( function ( $, mw ) { var schemaPopups = mw.popups.schemaPopups; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups.schemaPopups.utils', { setup: function () { this.sandbox.stub( mw.popups, 'getPreviewCountBucket' ).returns( '5-20 previews' ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'getSamplingRate', function ( assert ) { var configStub = this.sandbox.stub( mw.config, 'get' ) .withArgs( 'wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate' ), isFunctionStub = this.sandbox.stub( $, 'isFunction' ) .withArgs( navigator.sendBeacon ), mwUserSessionIdStub = this.sandbox.stub( mw.user, 'sessionId' ); QUnit.expect( 9 ); isFunctionStub.returns( false ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 0, 'Sampling rate is 0 when `navigator.sendBeacon` is unavailable.' ); isFunctionStub.returns( true ); configStub.returns( null ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'abc' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 0, 'Sampling rate is 0 when the `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate`' + ' config variable is undefined and' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); configStub.returns( null ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'def' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 0, 'Sampling rate is 0 when the `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate`' + ' config variable is undefined and' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); configStub.returns( 0 ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'abc' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 0, 'Sampling rate is 0 when `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate = 0`' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); configStub.returns( 0 ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'def' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 0, 'Sampling rate is 0 when `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate = 0`' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); configStub.returns( 1 ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'abc' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 1, 'Sampling rate is 1 when `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate = 1`' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); configStub.returns( 1 ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'def' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 1, 'Sampling rate is 1 when `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate = 1`' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); configStub.returns( 0.5 ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'abc' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 1, 'Sampling rate is 1 when `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate = 0.5` and' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); configStub.returns( 0.5 ); mwUserSessionIdStub.returns( 'def' ); assert.equal( schemaPopups.getSamplingRate(), 0, 'Sampling rate is 0 when `wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate = 0.5` and' + ' `mw.user.sessionId() = ' + mw.user.sessionId() + '`.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getEditCountBucket', function ( assert ) { var i, bucket, editCount, cases = [ [ 0, '0 edits' ], [ 1, '1-4 edits' ], [ 2, '1-4 edits' ], [ 4, '1-4 edits' ], [ 5, '5-99 edits' ], [ 25, '5-99 edits' ], [ 50, '5-99 edits' ], [ 99, '5-99 edits' ], [ 100, '100-999 edits' ], [ 101, '100-999 edits' ], [ 500, '100-999 edits' ], [ 999, '100-999 edits' ], [ 1000, '1000+ edits' ], [ 1500, '1000+ edits' ] ]; QUnit.expect( cases.length ); for ( i = 0; i < cases.length; i++ ) { editCount = cases[ i ][ 0 ]; bucket = schemaPopups.getEditCountBucket( editCount ); assert.equal( bucket, cases[ i ][ 1 ], 'Edit count bucket is "' + bucket + '" when edit count is ' + editCount + '.' ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'getMassagedData - dwell start time gets deleted', 2, function ( assert ) { var newData, initialData = { dwellStartTime: 1 }; newData = schemaPopups.getMassagedData( initialData ); assert.equal( newData.previewCountBucket, '5-20 previews' ); assert.ok( newData.dwellStartTime === undefined ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getMassagedData - namespaceIdHover is added', 1, function ( assert ) { var newData, initialData = { pageTitleHover: 'Talk:Foo' }; newData = schemaPopups.getMassagedData( initialData ); assert.ok( newData.namespaceIdHover === 1, 'namespace is added based on title' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getMassagedData - returns false if the data should not be logged due to being a duplicate', 3, function ( assert ) { var thisEvent = { action: 'myevent', dwellStartTime: 1, linkInteractionToken: 't' }, previousEvent = { action: 'myevent', linkInteractionToken: 't' }, settingsEvent = { action: 'disabled', linkInteractionToken: 't' }; assert.ok( schemaPopups.getMassagedData( thisEvent, previousEvent ) === false, 'duplicate events are ignored...' ); assert.ok( schemaPopups.getMassagedData( settingsEvent, thisEvent ) !== false, '... unless disabled event' ); assert.ok( thisEvent.dwellStartTime === 1, 'and no side effects' ); } ); } )( jQuery, mediaWiki );