var mw = mediaWiki, createSchema = require( '../../src/schema' ), createStubMap = require( './stubs' ).createStubMap; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/schema', { beforeEach: function () { this.config = createStubMap(); this.config.set( 'wgPopupsSchemaSamplingRate', 1 ); this.window = { navigator: { sendBeacon: function () {} } }; // Stub out the mw.eventLog.Schema constructor function. mw.eventLog = { Schema: this.sandbox.stub() }; } } ); QUnit.test( 'it should use $wgPopupsSchemaSamplingRate as the sampling rate', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 2 ); createSchema( this.config, this.window ); assert.ok( mw.eventLog.Schema.calledWith( 'Popups', 1 ) ); // --- createSchema( createStubMap(), this.window ); assert.ok( mw.eventLog.Schema.calledWith( 'Popups', 0 ), 'If $wgPopupsSchemaSamplingRate isn\'t set, then the sampling rate should be 0.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should use a 0 sampling rate when sendBeacon isn\'t supported', function ( assert ) { var expectedArgs = [ 'Popups', 0 ]; assert.expect( 2 ); createSchema( this.config, { } ); assert.deepEqual( mw.eventLog.Schema.getCall( 0 ).args, expectedArgs ); // --- createSchema( this.config, { navigator: { sendBeacon: 'NOT A FUNCTION' } } ); assert.deepEqual( mw.eventLog.Schema.getCall( 1 ).args, expectedArgs ); } );