var stubs = require( './stubs' ), statsv = require( '../../src/statsvInstrumentation' ); QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/statsvInstrumentation', { beforeEach: function () { this.user = stubs.createStubUser(); this.config = stubs.createStubMap(); } } ); QUnit.test( 'isEnabled', function ( assert ) { var experiments = stubs.createStubExperiments( true ); assert.expect( 2 ); assert.ok( statsv.isEnabled( this.user, this.config, experiments ), 'Logging is enabled when the user is in the sample.' ); experiments = stubs.createStubExperiments( false ); assert.notOk( statsv.isEnabled( this.user, this.config, experiments ), 'Logging is disabled when the user is not in the sample.' ); } );