Baha ccca8b7a90 QA: Test renderer#createThumbnailElement
Bug: T133022
Change-Id: I7909c208e3d69b2ee510dcd8bfbcafc0118397ca
2017-05-03 16:25:28 +00:00

384 lines
7.2 KiB

var $ = jQuery,
renderer = require( '../../src/renderer' );
QUnit.module( 'ext.popups#renderer', {
beforeEach: function () {
window.mediaWiki.RegExp = {
escape: this.sandbox.spy( function( str ) {
return str.replace( /([\\{}()|.?*+\-\^$\[\]])/g, '\\$1' );
} )
afterEach: function () {
window.mediaWiki.RegExp = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'createPokeyMasks', function ( assert ) {
var $container = $( '<div>' ),
cases = [
[ 'clippath#mwe-popups-mask polygon', '0 8, 10 8, 18 0, 26 8, 1000 8, 1000 1000, 0 1000' ],
[ 'clippath#mwe-popups-mask-flip polygon', '0 8, 274 8, 282 0, 290 8, 1000 8, 1000 1000, 0 1000' ],
[ 'clippath#mwe-popups-landscape-mask polygon', '0 8, 174 8, 182 0, 190 8, 1000 8, 1000 1000, 0 1000' ],
[ 'clippath#mwe-popups-landscape-mask-flip polygon', '0 0, 1000 0, 1000 242, 190 242, 182 250, 174 242, 0 242' ]
renderer.createPokeyMasks( $container.get( 0 ) );
cases.forEach( function ( case_ ) {
$container.find( case_[ 0 ] ).attr( 'points' ),
case_[ 1 ]
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'createThumbnailElement', function ( assert ) {
var className = 'thumb-class',
url = 'https://thumbnail.url',
x = 25,
y = 50,
thumbnailWidth = 200,
thumbnailHeight = 250,
width = 500,
height = 300,
clipPath = 'mwe-popups-mask',
$thumbnail = renderer.createThumbnailElement(
className, url, x, y, thumbnailWidth, thumbnailHeight,
width, height, clipPath );
'<image href="https://thumbnail.url" class="thumb-class" x="25" y="50" width="200" height="250" clip-path="url(#mwe-popups-mask)"></image>',
'Thumbnail HTML is correct.'
$thumbnail.attr( 'xmlns' ),
'SVG namespace is correct.'
assert.equal( $thumbnail.attr( 'height' ), height, 'SVG height is correct.' );
assert.equal( $thumbnail.attr( 'width' ), width, 'SVG width is correct.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'getProcessedElements', function ( assert ) {
var cases = [
'Isaac Newton was born in', 'Isaac Newton',
'<b>Isaac Newton</b> was born in',
'Title as first word'
'The C* language not to be confused with C# or C', 'C*',
'The <b>C*</b> language not to be confused with C# or C',
'Title containing *'
'I like trains', 'Train',
'I like <b>train</b>s',
'Make the simple plural bold'
'Foo\'s pub is a pub in Bar', 'Foo\'s pub',
'<b>Foo\'s pub</b> is a pub in Bar',
'Correct escaping'
'\"Heroes\" is a David Bowie album', '\"Heroes\"',
'<b>\"Heroes\"</b> is a David Bowie album',
'Quotes in title'
'*Testing if Things are correctly identified', 'Things',
'*Testing if <b>Things</b> are correctly identified',
'Article that begins with asterisk'
'Testing if repeated words are not matched when repeated', 'Repeated',
'Testing if <b>repeated</b> words are not matched when repeated',
'Repeated title'
function test( extract, title, expected, msg ) {
var $div = $( '<div>' ).append(
renderer.renderExtract( extract, title )
assert.equal( $div.html(), expected, msg );
cases.forEach( function ( case_ ) {
test( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ], case_[ 2 ], case_[ 3 ] );
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getClasses when no thumbnail is available', function ( assert ) {
var cases = [
// [ previewOptions, layoutOptions, expected, message ]
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: false
'No flip.'
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: true
'Y flipped.'
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false
'X flipped.'
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true
'X and Y flipped.'
cases.forEach( function ( case_ ) {
renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ),
case_[ 2 ],
case_[ 3 ]
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getClasses when a non-tall thumbnail is available', function ( assert ) {
var cases = [
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: false
'No flip.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: true
'Y flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false
'X flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true
'X and Y flipped.'
cases.forEach( function ( case_ ) {
renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ),
case_[ 2 ],
case_[ 3 ]
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getClasses when a tall thumbnail is available', function ( assert ) {
var cases = [
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: false,
flippedY: false
'No flip.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: false,
flippedY: true
'Y flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false
'X flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true
'X and Y flipped.'
cases.forEach( function ( case_ ) {
renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ),
case_[ 2 ],
case_[ 3 ]
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'getClosestYPosition', function ( assert ) {
assert.equal( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
] ), 119, 'Correct lower Y.' );
assert.equal( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 99, 'Correct upper Y.' );
assert.equal( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 135, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 120, 'Correct upper Y 2.' );
} );