptions( $userOptions );
$this->assertCount( 2, $userOptions );
$this->assertEquals( '1',
$userOptions[ \Popups\PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME ] );
* @covers ::onUserGetDefaultOptions
public function testOnLocalUserCreatedForNewlyCreatedUser() {
$expectedState = '1';
$userMock = $this->getMockBuilder( User::class )
->setMethods( [ 'setOption' ] )
$userMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'setOption' )
$this->equalTo( PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME ),
$this->equalTo( $expectedState )
$this->setMwGlobals( [
'wgPopupsOptInStateForNewAccounts' => $expectedState
] );
PopupsHooks::onLocalUserCreated( $userMock, false );