WMDE-Fisch 1879a4d59e Show referencePreviews on click
Introducing the REFERENCE_CLICK action that will fetch and show the
preview for the clicked reference right away without any delay.

The main goal of the new chain of events introduced with the reference
click is showing the reference preview right away. The actions triggered
by the dwelling include delays in multiple parts of the process.

If there's a dwell action-chain in progress when the click action is
executed, the related promise ( that might still include steps with
delays ) and the reference preview is retrieved and shown right away
re-using the token. 

In the case where there's no dwell action running ( e.g. when the click
was triggered via touch ) we create a new token and start from scratch.

In either case we want to avoid, that multiple clicks trigger multiple
actions and abort early when there's already a click action in progress.

Bug: T218765
Change-Id: I073a93be2d17a21178aebe12267765f60a2811b9
2019-04-29 17:46:49 +00:00

60 lines
2 KiB

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