jdlrobson ed3500b1bd Describe init method behaviour via QUnit tests
Change-Id: I78c4a4ac7b653e31ce52104cbdaef3d6390b2e20
2016-05-12 16:22:59 -07:00

228 lines
6.1 KiB

( function ( $, mw ) {
QUnit.module( 'ext.popups.renderer.renderers.article', {
setup: function () {
mw.popups.render.cache[ '/wiki/Kittens' ] = {};
this.sandbox.stub( mw.popups, 'getTitle' ).returns( 'Kittens' );
this.pageInfo = {
thumbnail: {
source: '',
width: 100,
height: 300
revisions: [ { timestamp: '20160403020100' } ],
extract: 'Cute.',
title: 'Kittens',
pagelanguagehtmlcode: 'en',
pagelanguagedir: 'ltr'
this.kittenResponse = {
query: {
pages: [
this.apiStub = this.sandbox.stub( mw.popups.api, 'get' ).returns(
$.Deferred().resolve( this.kittenResponse )
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.createImgThumbnail', 1, function ( assert ) {
var $container = mw.popups.render.renderers.article.createImgThumbnail( 'foo', '/w/test "123"(bar).gif' );
assert.equal( $container.css( 'background-image' ), 'url("/w/test \\"123\\"(bar).gif")' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.getProcessedElements', function ( assert ) {
QUnit.expect( 15 );
function test( extract, title, expected, msg ) {
var $div = $( '<div>' ).append(
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.getProcessedElements( extract, title )
assert.equal( $div.html(), expected, msg );
'Isaac Newton was born in', 'Isaac Newton',
'<b>Isaac Newton</b> was born in',
'Title as first word'
'The C* language not to be confused with C# or C', 'C*',
'The <b>C*</b> language not to be confused with C# or C',
'Title containing *'
'Person (was born in Location) is good', 'Person',
'<b>Person</b> is good',
'Extract with text in parentheses'
'Person, (was born in Location) is good', 'Person',
'<b>Person</b>, is good',
'Comma after title'
'Person (was born in Location (at Time)) is good', 'Person',
'<b>Person</b> is good',
'Extract with nested parentheses'
'Person (was born in Location (at Time) ) is good', 'Person',
'<b>Person</b> is good',
'Extract with nested parentheses and random spaces'
'I like trains', 'Train',
'I like <b>train</b>s',
'Make the simple plural bold'
'Brackets ) are funny ( when not used properly', 'Brackets',
'<b>Brackets</b> ) are funny ( when not used properly',
'Extract with unbalanced parentheses'
'Vappu (born August 7), also known as Lexy', 'Vappu',
'<b>Vappu</b>, also known as Lexy',
'Spaces around bracketed text should be removed'
'Epic XSS <script>alert("XSS")</script> is epic', 'Epic XSS',
'<b>Epic XSS</b> &lt;script&gt;alert&lt;/script&gt; is epic',
'XSS Attack'
'Foo\'s pub is a pub in Bar', 'Foo\'s pub',
'<b>Foo\'s pub</b> is a pub in Bar',
'Correct escaping'
'\"Heroes\" is a David Bowie album', '\"Heroes\"',
'<b>\"Heroes\"</b> is a David Bowie album',
'Quotes in title'
'*Testing if Things are correctly identified', 'Things',
'*Testing if <b>Things</b> are correctly identified',
'Article that begins with asterisk'
'Testing if repeated words are not matched when repeated', 'Repeated',
'Testing if <b>repeated</b> words are not matched when repeated',
'Repeated title'
'Evil Empire is the second studio album', 'Evil Empire (album)',
'<b>Evil Empire</b> is the second studio album',
'Extra information in title in paranthesis'
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.getClosestYPosition', function ( assert ) {
QUnit.expect( 3 );
assert.equal( mw.popups.render.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
] ), 119, 'Correct lower Y.' );
assert.equal( mw.popups.render.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 99, 'Correct upper Y.' );
assert.equal( mw.popups.render.getClosestYPosition( 135, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 120, 'Correct upper Y 2.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.createSurveyLink', function ( assert ) {
var $surveyLink;
QUnit.expect( 2 );
$surveyLink = mw.popups.render.renderers.article.createSurveyLink( 'http://path/to/resource' );
assert.ok( /noreferrer/.test( $surveyLink.attr( 'rel' ) ), 'Survey link doesn\'t leak referrer information or `window.opener`' );
// ---
function () {
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.createSurveyLink( 'htt://path/to/resource' );
new Error( 'The survey link URL, i.e. PopupsSurveyLink, must start with https or http.' )
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.createPopup', function ( assert ) {
var $popup, $thumbLink, $extractLink, cache;
QUnit.expect( 6 );
$popup = mw.popups.render.renderers.article.createPopup( this.pageInfo, '/wiki/Kittens' );
$thumbLink = $popup.find( 'a' ).eq( 0 );
$extractLink = $popup.find( 'a' ).eq( 1 );
assert.ok( $thumbLink.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-discreet' ) );
assert.strictEqual( $thumbLink.attr( 'href' ), '/wiki/Kittens' );
assert.strictEqual( $extractLink.text(), 'Cute.', 'Text extract present.' );
cache = mw.popups.render.cache[ '/wiki/Kittens' ];
assert.strictEqual( cache.settings.title, 'Kittens' );
assert.strictEqual( cache.settings.tall, true,
'height is greater than width so marked as tall.' );
assert.strictEqual( cache.settings.thumbnail, this.pageInfo.thumbnail,
'thumbnail information got cached' );
} );
QUnit.asyncTest( 'render.article.init', function ( assert ) {
var $kittyLink = $( '<a href="/wiki/Kittens">' ),
apiStub = this.apiStub;
QUnit.expect( 2 );
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.init( $kittyLink );
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.init( $kittyLink ).done( function () {
var cache = mw.popups.render.cache[ '/wiki/Kittens' ];
assert.ok( cache.popup.length, 'The popup is stored in cache.' );
assert.ok( apiStub.calledTwice,
'This method in current form is dumb and if called more than once will not load from cache.' );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );