import registerChangeListener from '../../src/changeListener'; const stubStore = ( () => { let state; return { getState() { return state; }, setState( value ) { state = value; } }; } )(); QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/changeListener' ); QUnit.test( 'it should only call the callback when the state has changed', function ( assert ) { const spy = this.sandbox.spy(); let boundChangeListener; stubStore.subscribe = ( changeListener ) => { boundChangeListener = changeListener; }; registerChangeListener( stubStore, spy ); stubStore.setState( {} ); if ( !boundChangeListener ) { assert.ok( false, 'The change listener was not bound.' ); } boundChangeListener(); boundChangeListener(); assert.strictEqual( spy.callCount, 1, 'The spy was called once.' ); assert.ok( spy.calledWith( undefined, // The initial internal state of the change listener. {} ), 'The spy was called with the correct arguments.' ); stubStore.setState( { foo: 'bar' } ); boundChangeListener(); assert.strictEqual( spy.callCount, 2, 'The spy was called twice.' ); assert.ok( spy.calledWith( {}, { foo: 'bar' } ), 'The spy was called with the correct arguments.' ); } );