Stephen Niedzielski a24bbe76e6 Hygiene: use source-maps for dev builds not eval maps
Webpack's `-d` option is an alias for
`--debug --devtool cheap-module-eval-source-map --output-pathinfo`[0]
which overrode the `devtool` specified in the config. Specify
`--mode=development` which appears to be better supported than `-d`,
although the distinction is poorly documented[1]. The build products are
identical for `--mode=development --debug --output-pathinfo` and simply
`--mode=development` so the latter is used.

For consistency, replace `-p`, an alias for
`--optimize-minimize --define process.env.NODE_ENV=production`[0],
where `--optimize-minimize` is documented[2] as:

  Minimize JavaScript and switches loaders to minimizing UglifyJsPlugin
  and LoaderOptionsPlugin.

With `--mode=production` which is documented[3] as:

  Sets process.env.NODE_ENV on DefinePlugin to value production. Enables
  FlagDependencyUsagePlugin, FlagIncludedChunksPlugin,
  ModuleConcatenationPlugin, NoEmitOnErrorsPlugin,
  OccurrenceOrderPlugin, SideEffectsFlagPlugin and UglifyJsPlugin.

This change has already been made to MobileFrontend in c10f87d89.


Change-Id: I7a7ffc913592f0b18e091bb219a7fc75873d4d7a
2018-11-16 13:17:46 -07:00

60 lines
2.1 KiB

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