import preview from '../../../src/reducers/preview'; import actionTypes from '../../../src/actionTypes'; import { createNullModel } from '../../../src/preview/model'; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/reducers#preview', { beforeEach() { this.el = 'active link'; } } ); QUnit.test( '@@INIT', ( assert ) => { const state = preview( undefined, { type: '@@INIT' } ); assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); assert.deepEqual( state, { enabled: {}, activeLink: undefined, previewType: undefined, measures: undefined, activeToken: '', shouldShow: false, isUserDwelling: false, wasClicked: false }, 'The initial state is correct.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'BOOT', ( assert ) => { const action = { type: actionTypes.BOOT, initiallyEnabled: { page: true } }; assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); assert.deepEqual( preview( {}, action ), { enabled: { page: true } }, 'It should set whether or not previews are enabled.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'SETTINGS_CHANGE', ( assert ) => { const action = { type: actionTypes.SETTINGS_CHANGE, previewType: 'page', newValue: true }; assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); assert.deepEqual( preview( { enabled: {} }, action ), { enabled: { page: true } }, 'It should set whether or not previews are enabled when settings change.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'LINK_DWELL initializes the state for a new link', function ( assert ) { const promise = $.Deferred().promise(); const action = { type: actionTypes.LINK_DWELL, el: this.el, previewType: 'page', event: {}, token: '1234567890', promise }; assert.deepEqual( preview( {}, action ), { activeLink: action.el, previewType: 'page', measures: action.measures, activeToken: action.token, shouldShow: false, isUserDwelling: true, promise }, 'It should set active link and event as well as interaction info and hide the preview.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'LINK_DWELL on an active link only updates dwell state', function ( assert ) { const action = { type: actionTypes.LINK_DWELL, el: this.el, event: {}, token: '1234567890' }, state = { activeLink: this.el, isUserDwelling: false }; assert.deepEqual( preview( state, action ), { activeLink: this.el, isUserDwelling: true }, 'It should only set isUserDwelling to true' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'ABANDON_END', ( assert ) => { const action = { type: actionTypes.ABANDON_END, token: 'bananas' }; let state = { activeToken: 'bananas', isUserDwelling: false }; assert.deepEqual( preview( state, action ), { activeLink: undefined, previewType: undefined, activeToken: undefined, measures: undefined, fetchResponse: undefined, isUserDwelling: false, shouldShow: false }, 'ABANDON_END should hide the preview and reset the interaction info.' ); // --- state = { activeToken: 'apples', isUserDwelling: true }; assert.strictEqual( preview( state, action ), state, 'ABANDON_END should NOOP if the current interaction has changed.' ); // --- state = { activeToken: 'bananas', isUserDwelling: true }; assert.strictEqual( preview( state, action ), state, 'ABANDON_END should NOOP if the user is dwelling on the preview.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'FETCH_COMPLETE', ( assert ) => { const token = '1234567890'; let state = { activeToken: token, isUserDwelling: true }, action = { type: actionTypes.FETCH_COMPLETE, token, result: {} }; assert.expect( 3, 'All assertions are executed.' ); assert.deepEqual( preview( state, action ), { // Previous state. activeToken: state.activeToken, isUserDwelling: true, fetchResponse: action.result, shouldShow: true }, 'It should store the result and signal that a preview should be rendered.' ); // --- state = preview( state, { type: actionTypes.ABANDON_START, token } ); assert.deepEqual( preview( state, action ), { activeToken: token, isUserDwelling: false, // Set when ABANDON_START is reduced. wasClicked: false, fetchResponse: action.result, shouldShow: false }, 'It shouldn\'t signal that a preview should be rendered if the user has abandoned the link since the gateway request was made.' ); // --- action = { type: actionTypes.FETCH_COMPLETE, token: 'banana', result: {} }; assert.deepEqual( preview( state, action ), state, 'It should NOOP if the user has interacted with another link since the gateway request was made.' ); } ); QUnit.test( actionTypes.FETCH_FAILED, ( assert ) => { const token = '1234567890', state = { activeToken: token, isUserDwelling: true }; let action = { type: actionTypes.FETCH_FAILED, token }; assert.expect( 2, 'All assertions are executed.' ); assert.deepEqual( preview( state, action ), { activeToken: state.activeToken, isUserDwelling: true }, 'It should not transition states.' ); // --- action = { type: actionTypes.FETCH_COMPLETE, token, result: { title: createNullModel( 'Title', '/wiki/Title' ) } }; assert.deepEqual( preview( state, action ), { activeToken: state.activeToken, isUserDwelling: true, fetchResponse: action.result, shouldShow: true }, 'It should store the result and signal that an error preview should be rendered.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'PREVIEW_DWELL', ( assert ) => { const action = { type: actionTypes.PREVIEW_DWELL }; assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); assert.deepEqual( preview( {}, action ), { isUserDwelling: true }, 'It should mark the preview as being dwelled on.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'ABANDON_START', ( assert ) => { const action = { type: actionTypes.ABANDON_START }; assert.deepEqual( preview( {}, action ), { isUserDwelling: false, wasClicked: false }, 'ABANDON_START should mark the preview having been abandoned.' ); } );