import { createModel } from '../../../src/preview/model'; import createRESTBaseGateway from '../../../src/gateway/rest'; const DEFAULT_CONSTANTS = { THUMBNAIL_SIZE: 512, endpoint: '/api/rest_v1/page/summary/' }, RESTBASE_RESPONSE = { type: 'standard', title: 'Barack Obama', extract: 'Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) ...', thumbnail: { source: '', width: 200, height: 250 }, originalimage: { source: '', width: 800, height: 1000 }, lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2017-01-30T10:17:41Z', description: '44th President of the United States of America' }, SVG_RESTBASE_RESPONSE = { type: 'standard', title: 'Barack Obama', extract: 'Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) ...', thumbnail: { source: '', width: 200, height: 250 }, originalimage: { source: '', width: 800, height: 1000 }, lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2017-01-30T10:17:41Z', description: '44th President of the United States of America' }, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITHOUT_IMAGE = { type: 'standard', title: 'Barack Obama', extract: 'Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) ...', lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2017-01-30T10:17:41Z', description: '44th President of the United States of America' }, // Note well that the thumbnail and originalimage properties are // identical. This can be the case where RESTBase requests a thumbnail at // 320px width but the original image isn't that wide, in which instance // PageImages - and therefore RESTBase - return the original image as the // thumbnail. // // See onward for additional // context. RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITH_SMALL_IMAGE = { type: 'standard', title: 'PreviewsNonFreeImage/sandbox', extract: 'Hello, I am the non-free image and parenthetical page (YOU CAN\'T SEE THIS). My preview should contain an image that is not free. My preview should contain a parenthetical you cannot see..', thumbnail: { source: '', width: 300, height: 126, original: '' }, originalimage: { source: '', width: 300, height: 126 }, lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2017-02-17T22:29:56Z' }, // As above, a no "px-" thumbnail is provided which is not customizable. RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITH_NO_PX_IMAGE = { type: 'standard', title: 'Barack Obama', extract: 'Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) ...', thumbnail: { source: '', width: 800, height: 1000 }, originalimage: { source: '', width: 800, height: 1000 }, lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2017-01-30T10:17:41Z', description: '44th President of the United States of America' }, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_NONIMAGE_ORIGINAL = { type: 'standard', title: 'Completing the square', extract: 'Landscape', thumbnail: { source: '', width: 320, height: 240 }, originalimage: { source: '', width: 640, height: 480 }, lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2018-04-14T05:31:14Z', description: 'technique used to solve a quadratic equation.' }, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITH_LANDSCAPE_IMAGE = { type: 'standard', title: 'Landscape', extract: 'Landscape', thumbnail: { source: 'http://foo/bar/baz.png/500px-baz.png', width: 500, height: 300, original: 'http://foo/bar/baz.png' }, originalimage: { source: 'http://foo/bar/baz.png', width: 1000, height: 600 }, lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2017-02-17T22:29:56Z' }, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_DISAMBIGUATION = { type: 'disambiguation', title: 'Barack (disambiguation)', extract: 'Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) ...', lang: 'en', dir: 'ltr', timestamp: '2017-02-17T22:29:56Z' }, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_PREVIEW_MODEL = createModel( 'Barack Obama', 'url/Barack Obama', // Generated in the stub below 'en', 'ltr', '!Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) ...!', 'standard', { source: '', width: 409, height: 512 } ), RESTBASE_RESPONSE_DISAMBIGUATION_MODEL = createModel( 'Barack (disambiguation)', 'url/Barack (disambiguation)', 'en', 'ltr', '!Barack Hussein Obama II born August 4, 1961) ...!', 'disambiguation' ); function provideParsedExtract( page ) { return `!${ page.extract }!`; } QUnit.module( 'gateway/rest', { beforeEach() { mediaWiki.Title = function ( title ) { this.getUrl = () => `url/${ title }`; }; }, afterEach() { mediaWiki.Title = null; } } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway is called with correct arguments', function ( assert ) { const config = $.extend( {}, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS, { acceptLanguage: 'pl' } ); const getSpy = this.sandbox.spy(), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway( getSpy, config ), expectedOptions = { url: DEFAULT_CONSTANTS.endpoint + encodeURIComponent( 'Test Title' ), headers: { Accept: 'application/json; charset=utf-8; ' + 'profile=""', 'Accept-Language': 'pl' } }; gateway.fetch( 'Test Title' ); assert.deepEqual( getSpy.getCall( 0 ).args[ 0 ], expectedOptions, 'options' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase provider uses extract parser', function ( assert ) { const getSpy = this.sandbox.spy(), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE, 512, getSpy ); assert.deepEqual( getSpy.getCall( 0 ).args[ 0 ], RESTBASE_RESPONSE, 'The gateway parser was called with the correct arguments.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway is correctly converting the page data to a model', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); assert.deepEqual( gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE, 512, provideParsedExtract ), RESTBASE_RESPONSE_PREVIEW_MODEL, 'The gateway unmarshals responses.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway is correctly converting the page data to a disambiguation model', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); assert.deepEqual( gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE_DISAMBIGUATION, 512, provideParsedExtract ), RESTBASE_RESPONSE_DISAMBIGUATION_MODEL, 'The gateway unmarshals disambiguations.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway doesn\'t stretch thumbnails', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); let model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE, 2000, provideParsedExtract ); assert.deepEqual( model.thumbnail, RESTBASE_RESPONSE.originalimage, 'If the requested thumbnail size is bigger than that of the original, then use the original.' ); // --- model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE, RESTBASE_RESPONSE.originalimage.height, provideParsedExtract ); assert.deepEqual( model.thumbnail, RESTBASE_RESPONSE.originalimage, 'If the requested thumbnail size is the same as that of the original, then use the original.' ); // --- model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITH_SMALL_IMAGE, 320, provideParsedExtract ); assert.deepEqual( model.thumbnail, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITH_SMALL_IMAGE.originalimage, 'If the requested thumbnail can\'t be generated because the original is too small, then use the original.' ); // --- model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITH_LANDSCAPE_IMAGE, 640, provideParsedExtract ); assert.deepEqual( model.thumbnail, { source: 'http://foo/bar/baz.png/640px-baz.png', width: 640, height: 384 // ( 640 / 500 ) * 300 }, 'When the requested thumbnail is scaled, then its largest dimension is preserved.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway handles thumbnail URLs with missing dimensions', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); const model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITH_NO_PX_IMAGE, 300, provideParsedExtract ); assert.strictEqual( model.thumbnail.source, '', 'If restbase handles missing image dimensions in thumbnail URLs' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway handles awkward thumbnails', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); const response = Object.assign( {}, RESTBASE_RESPONSE ); response.thumbnail = Object.assign( {}, RESTBASE_RESPONSE.thumbnail ); response.thumbnail.source = ''; const model = gateway.convertPageToModel( response, 500, provideParsedExtract ); assert.deepEqual( model.thumbnail.source, '', 'If the requested thumbnail size is the same as that of the original, then use the original.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway always scales SVGs', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); const model = gateway.convertPageToModel( SVG_RESTBASE_RESPONSE, 2000, provideParsedExtract ); assert.strictEqual( model.thumbnail.source, '', 'If the requested thumbnail is for an SVG, then it\'s always scaled.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway only returns safe image formats', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); let model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE_NONIMAGE_ORIGINAL, 640, provideParsedExtract ); assert.strictEqual( model.thumbnail, undefined, `If the original image is a video file, and the requested thumbnail is larger than the original video file, no thumbnail is returned.` ); model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE_NONIMAGE_ORIGINAL, 320, provideParsedExtract ); assert.strictEqual( model.thumbnail.source, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_NONIMAGE_ORIGINAL.thumbnail.source, `If the original image is a video file, and the requested thumbnail is smaller than the original video file, the thumbnail is returned.` ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway handles API failure', function ( assert ) { const api = this.sandbox.stub() .returns( $.Deferred().reject( { status: 500 } ).promise() ), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway( api, {} ); return gateway.getPageSummary( 'Test Title' ).catch( () => { assert.ok( true, 'The gateway threw an error.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway does not treat a 404 as a failure', function ( assert ) { const response = { status: 404, type: '', title: 'Not found.', method: 'get', detail: 'Page or revision not found.', uri: '/' }, api = this.sandbox.stub().returns( $.Deferred().reject( response ).promise() ), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway( api, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS, provideParsedExtract ); return gateway.getPageSummary( 'Missing Page' ).then( ( result ) => { assert.strictEqual( result.title, 'Missing Page', 'Title' ); // Extract is undefined since the parser is only invoked for successful // responses. assert.strictEqual( result.extract, undefined, 'Extract' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway returns the correct data ', function ( assert ) { const api = this.sandbox.stub().returns( $.Deferred().resolve( RESTBASE_RESPONSE ).promise() ), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway( api, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS, provideParsedExtract ); return gateway.getPageSummary( 'Test Title' ).then( ( result ) => { assert.deepEqual( result, RESTBASE_RESPONSE_PREVIEW_MODEL, 'The gateway returned a response.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway handles missing images ', ( assert ) => { const gateway = createRESTBaseGateway(); const model = gateway.convertPageToModel( RESTBASE_RESPONSE_WITHOUT_IMAGE, 300, provideParsedExtract ); assert.strictEqual( model.originalimage, undefined, 'If restbase handles missing image information' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway handles missing extracts', function ( assert ) { const api = this.sandbox.stub().returns( $.Deferred().resolve( {} ).promise() ), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway( api, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS, provideParsedExtract ); return gateway.getPageSummary( 'Test Title with missing extract' ) .then( ( result ) => { assert.strictEqual( result.title, 'Test Title with missing extract', 'Title' ); assert.strictEqual( result.extract, '!!', 'Extract' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway handles no content success responses', function ( assert ) { const api = this.sandbox.stub() .returns( $.Deferred().resolve( { status: 204 } ).promise() ), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway( api, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS, provideParsedExtract ); return gateway.getPageSummary( 'Test Title with empty response' ) .then( ( result ) => { assert.strictEqual( result.title, 'Test Title with empty response', 'Title' ); assert.strictEqual( result.extract, '!!', 'Extract' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'RESTBase gateway is abortable', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); const deferred = $.Deferred(), api = this.sandbox.stub().returns( deferred.promise( { abort() { deferred.reject( 'http' ); } } ) ), gateway = createRESTBaseGateway( api, DEFAULT_CONSTANTS, provideParsedExtract ); const xhr = gateway.getPageSummary( 'Test Title' ); const chain = xhr.then( () => { assert.ok( false, 'It never calls a thenable after rejection' ); } ).catch( data => { assert.strictEqual( data, 'http' ); } ); xhr.abort(); return chain; } );