Jon Robson 7a9e8fd622 Stop using deprecated mediawiki.Uri module
Use native URI instead.

Bug: T380079
Change-Id: I7648562c0262076f6dc06f619ef39c106ea7b30f
2024-11-21 10:12:48 -08:00

255 lines
6.4 KiB

import { fromElement, getTitle, isValid } from '../../src/title';
QUnit.module( 'title#getTitle', {
beforeEach() {
this.config = new Map();
this.config.set( 'wgArticlePath', '/wiki/$1' );
this.location = global.location = {
origin: '',
hostname: ''
mw.util = {
escapeRegExp: this.sandbox.spy( ( str ) => {
return str.replace( /([\\{}()|.?*+\-^$[\]])/g, '\\$1' );
} )
afterEach() {
global.location = null;
mw.util = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a url with a title query param', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/w/index.php?title=Foo';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'The query title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a pretty url if it conforms wgArticlePath', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/wiki/Foo';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'The ASCII title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a pretty url properly decoded', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/wiki/%E6%B8%AC%E8%A9%A6';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'The UTF-8 title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should accept urls with fragments', function ( assert ) {
let href = '/wiki/Example_1#footnote_1';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'It accepts pretty urls with fragments.'
href = '/w/index.php?title=Example_2#footnote_2';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'It accepts title parameter urls with fragments.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip pretty urls with invalid % encoded characters', function ( assert ) {
const href = '/wiki/100%';
assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), undefined );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls that URL cannot parse', function ( assert ) {
const href = 'javascript:void(0);'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls that are external', function ( assert ) {
const href = '';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls not on article path without one title query param', function ( assert ) {
// No params
let href = '/Foo';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
// Multiple query params
href = '/Foo?a=1&title=Foo';
getTitle( href, this.config ),
'No title is returned.'
} );
QUnit.module( 'title#isValid', {
beforeEach() {
mw.Title = {
newFromText: this.sandbox.stub().throws( 'UNIMPLEMENTED' )
afterEach() {
mw.Title = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title is empty', ( assert ) => {
assert.strictEqual( isValid( '', [] ), null, 'Doesn\'t accept empty titles' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title can\'t be parsed properly', ( assert ) => {
mw.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( null );
isValid( 'title', [] ),
'Doesn\'t accept unparseable titles'
mw.Title.newFromText.callCount, 1,
'mw.Title.newFromText called for parsing the title' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title is not from a content namespace', ( assert ) => {
mw.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( {
namespace: 1
} );
isValid( 'title', [ 5 ] ),
'Only content namespace titles are accepted'
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should return the title object if the title is from a content namespace', ( assert ) => {
const mwTitle = {
namespace: 3
mw.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( mwTitle );
isValid( 'title', [ 1, 3, 5 ] ),
'A content namespace title is accepted'
} );
QUnit.module( 'title#fromElement', {
beforeEach() {
global.location = {
host: '',
pathname: '/w/index.php',
search: '?oldid=1&extra=1'
mw.Title = {
newFromText: this.sandbox.stub().throws( 'UNIMPLEMENTED' )
afterEach() {
global.location = null;
mw.Title = null;
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should accept anchor links that point to the own page', function ( assert ) {
const el = document.createElement( 'a' );
el.href = '';
const config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Talk:Page' );
const mwTitle = {
namespace: 1,
title: 'Page',
fragment: 'example'
mw.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'Talk:Page#example' ).returns( mwTitle );
assert.propEqual( fromElement( el, config ), mwTitle );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should ignore anchor links that are not identical', function ( assert ) {
const el = document.createElement( 'a' );
el.href = '';
const config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Talk:Page' );
assert.strictEqual( fromElement( el, config ), null );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should pass through anchor links with non-ASCII characters', function ( assert ) {
const el = document.createElement( 'a' );
el.href = 'äche';
const config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Talk:Page' );
const mwTitle = {
namespace: 1,
title: 'Page',
fragment: 'Fläche'
mw.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'Talk:Page#Fläche' ).returns( mwTitle );
assert.propEqual( fromElement( el, config ), mwTitle );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should decode anchor links with encoded characters', function ( assert ) {
const el = document.createElement( 'a' );
el.href = '';
const config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Talk:Page' );
const mwTitle = {
namespace: 1,
title: 'Page',
fragment: 'Fläche'
mw.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'Talk:Page#Fläche' ).returns( mwTitle );
assert.propEqual( fromElement( el, config ), mwTitle );
} );
QUnit.test( 'it should fail gracefully on anchor links with broken encoding', function ( assert ) {
const el = document.createElement( 'a' );
el.href = '';
const config = new Map();
config.set( 'wgPageName', 'Talk:Page' );
assert.strictEqual( fromElement( el, config ), null );
} );