import { getTitle, isValid } from '../../src/title'; /* global Map */ QUnit.module( 'title#getTitle', { beforeEach() { this.config = new Map(); this.config.set( 'wgArticlePath', '/wiki/$1' ); this.location = global.location = { hostname: '' }; window.mediaWiki.RegExp = { escape: this.sandbox.spy( ( str ) => { return str.replace( /([\\{}()|.?*+\-^$[\]])/g, '\\$1' ); } ) }; window.mediaWiki.Uri = this.sandbox.stub().throws( 'UNIMPLEMENTED' ); }, afterEach() { global.location = null; window.mediaWiki.RegExp = null; window.mediaWiki.Uri = null; } } ); QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a url with a title query param', function ( assert ) { const href = '/w/index.php?title=Foo'; window.mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( { host: this.location.hostname, query: { title: 'Foo' } } ); assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), 'Foo', 'The query title is returned.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a pretty url if it conforms wgArticlePath', function ( assert ) { const href = '/wiki/Foo'; window.mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( { host: this.location.hostname, path: href, query: {} } ); assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), 'Foo', 'The ASCII title is returned.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should return the title of a pretty url properly decoded', function ( assert ) { const href = '/wiki/%E6%B8%AC%E8%A9%A6'; window.mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( { host: this.location.hostname, path: href, query: {} } ); assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), '測試', 'The UTF-8 title is returned.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls that mw.Uri cannot parse', function ( assert ) { const href = 'javascript:void(0);'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url window.mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).throws( new Error( 'Cannot parse' ) ); assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), undefined, 'No title is returned.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls that are external', function ( assert ) { const href = ''; window.mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( { host: '', path: '/watch', query: { v: 'dQw4w9WgXcQ' } } ); assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), undefined, 'No title is returned.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should skip urls not on article path without one title query param', function ( assert ) { // No params let href = '/Foo'; window.mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( { host: this.location.hostname, path: '/Foo', query: {} } ); assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), undefined, 'No title is returned.' ); // Multiple query params href = '/Foo?a=1&title=Foo'; window.mediaWiki.Uri.withArgs( href ).returns( { host: this.location.hostname, path: '/Foo', query: { a: 1, title: 'Foo' } } ); assert.strictEqual( getTitle( href, this.config ), undefined, 'No title is returned.' ); } ); QUnit.module( 'title#isValid', { beforeEach() { window.mediaWiki.Title = { newFromText: this.sandbox.stub().throws( 'UNIMPLEMENTED' ) }; }, afterEach() { window.mediaWiki.Title = null; } } ); QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title is empty', ( assert ) => { assert.strictEqual( isValid(), null, 'Doesn\'t accept null titles' ); assert.strictEqual( isValid( '' ), null, 'Doesn\'t accept empty titles' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title can\'t be parsed properly', ( assert ) => { window.mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( null ); assert.strictEqual( isValid( 'title' ), null, 'Doesn\'t accept unparseable titles' ); assert.strictEqual( window.mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.callCount, 1, 'mediaWiki.Title.newFromText called for parsing the title' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should return null if the title is not from a content namespace', ( assert ) => { window.mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( { namespace: 1 } ); assert.strictEqual( isValid( 'title', [ 5 ] ), null, 'Only content namespace titles are accepted' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should return the title object if the title is from a content namespace', ( assert ) => { const mwTitle = { namespace: 3 }; window.mediaWiki.Title.newFromText.withArgs( 'title' ).returns( mwTitle ); assert.strictEqual( isValid( 'title', [ 1, 3, 5 ] ), mwTitle, 'A content namespace title is accepted' ); } );