( function ( $, mw ) { 'use strict'; /** * @class mw.popups * @singleton */ mw.popups = {}; mw.popups.enabled = $.jStorage.get( 'mwe-popups-enabled' ) !== 'false'; /** * Checks SVG support on the browser * @property {Boolean} supportsSVG */ mw.popups.supportsSVG = document.implementation.hasFeature( 'http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/feature#Image', '1.1' ); /** * The API object used for all this extension's requests * @property {Object} api */ mw.popups.api = new mw.Api(); /** * Whether the page is being scrolled. * @property {Boolean} scrolled */ mw.popups.scrolled = false; /** * List of classes of which links are ignored * @property {Array} IGNORE_CLASSES */ mw.popups.IGNORE_CLASSES = [ '.extiw', '.image', '.new', '.internal', '.external' ]; /** * If SVG is supported, creates the SVG mask used to create the * the triangle pointer on popups with images * * @method createSVGMask */ mw.popups.createSVGMask = function () { if ( !mw.popups.supportsSVG ) { return false; } $( '
' ) .attr( 'id', 'mwe-popups-svg' ) .appendTo( document.body ) .html( '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' + '' ); return true; }; /** * Create the element that holds the popups * * @method createPopupElement */ mw.popups.createPopupElement = function () { mw.popups.$popup = $( '
' ) .attr( { 'class': 'mwe-popups', 'role': 'tooltip', 'aria-hidden': 'true' } ) .appendTo( document.body ); }; /** * Temorarily remove tooltips from links on hover * * @method removeTooltips */ mw.popups.removeTooltips = function ( $elements ) { $elements .filter( '[title]:not([title=""])' ) .on( 'mouseenter focus', function () { $( this ) .data( 'title', $( this ).attr( 'title' ) ) .attr( 'title', '' ); } ) .on( 'mouseleave blur', function () { $( this ) .attr( 'title', $( this ).data( 'title' ) ); } ); }; /** * Checks if the user is scrolling, sets to false on mousemove * * @method checkScroll */ mw.popups.checkScroll = function () { $( window ).on( 'scroll', function () { mw.popups.scrolled = true; } ); $( window ).on( 'mousemove', function () { mw.popups.scrolled = false; } ); }; /** * Register the hover event on links * * @method setupTriggers */ mw.popups.setupTriggers = function ( $elements ) { $elements.on( 'mouseenter focus', function ( event ) { var $this = $( this ), href = $this.attr( 'href' ); if ( mw.popups.scrolled || // Prevents hovering on popups while scrolling href.indexOf( '?' ) !== -1 || href.indexOf( location.origin + location.pathname + '#' ) === 0 ) { return; } mw.popups.render.render( $this, event ); } ); }; /** * Returns links that can have Popups * * @method selectPopupElements */ mw.popups.selectPopupElements = function () { return mw.popups.$content.find( 'a:not(' + mw.popups.IGNORE_CLASSES.join(', ') + ')' ); }; mw.hook( 'wikipage.content').add( function ( $content ) { if ( mw.popups.enabled ) { mw.popups.$content = $content; var $elements = mw.popups.selectPopupElements(); mw.popups.removeTooltips( $elements ); mw.popups.setupTriggers( $elements ); } } ); $( function () { if ( mw.popups.enabled ) { mw.popups.checkScroll(); mw.popups.createSVGMask(); mw.popups.createPopupElement(); } } ); } ) ( jQuery, mediaWiki );