Nick Ray 15cc402343 Upgrade webdriverio / wdio-spec-reporter
wdio-mocha-framework | 0.6.1  | 0.6.3
wdio-spec-reporter   | 0.1.4  | 0.1.5
webdriverio          | 4.13.1 | 4.14.1

Selenium tests were tested locally with these upgrades and passed.

Note: I had some difficulty in upgrading wdio-mocha-framework to the
latest version 0.6.4 on my mac os (10.14) and experienced a `'utility'
file not found` error when npm installed the 'fibers' package. This
appears to be a known problem relating to node-gyp and older versions of
node. [1] Running the following suggested command [2] worked
for me:

`CXXFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.9" LDFLAGS="-mmacosx-version-min=10.9" npm i`

However, it was a hassle. Therefore, I chose to upgrade to only
0.6.3 in which this problem doesn't occur.


Bug: T209314
Change-Id: I0657ca5db4747b4ebb7aa0d01e2aeb97d6b2a7d0
2018-12-13 14:17:38 -07:00

59 lines
2 KiB

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