( function ( $, mw ) { /** * @class mw.popups.eventLogging * @singleton */ var eventLogging = {}; /** * Unix timestamp of when the popup was rendered * @property time */ eventLogging.time = undefined; /** * How long was the popup open in milliseconds * @property {Number} duration */ eventLogging.duration = undefined; /** * Was the popup clicked, middle clicked or dismissed * @property {String} action */ eventLogging.action = undefined; /** * Logs different actions such as meta and shift click on the popup * Is bound to the `click` event * * @method logClick * @param {Object} event */ eventLogging.logClick = function ( event ) { if ( event.which === 2 ) { // middle click eventLogging.action = 'opened in new tab'; } else if ( event.which === 1 ) { if ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) { eventLogging.action = 'opened in new tab'; } else if ( event.shiftKey ) { eventLogging.action = 'opened in new window'; } else { eventLogging.action = 'opened in same tab'; eventLogging.duration = mw.now() - eventLogging.time; eventLogging.logEvent( mw.popups.render.currentLink.attr( 'href' ) ); event.preventDefault(); } } }; /** * Logs the popup event as defined in the following schema- * https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Schema:Popups * If `href` is passed it redirects to that location after the event is logged. * * @method logEvent * @param {String} href */ eventLogging.logEvent = function ( href ) { var deferred = $.Deferred(), event = { 'duration': Math.round( eventLogging.duration ), 'action': eventLogging.action }; if ( eventLogging.sessionId !== null ) { event.sessionId = eventLogging.sessionId; } if ( href ) { deferred.always( function () { location.href = href; } ); } mw.eventLog.logEvent( 'Popups', event ).then( deferred.resolve, deferred.reject ); // reset eventLogging.time = undefined; eventLogging.duration = undefined; eventLogging.action = undefined; }; /** * Generates a unique sessionId or pulls an existing one from localStorage * * @method getSessionsId * @return {String} sessionId */ eventLogging.getSessionId = function () { var sessionId = null; try { sessionId = localStorage.getItem( 'popupsSessionId' ); if ( sessionId === null ) { sessionId = mw.user.getRandomSessionId(); localStorage.setItem( 'popupsSessionId', sessionId ); } } catch ( e ) {} return sessionId; }; /** * @property sessionId */ eventLogging.sessionId = eventLogging.getSessionId(); mw.popups.eventLogging = eventLogging; } ) ( jQuery, mediaWiki );