( function ( $, mw ) {
QUnit.module( 'ext.popups.renderer.renderers.article', {
setup: function () {
mw.popups.render.cache[ '/wiki/Kittens' ] = {};
this.sandbox.stub( mw.popups, 'getTitle' ).returns( 'Kittens' );
this.pageInfo = {
thumbnail: {
source: 'http://commons.wikimedia.org/kittypic.svg',
width: 100,
height: 300
revisions: [ { timestamp: '20160403020100' } ],
extract: 'Cute.',
title: 'Kittens',
pagelanguagehtmlcode: 'en',
pagelanguagedir: 'ltr'
this.kittenResponse = {
query: {
pages: [
this.apiStub = this.sandbox.stub( mw.popups.api, 'get' ).returns(
$.Deferred().resolve( this.kittenResponse )
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.getProcessedElements', function ( assert ) {
QUnit.expect( 15 );
function test( extract, title, expected, msg ) {
var $div = $( '
' ).append(
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.getProcessedElements( extract, title )
assert.equal( $div.html(), expected, msg );
'Isaac Newton was born in', 'Isaac Newton',
Isaac Newton was born in',
'Title as first word'
'The C* language not to be confused with C# or C', 'C*',
C* language not to be confused with C# or C',
'Title containing *'
'Person (was born in Location) is good', 'Person',
Person is good',
'Extract with text in parentheses'
'Person, (was born in Location) is good', 'Person',
Person, is good',
'Comma after title'
'Person (was born in Location (at Time)) is good', 'Person',
Person is good',
'Extract with nested parentheses'
'Person (was born in Location (at Time) ) is good', 'Person',
Person is good',
'Extract with nested parentheses and random spaces'
'I like trains', 'Train',
'I like
'Make the simple plural bold'
'Brackets ) are funny ( when not used properly', 'Brackets',
Brackets ) are funny ( when not used properly',
'Extract with unbalanced parentheses'
'Vappu (born August 7), also known as Lexy', 'Vappu',
Vappu, also known as Lexy',
'Spaces around bracketed text should be removed'
'Epic XSS is epic', 'Epic XSS',
Epic XSS <script>alert</script> is epic',
'XSS Attack'
'Foo\'s pub is a pub in Bar', 'Foo\'s pub',
Foo\'s pub is a pub in Bar',
'Correct escaping'
'\"Heroes\" is a David Bowie album', '\"Heroes\"',
\"Heroes\" is a David Bowie album',
'Quotes in title'
'*Testing if Things are correctly identified', 'Things',
'*Testing if
Things are correctly identified',
'Article that begins with asterisk'
'Testing if repeated words are not matched when repeated', 'Repeated',
'Testing if
repeated words are not matched when repeated',
'Repeated title'
'Evil Empire is the second studio album', 'Evil Empire (album)',
Evil Empire is the second studio album',
'Extra information in title in paranthesis'
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.getClosestYPosition', function ( assert ) {
QUnit.expect( 3 );
assert.equal( mw.popups.render.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
] ), 119, 'Correct lower Y.' );
assert.equal( mw.popups.render.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 99, 'Correct upper Y.' );
assert.equal( mw.popups.render.getClosestYPosition( 135, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 120, 'Correct upper Y 2.' );
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.createSurveyLink', function ( assert ) {
var $surveyLink;
QUnit.expect( 2 );
$surveyLink = mw.popups.render.renderers.article.createSurveyLink( 'http://path/to/resource' );
assert.ok( /noreferrer/.test( $surveyLink.attr( 'rel' ) ), 'Survey link doesn\'t leak referrer information or `window.opener`' );
// ---
function () {
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.createSurveyLink( 'htt://path/to/resource' );
new Error( 'The survey link URL, i.e. PopupsSurveyLink, must start with https or http.' )
} );
QUnit.test( 'render.article.createPopup', function ( assert ) {
var $popup, $thumbLink, $extractLink, cache;
QUnit.expect( 6 );
$popup = mw.popups.render.renderers.article.createPopup( this.pageInfo, '/wiki/Kittens' );
$thumbLink = $popup.find( 'a' ).eq( 0 );
$extractLink = $popup.find( 'a' ).eq( 1 );
assert.ok( $thumbLink.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-discreet' ) );
assert.strictEqual( $thumbLink.attr( 'href' ), '/wiki/Kittens' );
assert.strictEqual( $extractLink.text(), 'Cute.', 'Text extract present.' );
cache = mw.popups.render.cache[ '/wiki/Kittens' ];
assert.strictEqual( cache.settings.title, 'Kittens' );
assert.strictEqual( cache.settings.tall, true,
'height is greater than width so marked as tall.' );
assert.strictEqual( cache.settings.thumbnail, this.pageInfo.thumbnail,
'thumbnail information got cached' );
} );
QUnit.asyncTest( 'render.article.init', function ( assert ) {
var $kittyLink = $( '
' ),
apiStub = this.apiStub;
QUnit.expect( 2 );
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.init( $kittyLink );
mw.popups.render.renderers.article.init( $kittyLink ).done( function () {
var cache = mw.popups.render.cache[ '/wiki/Kittens' ];
assert.ok( cache.popup.length, 'The popup is stored in cache.' );
assert.ok( apiStub.calledTwice,
'This method in current form is dumb and if called more than once will not load from cache.' );
} );
} );
} )( jQuery, mediaWiki );