jdlrobson 912402e840 Remove A/B testing code
No longer needed. We can't turn something off again for people
now they expect it to exist.

Clarified usage instructions of PopupsEventLogging to make sure
it's more scary given the implications

Bug: T173952
Change-Id: I7be005b79da498d8e7b7df8f18b60c1327636a2c
2018-05-07 12:37:41 -07:00

78 lines
1.9 KiB

/* global Map: false */
import * as stubs from './stubs';
import isEnabled from '../../src/isEnabled';
function createStubUserSettings( isEnabled ) {
return {
hasIsEnabled() {
return isEnabled !== undefined;
getIsEnabled() {
return Boolean( isEnabled );
QUnit.module( 'ext.popups#isEnabled (logged out)', {
beforeEach() {
this.user = stubs.createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ true );
} );
QUnit.test( 'is should handle logged out users', ( assert ) => {
const user = stubs.createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ true ),
config = new Map();
const cases = [
<isAnon>, <expected value of isEnabled>, <test description>
[ undefined, true, 'When the user hasn\'t enabled or disabled' +
' the feature.' ],
[ false, false, 'When the user has disabled the feature' ],
[ true, true, 'When the user has enabled the feature' ]
let userSettings;
for ( let i = 0; i < cases.length; i++ ) {
const testCase = cases[ i ];
userSettings = createStubUserSettings( testCase[ 0 ] );
isEnabled( user, userSettings, config ),
testCase[ 1 ],
testCase[ 2 ]
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should handle logged in users', ( assert ) => {
const user = stubs.createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ false ),
userSettings = createStubUserSettings( false ),
config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPopupsShouldSendModuleToUser', true );
isEnabled( user, userSettings, config ),
'If the user is logged in and the user is in the on group, then it\'s enabled.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should handle the conflict with the Navigation Popups Gadget', ( assert ) => {
const user = stubs.createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ false ),
userSettings = createStubUserSettings( false ),
config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPopupsConflictsWithNavPopupGadget', true );
isEnabled( user, userSettings, config ),
'Page Previews is disabled when it conflicts with the Navigation Popups Gadget.'
} );