. * * @file * @ingroup extensions */ use Popups\PopupsContext; class PopupsHooks { const PREVIEWS_PREFERENCES_SECTION = 'rendering/reading'; static function onGetBetaPreferences( User $user, array &$prefs ) { global $wgExtensionAssetsPath; if ( PopupsContext::getInstance()->isBetaFeatureEnabled() !== true ) { return; } $prefs[PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_BETA_PREFERENCE_NAME] = [ 'label-message' => 'popups-message', 'desc-message' => 'popups-desc', 'screenshot' => [ 'ltr' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/Popups/images/popups-ltr.svg", 'rtl' => "$wgExtensionAssetsPath/Popups/images/popups-rtl.svg", ], 'info-link' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Beta_Features/Hovercards', 'discussion-link' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Talk:Beta_Features/Hovercards', 'requirements' => [ 'javascript' => true, ], ]; } /** * Add Page Previews options to user Preferences page * * @param User $user * @param array $prefs */ static function onGetPreferences( User $user, array &$prefs ) { $module = PopupsContext::getInstance(); if ( !$module->showPreviewsOptInOnPreferencesPage() ) { return; } $option = [ 'type' => 'radio', 'label-message' => 'popups-prefs-optin-title', 'options' => [ wfMessage( 'popups-prefs-optin-enabled-label' )->text() => PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_ENABLED, wfMessage( 'popups-prefs-optin-disabled-label' )->text() => PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_DISABLED ], 'section' => self::PREVIEWS_PREFERENCES_SECTION ]; $skinPosition = array_search( 'skin', array_keys( $prefs ) ); if ( $skinPosition !== false ) { $injectIntoIndex = $skinPosition + 1; $prefs = array_slice( $prefs, 0, $injectIntoIndex, true ) + [ PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME => $option ] + array_slice( $prefs, $injectIntoIndex, count( $prefs ) - 1, true ); } else { $prefs[ PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME ] = $option; } } public static function onBeforePageDisplay( OutputPage &$out, Skin &$skin ) { $module = PopupsContext::getInstance(); if ( !$module->areDependenciesMet() ) { $logger = $module->getLogger(); $logger->error( 'Popups requires the PageImages and TextExtracts extensions. ' . 'If Beta mode is on it requires also BetaFeatures extension' ); return true; } if ( $module->isEnabledByUser( $skin->getUser() ) ) { $out->addModules( [ 'ext.popups' ] ); } return true; } /** * @param array &$testModules * @param ResourceLoader $resourceLoader */ public static function onResourceLoaderTestModules( array &$testModules, ResourceLoader &$resourceLoader ) { $localBasePath = __DIR__; $scripts = glob( "{$localBasePath}/tests/qunit/ext.popups/{,**/}*.test.js", GLOB_BRACE ); $start = strlen( $localBasePath ) + 1; $scripts = array_map( function ( $script ) use ( $start ) { return substr( $script, $start ); }, $scripts ); $testModules['qunit']['ext.popups.tests.stubs'] = [ 'scripts' => [ 'tests/qunit/ext.popups/stubs/index.js', 'tests/qunit/ext.popups/stubs/user.js', ], 'dependencies' => [ 'ext.popups', // The mw.popups is required. ], 'localBasePath' => __DIR__, 'remoteExtPath' => 'Popups', ]; $testModules['qunit']['ext.popups.tests'] = [ 'scripts' => $scripts, 'dependencies' => [ 'ext.popups', 'ext.popups.tests.stubs', ], 'localBasePath' => __DIR__, 'remoteExtPath' => 'Popups', ]; } /** * @param array $vars */ public static function onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars( array &$vars ) { $conf = PopupsContext::getInstance()->getConfig(); $vars['wgPopupsSchemaPopupsSamplingRate'] = $conf->get( 'SchemaPopupsSamplingRate' ); } /** * Register default preferences for popups * * @param array $wgDefaultUserOptions Reference to default options array */ public static function onUserGetDefaultOptions( &$wgDefaultUserOptions ) { $wgDefaultUserOptions[ PopupsContext::PREVIEWS_OPTIN_PREFERENCE_NAME ] = PopupsContext::getInstance()->getDefaultIsEnabledState(); } }