var model = require( '../../../src/preview/model' ), createModel = model.createModel, TYPE_PAGE = model.TYPE_PAGE, TYPE_GENERIC = model.TYPE_GENERIC; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups.preview#createModel' ); QUnit.test( 'it should copy the basic properties', function ( assert ) { var thumbnail = {}, model = createModel( 'Foo', '', 'en', 'ltr', 'Foo bar baz.', thumbnail ); assert.strictEqual( model.title, 'Foo' ); assert.strictEqual( model.url, '' ); assert.strictEqual( model.languageCode, 'en' ); assert.strictEqual( model.languageDirection, 'ltr' ); assert.strictEqual( model.thumbnail, thumbnail ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it computes the type property', function ( assert ) { function createModelWithExtract( extract ) { return createModel( 'Foo', '', 'en', 'ltr', extract ); } model = createModelWithExtract( 'Foo' ); assert.strictEqual( model.type, TYPE_PAGE, 'A non-generic ("page") preview has an extract.' ); model = createModelWithExtract( '' ); assert.strictEqual( model.type, TYPE_GENERIC, 'A generic preview has an undefined extract.' ); } );