' ).append( preview.el ),
hidePreview = renderer.hide( preview );
preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-out-up' ),
'Thumbnail has faded out up.'
preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down' ),
'Fade-in class has been removed.'
'Preview is still in the container.'
return hidePreview.then( () => {
'Preview has been removed from the container.'
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'hide - fade out down', ( assert ) => {
const preview = {
el: $( '
' ).addClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up' ),
hasThumbnail: false,
thumbnail: null,
isTall: false
$container = $( '
' ).append( preview.el ),
hidePreview = renderer.hide( preview );
preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-out-down' ),
'Thumbnail has faded out down.'
preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up' ),
'Fade-in class has been removed.'
'Preview is still in the container.'
return hidePreview.then( () => {
'Preview has been removed from the container.'
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#createLayout - portrait preview, mouse event, link is on the top left of the page', ( assert ) => {
const isPreviewTall = false,
measures = {
pageX: 252,
pageY: 1146,
clientY: 36,
clientRects: [ {
bottom: 37,
height: 13,
left: 201,
right: 357,
top: 24,
width: 156
} ],
offset: {
top: 1134,
left: 201
width: 156,
height: 13,
scrollTop: 1109,
windowWidth: 1239,
windowHeight: 827
pointerSize = 8;
const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ];
cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => {
const layout = renderer.createLayout(
isPreviewTall, measures, pointerSize, dir
offset: {
top: 1154,
left: 234
flippedX: dir !== 'ltr',
flippedY: false,
`Case ${i}: the layout is correct.`
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#createLayout - tall preview, mouse event, link is on the bottom center of the page', ( assert ) => {
const isPreviewTall = true,
measures = {
pageX: 176,
pageY: 1252,
clientY: 628,
clientRects: [ {
bottom: 640,
height: 13,
left: 177,
right: 209,
top: 627,
width: 32
} ],
offset: {
top: 1250,
left: 177
width: 32,
height: 13,
scrollTop: 623,
windowWidth: 587,
windowHeight: 827
pointerSize = 8;
const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ];
cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => {
const layout = renderer.createLayout(
isPreviewTall, measures, pointerSize, dir
offset: {
top: 1242,
left: 158
flippedX: dir !== 'ltr',
flippedY: true,
`Case ${i}: the layout is correct. Y is flipped.`
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#createLayout - empty preview, keyboard event, link is on the center right of the page', ( assert ) => {
const isPreviewTall = false,
measures = {
clientRects: [ {
bottom: 442,
height: 13,
left: 654,
right: 692,
top: 430,
width: 38
} ],
offset: {
top: 1118,
left: 654
width: 38,
height: 13,
scrollTop: 689,
windowWidth: 801,
windowHeight: 827
pointerSize = 8;
const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ];
cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => {
const layout = renderer.createLayout(
isPreviewTall, measures, pointerSize, dir
offset: {
top: 1110,
left: 372
flippedX: dir === 'ltr',
flippedY: true,
`Case ${i}: the layout is correct. Both X and Y are flipped.`
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#createLayout - empty preview, mouse event, popup pointer is in the correct position', ( assert ) => {
const isPreviewTall = false,
measures = {
pageX: 205,
pageY: 1146,
clientY: 36,
clientRects: [ {
bottom: 37,
height: 13,
left: 201,
right: 227,
top: 24,
width: 26
} ],
offset: {
top: 1134,
left: 201
width: 26,
height: 13,
scrollTop: 1109,
windowWidth: 1239,
windowHeight: 827
pointerSize = 8;
const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ];
cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => {
const layout = renderer.createLayout(
isPreviewTall, measures, pointerSize, dir
offset: {
top: 1154,
left: 196
flippedX: dir !== 'ltr',
flippedY: false,
`Case ${i}: the layout is correct.`
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getClasses when no thumbnail is available', ( assert ) => {
const cases = [
// [ previewOptions, layoutOptions, expected, message ]
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: false
'No flip.'
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: true
'Y flipped.'
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false
'X flipped.'
hasThumbnail: false,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true
'X and Y flipped.'
cases.forEach( ( case_ ) => {
renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ),
case_[ 2 ],
case_[ 3 ]
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getClasses when a non-tall thumbnail is available', ( assert ) => {
const cases = [
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: false
'No flip.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: false,
flippedY: true
'Y flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false
'X flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: false
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true
'X and Y flipped.'
cases.forEach( ( case_ ) => {
renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ),
case_[ 2 ],
case_[ 3 ]
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getClasses when a tall thumbnail is available', ( assert ) => {
const cases = [
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: false,
flippedY: false
'No flip.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: false,
flippedY: true
'Y flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false
'X flipped.'
hasThumbnail: true,
isTall: true
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true
'X and Y flipped.'
cases.forEach( ( case_ ) => {
renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ),
case_[ 2 ],
case_[ 3 ]
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - no thumbnail', ( assert ) => {
const preview = createPagePreview( false, false, null ),
layout = {
flippedX: false,
flippedY: false,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
dir: 'ltr'
classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ];
renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8, windowHeight );
classes.every( function ( c ) {
return preview.el.hasClass( c );
} ),
'Classes have been added.'
preview.el.css( 'top' ),
'Top is correct.'
preview.el.css( 'left' ),
'Left is correct.'
} );
QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - tall preview, flipped X, has thumbnail', function ( assert ) {
const preview = createPagePreview( true, true, { height: 200 } ),
layout = {
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
dir: 'ltr'
classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ];
.stub( document, 'getElementById' )
.returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) );
renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8, windowHeight );
classes.every( function ( c ) {
return preview.el.hasClass( c );
} ),
'Classes have been added.'
preview.el.css( 'top' ),
'Top is correct.'
preview.el.css( 'left' ),
'Left is correct.'
preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-no-image-pointer' ),
'A class has been removed.'
preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ),
'Image clip path is correct.'
} );
QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - portrait preview, flipped X, has thumbnail, small height', function ( assert ) {
const preview = createPagePreview( false, true, { height: 199 } ),
layout = {
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
dir: 'ltr'
classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ];
.stub( document, 'getElementById' )
.returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) );
renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8, windowHeight );
classes.every( function ( c ) {
return preview.el.hasClass( c );
} ),
'Classes have been added.'
preview.el.css( 'top' ),
'Top is correct.'
preview.el.css( 'left' ),
'Left is correct.'
preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).css( 'margin-top' ),
`${199 - 8}px`, // thumb height - pointer size
'Extract margin top has been set when preview height is smaller than the predefined landscape image height.'
preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ),
'Image clip path is correct.'
} );
QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - portrait preview, flipped X, has thumbnail, big height', function ( assert ) {
const preview = createPagePreview( false, true, { height: 201 } ),
layout = {
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
dir: 'ltr'
classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ];
.stub( document, 'getElementById' )
.returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) );
renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8, windowHeight );
classes.every( function ( c ) {
return preview.el.hasClass( c );
} ),
'Classes have been added.'
preview.el.css( 'top' ),
'Top is correct.'
preview.el.css( 'left' ),
'Left is correct.'
preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).attr( 'margin-top' ),
'Extract margin top has NOT been set when preview height is bigger than the predefined landscape image height.'
preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ),
'Image clip path is correct.'
} );
QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - tall preview, has thumbnail, flipped Y', ( assert ) => {
const preview = createPagePreview( true, true, { height: 200 } ),
layout = {
flippedX: false,
flippedY: true,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
dir: 'ltr'
classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ];
renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8, windowHeight );
classes.every( function ( c ) {
return preview.el.hasClass( c );
} ),
'Classes have been added.'
preview.el.css( 'bottom' ),
`${windowHeight - layout.offset.top}px`,
'Bottom is correct.'
preview.el.css( 'left' ),
'Left is correct.'
preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ),
'Image clip path is not set.'
} );
QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - tall preview, has thumbnail, flipped X and Y', function ( assert ) {
const preview = createPagePreview( true, true, { height: 200 } ),
layout = {
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
dir: 'ltr'
classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ];
.stub( document, 'getElementById' )
.returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) );
renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8, windowHeight );
classes.every( function ( c ) {
return preview.el.hasClass( c );
} ),
'Classes have been added.'
preview.el.css( 'left' ),
'Left is correct.'
preview.el.css( 'bottom' ),
`${windowHeight - layout.offset.top}px`,
'Bottom is correct.'
preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ),
'Image clip path is not set.'
} );
QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - portrait preview, has thumbnail, flipped X and Y', ( assert ) => {
const preview = createPagePreview( false, true, { height: 200 } ),
layout = {
flippedX: true,
flippedY: true,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
dir: 'ltr'
classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ];
renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8, windowHeight );
classes.every( function ( c ) {
return preview.el.hasClass( c );
} ),
'Classes have been added.'
preview.el.css( 'left' ),
'Left is correct.'
preview.el.css( 'bottom' ),
`${windowHeight - layout.offset.top}px`,
'Bottom is correct.'
preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ),
'Image clip path is not set.'
} );
QUnit.test( '#setThumbnailClipPath', function ( assert ) {
const cases = [
// standard thumbnail sizes
{ isTall: false, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 320 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)' },
{ isTall: true, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 320 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)' },
{ isTall: false, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 320 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 320 0)' },
{ isTall: true, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 302 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 203 0)' },
// portrait-mode thumbnail, wider than max width - mask should not shift
{ isTall: true, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 400 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)' },
// portrait-mode thumbnail, narrower than max width - mask x-offset should shift
{ isTall: true, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 100 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 -103 0)' },
// in RTL-mode, wide/narrow thumbnails - mask should not shift
{ isTall: true, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 400 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 203 0)' },
{ isTall: true, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 100 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 203 0)' }
const clipPath = document.createElement( 'div' );
this.sandbox.stub( document, 'getElementById' ).returns( clipPath );
cases.forEach( ( { isTall, dir, thumbnail, expected } ) => {
clipPath.removeAttribute( 'transform' );
const preview = createPagePreview( isTall, true, thumbnail ),
layout = {
flippedX: true,
flippedY: false,
offset: {
top: 100,
left: 200
renderer.setThumbnailClipPath( preview, layout );
clipPath.getAttribute( 'transform' ),
`Transform is correct for: { isTall: ${isTall}, dir: ${dir} }.`
} );
} );
QUnit.test( '#getThumbnailClipPathID', ( assert ) => {
const cases = [
{ flippedY: false, flippedX: false, isTall: false, expected: 'mwe-popups-mask' },
{ flippedY: true, flippedX: false, isTall: false, expected: undefined },
{ flippedY: false, flippedX: true, isTall: false, expected: 'mwe-popups-mask-flip' },
{ flippedY: true, flippedX: true, isTall: false, expected: undefined },
{ flippedY: false, flippedX: false, isTall: true, expected: undefined },
{ flippedY: true, flippedX: false, isTall: true, expected: undefined },
{ flippedY: false, flippedX: true, isTall: true, expected: 'mwe-popups-landscape-mask' },
{ flippedY: true, flippedX: true, isTall: true, expected: 'mwe-popups-landscape-mask-flip' }
cases.forEach( ( { flippedY, flippedX, isTall, expected } ) => {
renderer.getThumbnailClipPathID( isTall, flippedY, flippedX ),
`Correct element ID is returned for: { flippedY: ${flippedY}, flippedX: ${flippedX}, isTall: ${isTall} }.`
} );
} );
QUnit.test( 'getClosestYPosition', ( assert ) => {
assert.strictEqual( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
] ), 119, 'Correct lower Y.' );
assert.strictEqual( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 100, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 99, 'Correct upper Y.' );
assert.strictEqual( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 135, [
top: 99,
bottom: 119
top: 120,
bottom: 140
], true ), 120, 'Correct upper Y 2.' );
} );