import * as renderer from '../../../src/ui/renderer'; import * as pagePreview from '../../../src/ui/templates/pagePreview/pagePreview'; import * as constants from '../../../src/constants'; import { createNullModel, previewTypes } from '../../../src/preview/model'; import { createThumbnail } from '../../../src/ui/thumbnail'; /** * A utility function that creates a bare bones preview * * @param {boolean} [isTall] * @param {boolean} [hasThumbnail] * @param {ext.popups.Thumbnail} [thumbnail] * @return {ext.popups.Preview} */ function createPagePreview( isTall, hasThumbnail, thumbnail ) { return { el: $( '
' ).append( hasThumbnail ? $( '' ) : '', $( '' ).addClass( 'mwe-popups-extract' ).text( 'extract' ), $( '' ).addClass( 'mwe-popups-settings-icon' ) ), isTall, hasThumbnail, thumbnail }; } function createBehavior( sandbox ) { return { settingsUrl: 'https://settings.url', showSettings: sandbox.spy(), previewDwell: sandbox.spy(), previewAbandon: sandbox.spy(), previewShow: sandbox.spy(), click: sandbox.spy() }; } QUnit.module( 'ext.popups#renderer', { beforeEach() { this.sandbox.stub( constants.default, 'BRACKETED_DEVICE_PIXEL_RATIO' ).value( 1 ); mw.msg = ( key ) => `<${key}>`; mw.html = { escape: ( str ) => str && str.replace( /'/g, ''' ).replace( / {}; global.navigator = { sendBeacon() {} }; // Some tests below stub this function. Keep a copy so it can be restored. this.getElementById = document.getElementById; }, afterEach() { // Restore getElementsById to its original state. document.getElementById = this.getElementById; mw.msg = null; mw.html = null; } } ); QUnit.test( 'getExtractWidth', ( assert ) => { const cases = [ [ null, '' ], [ { isNarrow: true, offset: 10 }, `${pagePreview.defaultExtractWidth + 10}px` ], [ { // Fall back to css stylesheet for non-narrow thumbs. isNarrow: false, offset: 100 }, '' ] ]; cases.forEach( ( case_, i ) => { assert.strictEqual( pagePreview.getExtractWidth( case_[ 0 ] ), case_[ 1 ], `Case ${i}: the expected extract width matches.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createPointerMasks', ( assert ) => { const $container = $( '
' ), cases = [ [ '#mwe-popups-mask', 'M0 8h10l8-8 8 8h974v992H0z' ], [ '#mwe-popups-mask-flip', 'M0 8h294l8-8 8 8h690v992H0z' ], [ '#mwe-popups-landscape-mask', 'M0 8h174l8-8 8 8h810v992H0z' ], [ '#mwe-popups-landscape-mask-flip', 'M0 0h1000v242H190l-8 8-8-8H0z' ] ]; renderer.createPointerMasks( $container.get( 0 ) ); cases.forEach( ( case_, i ) => { assert.strictEqual( $container.find( `${case_[ 0 ]} path` ).attr( 'd' ), case_[ 1 ], `Case ${i}: the SVG's polygons match.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createPagePreview', ( assert ) => { const model = { title: 'Test', url: ' <"\'>', languageCode: 'en <"\'>', languageDirection: 'ltr <"\'>', extract: 'This is a test page.', type: previewTypes.TYPE_PAGE, thumbnail: { source: '', width: 409, height: 512 } }, preview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( preview.hasThumbnail, true, 'Preview has thumbnail.' ); assert.deepEqual( preview.thumbnail.el.html(), createThumbnail( model.thumbnail ).el.html(), 'Preview thumbnail is the correct one.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.isTall, true, 'Preview is tall (because the thumbnail is tall).' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).text(), 'This is a test page.', 'Preview extract is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).attr( 'href' ), ' <"\'>', 'URL is safely espaced' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).attr( 'lang' ), 'en <"\'>', 'Language code is safely espaced' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).attr( 'dir' ), 'ltr <"\'>', 'Language direction is safely espaced' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createEmptyPreview(model)', ( assert ) => { const model = { title: 'Test', url: ' <"\'>', type: previewTypes.TYPE_GENERIC }, emptyPreview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.hasThumbnail, false, 'Empty preview doesn\'t have a thumbnail (even though one is provided).' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.isTall, false, 'Empty preview is never tall (even though the supplied thumbnail is tall).' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-title' ).text().trim(), '', 'Empty preview title is hidden.' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).text().trim(), '', 'Empty preview extract is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).text().trim(), '', 'Empty preview link text is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).attr( 'href' ), ' <"\'>', 'URL is safely espaced' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createEmptyPreview(null model)', ( assert ) => { const model = createNullModel( 'Test', '/wiki/Test' ), emptyPreview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.hasThumbnail, false, 'Null preview doesn\'t have a thumbnail.' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.isTall, false, 'Null preview is never tall.' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-title' ).text().trim(), '', 'Empty preview title is hidden.' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).text().trim(), '', 'Empty preview extract is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).text().trim(), '', 'Empty preview link text is correct.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createPreviewWithType(model with unknown type)', ( assert ) => { const model = { url: '/wiki/Unknown <"\'>', type: 'unknown <"\'>' }, emptyPreview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).attr( 'href' ), '/wiki/Unknown <"\'>', 'URL is safely espaced' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.attr( 'class' ), 'mwe-popups mwe-popups-type-unknown <"\'>', 'Popup type is safely espaced' ); assert.strictEqual( emptyPreview.el.find( '.mw-ui-icon' ).attr( 'class' ), 'mw-ui-icon mw-ui-icon-element mw-ui-icon-preview-unknown <"\'>', 'Icon type is safely espaced' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createDisambiguationPreview(model)', ( assert ) => { const model = { title: 'Barack (disambiguation)', url: 'url/Barack (disambiguation) <"\'>', type: previewTypes.TYPE_DISAMBIGUATION }, preview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( preview.hasThumbnail, false, 'Disambiguation preview doesn\'t have a thumbnail.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.isTall, false, 'Disambiguation preview is never tall.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-title' ).text().trim(), 'Barack (disambiguation)', 'Preview title is show.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).text().trim(), '', 'Preview extract is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).text().trim(), '', 'Preview link text is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).attr( 'href' ), 'url/Barack (disambiguation) <"\'>', 'URL is safely espaced' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createReferencePreview(model)', ( assert ) => { const model = { url: '#custom_id', extract: 'Custom extract with a link', type: previewTypes.TYPE_REFERENCE, referenceType: 'web' }, preview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( preview.hasThumbnail, false ); assert.strictEqual( preview.isTall, false ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-title' ).text().trim(), '' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).text().trim(), 'Custom extract with a link' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( 'a[target="_blank"]' ).length, 1, 'links in (and only in) the content open in new tabs' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).attr( 'href' ), '#custom_id', 'readlink is correctly linked' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createReferencePreview escapes URLs safely', ( assert ) => { const model = { url: '#custom_id <"\'>', extract: '', type: previewTypes.TYPE_REFERENCE }, preview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).attr( 'href' ), '#custom_id <"\'>', 'URL is safely espaced' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createReferencePreview default title', ( assert ) => { const model = { url: '', extract: '', type: previewTypes.TYPE_REFERENCE }, preview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-title' ).text().trim(), '' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'createReferencePreview propagates clicks to source element', ( assert ) => { const model = { url: '', extract: '', type: previewTypes.TYPE_REFERENCE, sourceElementId: 'source-element' }, preview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ), $sourceElement = $( '
' ).attr( 'id', model.sourceElementId ).append( $( '' ).on( 'click', () => { assert.ok( true, 'click event is triggered' ); } ) ).appendTo( document.body ); preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-read-link' ).trigger( 'click' ); $sourceElement.remove(); } ); QUnit.test( 'createReferencePreview updates fade-out effect on scroll', ( assert ) => { const model = { url: '', extract: '', type: previewTypes.TYPE_REFERENCE }, preview = renderer.createPreviewWithType( model ), $extract = preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ); $extract.children().trigger( 'scroll' ); assert.strictEqual( false, $extract.children()[ 0 ].isScrolling ); assert.ok( !$extract.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-out' ) ); } ); QUnit.test( 'bindBehavior - preview dwell', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview(), behavior = createBehavior( this.sandbox ); renderer.bindBehavior( preview, behavior ); preview.el.mouseenter(); assert.strictEqual( behavior.previewDwell.callCount, 1, 'Preview dwell is called.' ); assert.notOk( behavior.previewAbandon.called, 'Preview abandon is NOT called.' ); assert.notOk(, 'Click is NOT called.' ); assert.notOk( behavior.showSettings.called, 'Show settings is NOT called.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'bindBehavior - preview abandon', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview(), behavior = createBehavior( this.sandbox ); renderer.bindBehavior( preview, behavior ); preview.el.mouseleave(); assert.notOk( behavior.previewDwell.called, 'Preview dwell is NOT called.' ); assert.strictEqual( behavior.previewAbandon.callCount, 1, 'Preview abandon is called.' ); assert.notOk(, 'Click is NOT called.' ); assert.notOk( behavior.showSettings.called, 'Show settings is NOT called.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'bindBehavior - preview click', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview(), behavior = createBehavior( this.sandbox ); renderer.bindBehavior( preview, behavior );; assert.notOk( behavior.previewDwell.called, 'Preview dwell is NOT called.' ); assert.notOk( behavior.previewAbandon.called, 'Preview abandon is NOT called.' ); assert.strictEqual(, 1, 'Click is called.' ); assert.notOk( behavior.showSettings.called, 'Settings link click is NOT called.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'bindBehavior - settings link click', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview(), behavior = createBehavior( this.sandbox ); renderer.bindBehavior( preview, behavior ); preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-settings-icon' ).click(); assert.notOk( behavior.previewDwell.called, 'Preview dwell is NOT called.' ); assert.notOk( behavior.previewAbandon.called, 'Preview abandon is NOT called.' ); assert.notOk(, 'Click is NOT called.' ); assert.ok( behavior.showSettings.calledOnce, 'Settings link click is called.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'bindBehavior - settings link URL', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview(), behavior = createBehavior( this.sandbox ); renderer.bindBehavior( preview, behavior ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-settings-icon' ).attr( 'href' ), behavior.settingsUrl, 'Settings link URL is correct.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'show', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview(), event = { pageX: 252, pageY: 1146, clientY: 36 }, link = { get() { return { getClientRects() { return [ { bottom: 37, height: 13, left: 201, right: 357, top: 24, width: 156 } ]; } }; }, offset() { return { top: 1134, left: 201 }; }, width() { return 156; }, height() { return 13; } }, behavior = createBehavior( this.sandbox ), token = 'some-token', $container = $( '
' ); = this.sandbox.stub(); const showPreview = preview, event, link, behavior, token, $container.get( 0 ), 'ltr' ); assert.notEqual( $container.html(), '', 'Container is not empty.' ); assert.ok(, 'Preview has been shown.' ); return showPreview.then( () => { assert.ok( behavior.previewShow.calledWith( token ), 'previewShow has been called with the correct token.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'hide - fade out up', ( assert ) => { const preview = { el: $( '
' ).addClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down' ), hasThumbnail: false, thumbnail: null, isTall: false }, $container = $( '
' ).append( preview.el ), hidePreview = renderer.hide( preview ); assert.ok( preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-out-up' ), 'Thumbnail has faded out up.' ); assert.notOk( preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down' ), 'Fade-in class has been removed.' ); assert.notEqual( $container.html(), '', 'Preview is still in the container.' ); return hidePreview.then( () => { assert.strictEqual( $container.html(), '', 'Preview has been removed from the container.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'hide - fade out down', ( assert ) => { const preview = { el: $( '
' ).addClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up' ), hasThumbnail: false, thumbnail: null, isTall: false }, $container = $( '
' ).append( preview.el ), hidePreview = renderer.hide( preview ); assert.ok( preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-out-down' ), 'Thumbnail has faded out down.' ); assert.notOk( preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up' ), 'Fade-in class has been removed.' ); assert.notEqual( $container.html(), '', 'Preview is still in the container.' ); return hidePreview.then( () => { assert.strictEqual( $container.html(), '', 'Preview has been removed from the container.' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#createLayout - portrait preview, mouse event, link is on the top left of the page', ( assert ) => { const isPreviewTall = false, eventData = { pageX: 252, pageY: 1146, clientY: 36 }, linkData = { clientRects: [ { bottom: 37, height: 13, left: 201, right: 357, top: 24, width: 156 } ], offset: { top: 1134, left: 201 }, width: 156, height: 13 }, windowData = { scrollTop: 1109, width: 1239, height: 827 }, pointerSize = 8; const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ]; cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => { const layout = renderer.createLayout( isPreviewTall, eventData, linkData, windowData, pointerSize, dir ); assert.deepEqual( layout, { offset: { top: 1154, left: 234 }, flippedX: dir !== 'ltr', flippedY: false, dir }, `Case ${i}: the layout is correct.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#createLayout - tall preview, mouse event, link is on the bottom center of the page', ( assert ) => { const isPreviewTall = true, eventData = { pageX: 176, pageY: 1252, clientY: 628 }, linkData = { clientRects: [ { bottom: 640, height: 13, left: 177, right: 209, top: 627, width: 32 } ], offset: { top: 1250, left: 177 }, width: 32, height: 13 }, windowData = { scrollTop: 623, width: 587, height: 827 }, pointerSize = 8; const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ]; cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => { const layout = renderer.createLayout( isPreviewTall, eventData, linkData, windowData, pointerSize, dir ); assert.deepEqual( layout, { offset: { top: 1242, left: 158 }, flippedX: dir !== 'ltr', flippedY: true, dir }, `Case ${i}: the layout is correct. Y is flipped.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#createLayout - empty preview, keyboard event, link is on the center right of the page', ( assert ) => { const isPreviewTall = false, eventData = {}, linkData = { clientRects: [ { bottom: 442, height: 13, left: 654, right: 692, top: 430, width: 38 } ], offset: { top: 1118, left: 654 }, width: 38, height: 13 }, windowData = { scrollTop: 689, width: 801, height: 827 }, pointerSize = 8; const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ]; cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => { const layout = renderer.createLayout( isPreviewTall, eventData, linkData, windowData, pointerSize, dir ); assert.deepEqual( layout, { offset: { top: 1110, left: 372 }, flippedX: dir === 'ltr', flippedY: true, dir }, `Case ${i}: the layout is correct. Both X and Y are flipped.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#createLayout - empty preview, mouse event, popup pointer is in the correct position', ( assert ) => { const isPreviewTall = false, eventData = { pageX: 205, pageY: 1146, clientY: 36 }, linkData = { clientRects: [ { bottom: 37, height: 13, left: 201, right: 227, top: 24, width: 26 } ], offset: { top: 1134, left: 201 }, width: 26, height: 13 }, windowData = { scrollTop: 1109, width: 1239, height: 827 }, pointerSize = 8; const cases = [ { dir: 'ltr' }, { dir: 'rtl' } ]; cases.forEach( ( { dir }, i ) => { const layout = renderer.createLayout( isPreviewTall, eventData, linkData, windowData, pointerSize, dir ); assert.deepEqual( layout, { offset: { top: 1154, left: 196 }, flippedX: dir !== 'ltr', flippedY: false, dir }, `Case ${i}: the layout is correct.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#getClasses when no thumbnail is available', ( assert ) => { const cases = [ // [ previewOptions, layoutOptions, expected, message ] [ { hasThumbnail: false, isTall: false }, { flippedX: false, flippedY: false }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up', 'mwe-popups-no-image-pointer', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'No flip.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: false, isTall: false }, { flippedX: false, flippedY: true }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down', 'flipped-y', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'Y flipped.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: false, isTall: false }, { flippedX: true, flippedY: false }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up', 'flipped-x', 'mwe-popups-no-image-pointer', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'X flipped.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: false, isTall: false }, { flippedX: true, flippedY: true }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down', 'flipped-x-y', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'X and Y flipped.' ] ]; cases.forEach( ( case_ ) => { assert.deepEqual( renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ), case_[ 2 ], case_[ 3 ] ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#getClasses when a non-tall thumbnail is available', ( assert ) => { const cases = [ [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: false }, { flippedX: false, flippedY: false }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up', 'mwe-popups-image-pointer', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'No flip.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: false }, { flippedX: false, flippedY: true }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down', 'flipped-y', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'Y flipped.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: false }, { flippedX: true, flippedY: false }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up', 'flipped-x', 'mwe-popups-image-pointer', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'X flipped.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: false }, { flippedX: true, flippedY: true }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down', 'flipped-x-y', 'mwe-popups-is-not-tall' ], 'X and Y flipped.' ] ]; cases.forEach( ( case_ ) => { assert.deepEqual( renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ), case_[ 2 ], case_[ 3 ] ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#getClasses when a tall thumbnail is available', ( assert ) => { const cases = [ [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: true }, { flippedX: false, flippedY: false }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up', 'mwe-popups-no-image-pointer', 'mwe-popups-is-tall' ], 'No flip.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: true }, { flippedX: false, flippedY: true }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down', 'flipped-y', 'mwe-popups-is-tall' ], 'Y flipped.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: true }, { flippedX: true, flippedY: false }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-up', 'flipped-x', 'mwe-popups-is-tall' ], 'X flipped.' ], [ { hasThumbnail: true, isTall: true }, { flippedX: true, flippedY: true }, [ 'mwe-popups-fade-in-down', 'flipped-x-y', 'mwe-popups-is-tall' ], 'X and Y flipped.' ] ]; cases.forEach( ( case_ ) => { assert.deepEqual( renderer.getClasses( case_[ 0 ], case_[ 1 ] ), case_[ 2 ], case_[ 3 ] ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - no thumbnail', ( assert ) => { const preview = createPagePreview( false, false, null ), layout = { flippedX: false, flippedY: false, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir: 'ltr' }, classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ]; renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8 ); assert.ok( classes.every( function ( c ) { return preview.el.hasClass( c ); } ), 'Classes have been added.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'top' ), `${}px`, 'Top is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'left' ), `${layout.offset.left}px`, 'Left is correct.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - tall preview, flipped X, has thumbnail', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview( true, true, { height: 200 } ), layout = { flippedX: true, flippedY: false, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir: 'ltr' }, classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ]; this.sandbox .stub( document, 'getElementById' ) .returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) ); renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8 ); assert.ok( classes.every( function ( c ) { return preview.el.hasClass( c ); } ), 'Classes have been added.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'top' ), `${}px`, 'Top is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'left' ), `${layout.offset.left}px`, 'Left is correct.' ); assert.notOk( preview.el.hasClass( 'mwe-popups-no-image-pointer' ), 'A class has been removed.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ), 'url(#mwe-popups-landscape-mask)', 'Image clip path is correct.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - portrait preview, flipped X, has thumbnail, small height', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview( false, true, { height: 199 } ), layout = { flippedX: true, flippedY: false, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir: 'ltr' }, classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ]; this.sandbox .stub( document, 'getElementById' ) .returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) ); renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8 ); assert.ok( classes.every( function ( c ) { return preview.el.hasClass( c ); } ), 'Classes have been added.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'top' ), `${}px`, 'Top is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'left' ), `${layout.offset.left}px`, 'Left is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).css( 'margin-top' ), `${199 - 8}px`, // thumb height - pointer size 'Extract margin top has been set when preview height is smaller than the predefined landscape image height.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ), 'url(#mwe-popups-mask-flip)', 'Image clip path is correct.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - portrait preview, flipped X, has thumbnail, big height', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview( false, true, { height: 201 } ), layout = { flippedX: true, flippedY: false, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir: 'ltr' }, classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ]; this.sandbox .stub( document, 'getElementById' ) .returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) ); renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8 ); assert.ok( classes.every( function ( c ) { return preview.el.hasClass( c ); } ), 'Classes have been added.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'top' ), `${}px`, 'Top is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'left' ), `${layout.offset.left}px`, 'Left is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( '.mwe-popups-extract' ).attr( 'margin-top' ), undefined, 'Extract margin top has NOT been set when preview height is bigger than the predefined landscape image height.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ), 'url(#mwe-popups-mask-flip)', 'Image clip path is correct.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - tall preview, has thumbnail, flipped Y', ( assert ) => { const preview = createPagePreview( true, true, { height: 200 } ), layout = { flippedX: false, flippedY: true, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir: 'ltr' }, classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ]; preview.el.outerHeight = () => 20; renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8 ); assert.ok( classes.every( function ( c ) { return preview.el.hasClass( c ); } ), 'Classes have been added.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'top' ), `${ - 20}px`, // - outer height 'Top is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'left' ), `${layout.offset.left}px`, 'Left is correct.' ); assert.notOk( preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ), 'Image clip path is not set.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - tall preview, has thumbnail, flipped X and Y', function ( assert ) { const preview = createPagePreview( true, true, { height: 200 } ), layout = { flippedX: true, flippedY: true, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir: 'ltr' }, classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ]; preview.el.outerHeight = () => 20; this.sandbox .stub( document, 'getElementById' ) .returns( document.createElement( 'div' ) ); renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8 ); assert.ok( classes.every( function ( c ) { return preview.el.hasClass( c ); } ), 'Classes have been added.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'top' ), `${ - 20}px`, // - outer height 'Top is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'left' ), `${layout.offset.left}px`, 'Left is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ), 'url(#mwe-popups-landscape-mask-flip)', 'Image clip path is not set.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#layoutPreview - portrait preview, has thumbnail, flipped X and Y', ( assert ) => { const preview = createPagePreview( false, true, { height: 200 } ), layout = { flippedX: true, flippedY: true, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir: 'ltr' }, classes = [ 'some-class', 'another-class' ]; preview.el.outerHeight = () => 20; renderer.layoutPreview( preview, layout, classes, 200, 8 ); assert.ok( classes.every( function ( c ) { return preview.el.hasClass( c ); } ), 'Classes have been added.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'top' ), `${ - 20}px`, // - outer height 'Top is correct.' ); assert.strictEqual( preview.el.css( 'left' ), `${layout.offset.left}px`, 'Left is correct.' ); assert.notOk( preview.el.find( 'image' ).attr( 'clip-path' ), 'Image clip path is not set.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#setThumbnailClipPath', function ( assert ) { const cases = [ // standard thumbnail sizes { isTall: false, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 320 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)' }, { isTall: true, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 320 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)' }, { isTall: false, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 320 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 320 0)' }, { isTall: true, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 302 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 203 0)' }, // portrait-mode thumbnail, wider than max width - mask should not shift { isTall: true, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 400 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 0 0)' }, // portrait-mode thumbnail, narrower than max width - mask x-offset should shift { isTall: true, dir: 'ltr', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 100 }, expected: 'matrix(1 0 0 1 -103 0)' }, // in RTL-mode, wide/narrow thumbnails - mask should not shift { isTall: true, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 400 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 203 0)' }, { isTall: true, dir: 'rtl', thumbnail: { height: 200, width: 100 }, expected: 'matrix(-1 0 0 1 203 0)' } ]; const clipPath = document.createElement( 'div' ); this.sandbox.stub( document, 'getElementById' ).returns( clipPath ); cases.forEach( ( { isTall, dir, thumbnail, expected } ) => { clipPath.removeAttribute( 'transform' ); const preview = createPagePreview( isTall, true, thumbnail ), layout = { flippedX: true, flippedY: false, offset: { top: 100, left: 200 }, dir }; // preview.el.outerHeight = () => 20; renderer.setThumbnailClipPath( preview, layout ); assert.strictEqual( clipPath.getAttribute( 'transform' ), expected, `Transform is correct for: { isTall: ${isTall}, dir: ${dir} }.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( '#getThumbnailClipPathID', ( assert ) => { const cases = [ { flippedY: false, flippedX: false, isTall: false, expected: 'mwe-popups-mask' }, { flippedY: true, flippedX: false, isTall: false, expected: undefined }, { flippedY: false, flippedX: true, isTall: false, expected: 'mwe-popups-mask-flip' }, { flippedY: true, flippedX: true, isTall: false, expected: undefined }, { flippedY: false, flippedX: false, isTall: true, expected: undefined }, { flippedY: true, flippedX: false, isTall: true, expected: undefined }, { flippedY: false, flippedX: true, isTall: true, expected: 'mwe-popups-landscape-mask' }, { flippedY: true, flippedX: true, isTall: true, expected: 'mwe-popups-landscape-mask-flip' } ]; cases.forEach( ( { flippedY, flippedX, isTall, expected } ) => { assert.strictEqual( renderer.getThumbnailClipPathID( isTall, flippedY, flippedX ), expected, `Correct element ID is returned for: { flippedY: ${flippedY}, flippedX: ${flippedX}, isTall: ${isTall} }.` ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'getClosestYPosition', ( assert ) => { assert.strictEqual( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 100, [ { top: 99, bottom: 119 }, { top: 120, bottom: 140 } ] ), 119, 'Correct lower Y.' ); assert.strictEqual( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 100, [ { top: 99, bottom: 119 }, { top: 120, bottom: 140 } ], true ), 99, 'Correct upper Y.' ); assert.strictEqual( renderer.getClosestYPosition( 135, [ { top: 99, bottom: 119 }, { top: 120, bottom: 140 } ], true ), 120, 'Correct upper Y 2.' ); } );