( function ( mw, $ ) { var pageVisibility = mw.popups.pageVisibility, checkin = { /** * Checkin times - Fibonacci numbers * * Exposed for testing only. * * @type {number[]} * @private */ CHECKIN_TIMES: [ 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987, 1597, 2584, 4181, 6765 ], /** * Have checkin actions been setup already? * * Exposed for testing only. * * @private * @type {boolean} */ haveCheckinActionsBeenSetup: false }; /** * A customized `setTimeout` function that takes page visibility into account * * If the document is not visible to the user, e.g. browser window is minimized, * then pause the time. Otherwise execute `callback` after `delay` milliseconds. * The callback won't be executed if the browser does not suppor the page visibility * API. * * Exposed for testing only. * * @see https://www.w3.org/TR/page-visibility/#dom-document-hidden * @private * @param {Function} callback Function to call when the time is up * @param {number} delay The number of milliseconds to wait before executing the callback */ checkin.setVisibleTimeout = function ( callback, delay ) { var hiddenPropertyName = pageVisibility.getDocumentHiddenPropertyName( document ), visibilityChangeEventName = pageVisibility.getDocumentVisibilitychangeEventName( document ), timeoutId, lastStartedAt; if ( !hiddenPropertyName || !visibilityChangeEventName ) { return; } /** * Execute the callback and turn off listening to the visibilitychange event */ function done() { callback(); $( document ).off( visibilityChangeEventName, visibilityChangeHandler ); } /** * Pause or resume the timer depending on the page visibility state */ function visibilityChangeHandler() { var millisecondsPassed; // Pause the timer if the page is hidden ... if ( pageVisibility.isDocumentHidden( document ) ) { // ... and only if the timer has started. // Timer may not have been started if the document opened in a // hidden tab for example. The timer will be started when the // document is visible to the user. if ( lastStartedAt ) { millisecondsPassed = new Date().getTime() - lastStartedAt; delay = Math.max( 0, delay - millisecondsPassed ); clearTimeout( timeoutId ); } } else { lastStartedAt = new Date().getTime(); timeoutId = setTimeout( done, delay ); } } visibilityChangeHandler(); $( document ).on( visibilityChangeEventName, visibilityChangeHandler ); }; /** * Perform the passed `checkin` action at the predefined times * * Actions are setup only once no matter how many times this function is * called. Ideally this function should be called once. * * @see checkin.CHECKIN_TIMES * @param {Function} checkinAction */ checkin.setupActions = function( checkinAction ) { var timeIndex = 0, timesLength = checkin.CHECKIN_TIMES.length, time, // current checkin time nextTime; // the checkin time that will be logged next if ( checkin.haveCheckinActionsBeenSetup ) { return; } /** * Execute the checkin action with the current checkin time * * If more checkin times are left, then setup a timer to log the next one. */ function setup() { time = checkin.CHECKIN_TIMES[ timeIndex ]; checkinAction( time ); timeIndex += 1; if ( timeIndex < timesLength ) { nextTime = checkin.CHECKIN_TIMES[ timeIndex ]; // Execute the callback after the number of seconds left till the // next checkin time. checkin.setVisibleTimeout( setup, ( nextTime - time ) * 1000 ); } } checkin.setVisibleTimeout( setup, checkin.CHECKIN_TIMES[ timeIndex ] * 1000 ); checkin.haveCheckinActionsBeenSetup = true; }; mw.popups.checkin = checkin; }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );