import * as stubs from './stubs'; import getUserBucket from '../../src/getUserBucket'; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups#getUserBucket' ); QUnit.test( 'If no users are subject to experiment everyone is bucketed as on', ( assert ) => { assert.ok( getUserBucket( stubs.createStubExperiments( 'A' ), 0, 'a' ) === 'on' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'Define how experiment size impacts buckets', function ( assert ) { var tests = [ [ 1, { off: 0, control: 0.5, on: 0.5 } ], [ 0.9, { off: 0.1, control: 0.45, on: 0.45 } ], [ 0.3, { off: 0.7, control: 0.15, on: 0.15 } ], [ 0.5, { off: 0.5, control: 0.25, on: 0.25 } ], [ 0.45, { off: 0.55, control: 0.225, on: 0.225 } ], [ 0.006, { off: 0.994, control: 0.003, on: 0.003 } ] ]; tests.forEach( ( test ) => { var actualBuckets, experiments = stubs.createStubExperiments( 'A' ), spy = this.sandbox.spy( experiments, 'getBucket' ), expectedBuckets = test[ 1 ]; getUserBucket( experiments, test[ 0 ], 'a' ); actualBuckets = spy.getCall( 0 ).args[ 0 ].buckets; // To avoid precision issues we'll need to test them all individually // rather than check use calledWith. Otherwise we'll get some false // positives. assert.ok( 2 ) === 2 ) ); assert.ok( actualBuckets.on.toFixed( 2 ) === expectedBuckets.on.toFixed( 2 ) ); assert.ok( actualBuckets.control.toFixed( 2 ) === expectedBuckets.control.toFixed( 2 ) ); } ); } );