Brion Vibber d90c492275 Hi-DPI/Retina support for hovercard images
Requires core changeset Ic9cb1654 for $.bracketedDevicePixelRatio()

Bug: T97935
Change-Id: I452b87a90769463328840c6c7e46b583e6148439
2015-09-09 15:40:33 +02:00

570 lines
15 KiB

( function ( $, mw ) {
'use strict';
* @class mw.popups.render.article
* @singleton
var article = {};
* Size constants for popup images
* @property SIZES
article.SIZES = {
portraitImage: {
h: 250, // Exact height
w: 203 // Max width
landscapeImage: {
h: 200, // Max height
w: 300 // Exact Width
landscapePopupWidth: 450, // Exact width of a landscape popup
portraitPopupWidth: 300, // Exact width of a portrait popup
pokeySize: 8 // Height of the triangle used to point at the link
* Survey link, if any, for this renderer
* @property surveyLink
article.surveyLink = mw.config.get( 'wgPopupsSurveyLink' );
* Send an API request and cache the jQuery element
* @param {jQuery} link
* @return {jQuery.Promise}
article.init = function ( link ) {
var href = link.attr( 'href' ),
title = mw.popups.getTitle( href ),
deferred = $.Deferred(),
scaledThumbSize = 300 * $.bracketedDevicePixelRatio();
if ( !title ) {
return deferred.reject().promise();
mw.popups.render.currentRequest = mw.popups.api.get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'extracts|pageimages|revisions',
formatversion: 2,
redirects: true,
exintro: true,
exsentences: 5,
// there is an added geometric limit on .mwe-popups-extract
// so that text does not overflow from the card
explaintext: true,
piprop: 'thumbnail',
pithumbsize: scaledThumbSize,
rvprop: 'timestamp',
titles: title,
smaxage: 300,
maxage: 300,
uselang: 'content'
} ); deferred.reject );
mw.popups.render.currentRequest.done( function ( re ) {
mw.popups.render.currentRequest = undefined;
if (
!re.query ||
!re.query.pages ||
!re.query.pages[ 0 ].extract ||
re.query.pages[ 0 ].extract === ''
) {
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ] = {};
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].popup = article.createPopup( re.query.pages[ 0 ], href );
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].getOffset = article.getOffset;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].getClasses = article.getClasses;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].process = article.processPopup;
} );
return deferred.promise();
* Returns a thumbnail object based on the ratio of the image
* Uses an SVG image where available to add the triangle/pokey
* mask on the image. Crops and resizes the SVG image so that
* is fits inside a rectangle of a particular size.
* @method createPopup
* @param {Object} page Information about the linked page
* @param {string} href
* @return {jQuery}
article.createPopup = function ( page, href ) {
var $div,
$contentbox = $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', href )
.addClass( 'mwe-popups-extract' )
article.getProcessedElements( page.extract, page.title )
thumbnail = page.thumbnail,
tall = thumbnail && thumbnail.height > thumbnail.width,
$thumbnail = article.createThumbnail( thumbnail, tall ),
timestamp = new Date( page.revisions[ 0 ].timestamp ),
timediff = new Date() - timestamp,
oneDay = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24,
timestampclass = ( timediff < oneDay ) ?
'mwe-popups-timestamp-recent' :
$settingsImage = $( '<a>' ).addClass( 'mwe-popups-icon mwe-popups-settings-icon' ),
$timestamp = $( '<div>' )
.addClass( timestampclass )
$( '<span>' ).text( mw.message( 'popups-last-edited',
moment( timestamp ).fromNow() ).text() ),
if ( article.surveyLink ) {
$surveyImage = $( '<a>' )
.attr( 'href', article.surveyLink )
.attr( 'target', '_blank' )
.attr( 'title', mw.message( 'popups-send-feedback' ) )
.addClass( 'mwe-popups-icon mwe-popups-survey-icon' );
$timestamp.append( $surveyImage );
if ( $thumbnail.prop( 'tagName' ) !== 'SPAN' ) {
$thumbnail = $( '<a>' )
.addClass( 'mwe-popups-discreet' )
.attr( 'href', href )
.append( $thumbnail );
} else {
tall = thumbnail = undefined;
$div = $( '<div>' ).append( $thumbnail, $contentbox, $timestamp );
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings = {
title: page.title,
tall: ( tall === undefined ) ? false : tall,
thumbnail: ( thumbnail === undefined ) ? false : thumbnail
return $div;
* Returns an array of elements to be appended after removing parentheses
* and making the title in the extract bold.
* @method getProcessedElements
* @param {string} extract Should be unescaped
* @param {string} title Should be unescaped
* @return {Array} of elements to appended
article.getProcessedElements = function ( extract, title ) {
var elements = [],
escapedTitle = title.replace( /([.?*+^$[\]\\(){}|-])/g, '\\$1' ), // Escape RegExp elements
regExp = new RegExp( '(^|\\s)(' + escapedTitle + ')(|$)', 'ig' ),
boldIdentifier = '<bi-' + Math.random() + '>',
snip = '<snip-' + Math.random() + '>';
// Remove text in parentheses along with the parentheses
extract = article.removeParensFromText( extract );
extract = extract.replace( /\s+/g, ' ' ); // Remove extra white spaces
// Make title bold in the extract text
// As the extract is html escaped there can be no such string in it
// Also, the title is escaped of RegExp elements thus can't have "*"
extract = extract.replace( regExp, '$1' + snip + boldIdentifier + '$2' + snip + '$3' );
extract = extract.split( snip );
$.each( extract, function ( index, part ) {
if ( part.indexOf( boldIdentifier ) === 0 ) {
elements.push( $( '<b>' ).text( part.substring( boldIdentifier.length ) ) );
} else {
elements.push( document.createTextNode( part ) );
} );
return elements;
* Removes content in parentheses from a string. Returns the original
* string as is if the parentheses are unbalanced or out or order. Does not
* remove extra spaces.
* @method removeParensFromText
* @param {string} string
* @return {string}
article.removeParensFromText = function ( string ) {
newString = '',
level = 0,
i = 0;
for ( i; i < string.length; i++ ) {
ch = string.charAt( i );
if ( ch === ')' && level === 0 ) {
return string;
if ( ch === '(' ) {
} else if ( ch === ')' ) {
if ( level === 0 ) {
// Remove leading spaces before brackets
if ( ch === ' ' && string.charAt( i + 1 ) === '(' ) {
newString += ch;
return ( level === 0 ) ? newString : string;
* Use createElementNS to create the svg:image tag as jQuery
* uses createElement instead. Some browsers map the `image` tag
* to `img` tag, thus an `svg:image` is required.
* @method createSVGTag
* @param {string} tag
* @return {Object}
article.createSVGTag = function ( tag ) {
return document.createElementNS( '', tag );
* Returns a thumbnail object based on the ratio of the image
* Uses an SVG image where available to add the triangle/pokey
* mask on the image. Crops and resizes the SVG image so that
* is fits inside a rectangle of a particular size.
* @method createThumbnail
* @param {Object} thumbnail
* @param {boolean} tall
* @return {Object} jQuery DOM element of the thumbnail
article.createThumbnail = function ( thumbnail, tall ) {
var thumbWidth, thumbHeight,
svg = mw.popups.supportsSVG,
devicePixelRatio = $.bracketedDevicePixelRatio();
// No thumbnail
if ( !thumbnail ) {
return $( '<span>' );
thumbWidth = thumbnail.width / devicePixelRatio;
thumbHeight = thumbnail.height / devicePixelRatio;
if (
// Image too small for landscape display
( !tall && thumbWidth < article.SIZES.landscapeImage.w ) ||
// Image too small for portrait display
( tall && thumbHeight < article.SIZES.portraitImage.h ) ||
// These characters in URL that could inject CSS and thus JS
thumbnail.source.indexOf( '\\' ) > -1 ||
thumbnail.source.indexOf( '\'' ) > -1 ||
thumbnail.source.indexOf( '\"' ) > -1
) {
return $( '<span>' );
if ( tall && svg ) {
return article.createSvgImageThumbnail(
( thumbWidth > article.SIZES.portraitImage.w ) ?
( ( thumbWidth - article.SIZES.portraitImage.w ) / -2 ) :
( article.SIZES.portraitImage.w - thumbWidth ),
( thumbHeight > article.SIZES.portraitImage.h ) ?
( ( thumbHeight - article.SIZES.portraitImage.h ) / -2 ) :
if ( tall && !svg ) {
return article.createImgThumbnail( 'mwe-popups-is-tall', thumbnail.source );
if ( !tall && svg ) {
return article.createSvgImageThumbnail(
( thumbHeight > article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) ?
( ( thumbHeight - article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) / -2 ) :
article.SIZES.landscapeImage.w + 3,
( thumbHeight > article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) ?
article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h :
if ( !tall && !svg ) {
return article.createImgThumbnail( 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall', thumbnail.source );
* Returns the `svg:image` object for thumbnail
* @method createSvgImageThumbnail
* @param {string} className
* @param {string} url
* @param {number} x
* @param {number} y
* @param {number} thumbnailWidth
* @param {number} thumbnailHeight
* @param {number} width
* @param {number} height
* @param {string} clipPath
* @return {jQuery}
article.createSvgImageThumbnail = function (
className, url, x, y, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight, width, height, clipPath
) {
var $thumbnailSVGImage, $thumbnail;
$thumbnailSVGImage = $( article.createSVGTag( 'image' ) );
.addClass( className )
.attr( {
'xlink:href': url,
x: x,
y: y,
width: thumbnailWidth,
height: thumbnailHeight,
'clip-path': 'url(#' + clipPath + ')'
} );
$thumbnail = $( '<svg>' )
.attr( {
xmlns: '',
width: width,
height: height
} )
.append( $thumbnailSVGImage );
return $thumbnail;
* Returns the `img` object for thumbnail
* @method createImgThumbnail
* @param {string} className
* @param {string} url
* @return {jQuery}
article.createImgThumbnail = function ( className, url ) {
return $( '<div>' )
.addClass( className )
.css( 'background-image', 'url(' + url + ')' );
* Positions the popup based on the mouse position and popup size
* Default popup positioning is below and to the right of the mouse or link,
* unless flippedX or flippedY is true. flippedX and flippedY are cached.
* @method getOffset
* @param {jQuery} link
* @param {Object} event
* @return {Object} This can be passed to `.css()` to position the element
article.getOffset = function ( link, event ) {
href = link.attr( 'href' ),
flippedX = false,
flippedY = false,
settings = mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings,
offsetTop = ( event.pageY ) ? // If it was a mouse event
// Position according to mouse
event.pageY + 20 :
// Position according to link position or size
link.offset().top + link.height() + 9,
clientTop = ( event.clientY ) ?
event.clientY :
offsetLeft = ( event.pageX ) ?
event.pageX :
// X Flip
if ( offsetLeft > ( $( window ).width() / 2 ) ) {
offsetLeft += ( !event.pageX ) ? link.width() : 0;
offsetLeft -= ( !settings.tall ) ?
article.SIZES.portraitPopupWidth :
flippedX = true;
if ( event.pageX ) {
offsetLeft += ( flippedX ) ? 20 : -20;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings.flippedX = flippedX;
// Y Flip
if ( clientTop > ( $( window ).height() / 2 ) ) {
flippedY = true;
if ( event.pageY && flippedY ) {
offsetTop += 30;
mw.popups.render.cache[ href ].settings.flippedY = flippedY;
return {
top: offsetTop + 'px',
left: offsetLeft + 'px'
* Returns an array of classes based on the size and setting of the popup
* @method getClassses
* @param {jQuery} link
* @return {Array} List of classes to applied to the parent `div`
article.getClasses = function ( link ) {
classes = [],
cache = mw.popups.render.cache [ link.attr( 'href' ) ],
tall = cache.settings.tall,
thumbnail = cache.settings.thumbnail,
flippedY = cache.settings.flippedY,
flippedX = cache.settings.flippedX;
if ( flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down' );
} else {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up' );
if ( flippedY && flippedX ) {
classes.push( 'flipped_x_y' );
if ( flippedY && !flippedX ) {
classes.push( 'flipped_y' );
if ( flippedX && !flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'flipped_x' );
if ( ( !thumbnail || tall ) && !flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-no-image-tri' );
if ( ( thumbnail && !tall ) && !flippedY ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-image-tri' );
if ( tall ) {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-is-tall' );
} else {
classes.push( 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' );
return classes;
* Processed the popup div after it has been displayed
* to correctly render the triangle/pokeys
* @method processPopups
* @param {jQuery} link
article.processPopup = function ( link ) {
svg = mw.popups.supportsSVG,
cache = mw.popups.render.cache [ link.attr( 'href' ) ],
popup = mw.popups.$popup,
tall = cache.settings.tall,
thumbnail = cache.settings.thumbnail,
flippedY = cache.settings.flippedY,
flippedX = cache.settings.flippedX;
popup.find( '.mwe-popups-settings-icon' ).click( function () {;
} );
if ( !flippedY && !tall && cache.settings.thumbnail.height < article.SIZES.landscapeImage.h ) {
$( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).css(
cache.settings.thumbnail.height - article.SIZES.pokeySize
if ( !svg && flippedY && !tall ) {
$( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).css( 'margin-top', '206px' );
if ( flippedY ) {
popup.css( {
top: popup.offset().top - ( popup.outerHeight() + 50 )
} );
if ( flippedY && thumbnail && svg ) {
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', '' );
if ( flippedY && flippedX && thumbnail && tall && svg ) {
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', 'url(#mwe-popups-landscape-mask-flip)' );
if ( flippedX && !flippedY && thumbnail && !tall && svg ) {
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', 'url(#mwe-popups-mask-flip)' );
if ( flippedX && !flippedY && thumbnail && tall && svg ) {
.removeClass( 'mwe-popups-no-image-tri' )
.find( 'image' )[ 0 ]
.setAttribute( 'clip-path', 'url(#mwe-popups-landscape-mask)' );
mw.popups.render.article = article;
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );