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/** This file is part of the MediaWiki extension Popups.
* Popups is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Popups is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Popups. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* @file
* @ingroup extensions
use PHPUnit\Framework\MockObject\MockObject;
use Popups\PopupsGadgetsIntegration;
* @group Popups
* @coversDefaultClass \Popups\PopupsGadgetsIntegration
class PopupsGadgetsIntegrationTest extends MediaWikiUnitTestCase {
* Gadget name for testing
private const NAV_POPUPS_GADGET_NAME = 'navigation-test';
* Helper constants for easier reading
private const GADGET_ENABLED = true;
* Helper constants for easier reading
private const GADGET_DISABLED = false;
* Checks if Gadgets extension is available
private function checkRequiredDependencies() {
if ( !ExtensionRegistry::getInstance()->isLoaded( 'Gadgets' ) ) {
$this->markTestSkipped( 'Skipped as Gadgets extension is not available' );
* @param bool $gadgetsEnabled
* @return MockObject|ExtensionRegistry
private function getExtensionRegistryMock( $gadgetsEnabled ) {
$mock = $this->createMock( ExtensionRegistry::class );
$mock->expects( $this->any() )
->method( 'isLoaded' )
->with( 'Gadgets' )
->willReturn( $gadgetsEnabled );
return $mock;
* @return MockObject|Config
private function getConfigMock() {
$mock = $this->createMock( Config::class );
$mock->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
->method( 'get' )
[ PopupsGadgetsIntegration::CONFIG_NAVIGATION_POPUPS_NAME ],
[ PopupsGadgetsIntegration::CONFIG_REFERENCE_TOOLTIPS_NAME ]
->willReturn( self::NAV_POPUPS_GADGET_NAME );
return $mock;
* @covers ::conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget
* @covers ::isGadgetExtensionEnabled
* @covers ::__construct
* @covers ::sanitizeGadgetName
public function testConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetIfGadgetsExtensionIsNotLoaded() {
$user = $this->createMock( User::class );
$integration = new PopupsGadgetsIntegration( $this->getConfigMock(),
$this->getExtensionRegistryMock( false ) );
$integration->conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget( $user ),
'No conflict is identified.' );
* @covers ::conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget
public function testConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetIfGadgetNotExists() {
$user = $this->createMock( User::class );
$gadgetRepoMock = $this->createMock( GadgetRepo::class );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadgetIds' )
->willReturn( [] );
$this->executeConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetSafeCheck( $user, $this->getConfigMock(),
$gadgetRepoMock, self::GADGET_DISABLED );
* @covers ::conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget
public function testConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetIfGadgetExists() {
$user = $this->createMock( User::class );
$gadgetMock = $this->createMock( Gadget::class );
$gadgetMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'isEnabled' )
->with( $user )
->willReturn( self::GADGET_ENABLED );
$gadgetRepoMock = $this->createMock( GadgetRepo::class );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadgetIds' )
->willReturn( [ self::NAV_POPUPS_GADGET_NAME ] );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadget' )
->with( self::NAV_POPUPS_GADGET_NAME )
->willReturn( $gadgetMock );
$this->executeConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetSafeCheck( $user, $this->getConfigMock(),
$gadgetRepoMock, self::GADGET_ENABLED );
* Test the edge case when GadgetsRepo::getGadget throws an exception
* @covers ::conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget
public function testConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetWhenGadgetNotExists() {
$user = $this->createMock( User::class );
$gadgetRepoMock = $this->createMock( GadgetRepo::class );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadgetIds' )
->willReturn( [ self::NAV_POPUPS_GADGET_NAME ] );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadget' )
->with( self::NAV_POPUPS_GADGET_NAME )
->willThrowException( new InvalidArgumentException() );
$this->executeConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetSafeCheck( $user, $this->getConfigMock(),
$gadgetRepoMock, self::GADGET_DISABLED );
* @covers ::sanitizeGadgetName
* @dataProvider provideGadgetNamesWithSanitizedVersion
public function testConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetNameSanitization( $name, $sanitized ) {
$user = $this->createMock( User::class );
$configMock = $this->createMock( Config::class );
$configMock->expects( $this->atLeastOnce() )
->method( 'get' )
[ PopupsGadgetsIntegration::CONFIG_NAVIGATION_POPUPS_NAME ],
[ PopupsGadgetsIntegration::CONFIG_REFERENCE_TOOLTIPS_NAME ]
->willReturn( $name );
$gadgetMock = $this->createMock( Gadget::class );
$gadgetMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'isEnabled' )
->willReturn( self::GADGET_ENABLED );
$gadgetRepoMock = $this->createMock( GadgetRepo::class );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadgetIds' )
->willReturn( [ $sanitized ] );
$gadgetRepoMock->expects( $this->once() )
->method( 'getGadget' )
->with( $sanitized )
->willReturn( $gadgetMock );
$this->executeConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetSafeCheck( $user, $configMock, $gadgetRepoMock,
public function provideGadgetNamesWithSanitizedVersion() {
return [
[ ' Popups ', 'Popups' ],
[ 'Navigation_popups-API', 'Navigation_popups-API' ],
[ 'Navigation popups ', 'Navigation_popups' ]
* Execute test and restore GadgetRepo
* @param User $user
* @param Config $config
* @param GadgetRepo $repoMock
* @param bool $expected
private function executeConflictsWithNavPopupsGadgetSafeCheck(
User $user,
Config $config,
GadgetRepo $repoMock,
) {
$origGadgetsRepo = GadgetRepo::singleton();
GadgetRepo::setSingleton( $repoMock );
$integration = new PopupsGadgetsIntegration( $config,
$this->getExtensionRegistryMock( true ) );
$this->assertSame( $expected,
$integration->conflictsWithNavPopupsGadget( $user ),
( $expected ? 'A' : 'No' ) . ' conflict is identified.' );
GadgetRepo::setSingleton( $origGadgetsRepo );