import pageviews from '../../../src/reducers/pageviews'; import actionTypes from '../../../src/actionTypes'; /* eslint-disable camelcase */ const PAGEVIEW = { page_title: 'Bears', page_id: 1, page_namespace: 0 }, PAGE = { url: 'http://localhost:8888/w/index.php?title=Bird_like_dinosaur', title: 'Bird like dinosaur', namespaceId: 0, id: 673 }; /* eslint-enable camelcase */ QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/reducers#pageviews', { beforeEach() { this.initialState = pageviews( undefined, { type: '@@INIT' } ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'BOOT', function ( assert ) { const action = { type: actionTypes.BOOT, page: PAGE }; assert.deepEqual( pageviews( this.initialState, action ), { page: PAGE, pageview: undefined }, 'It should set the current page.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'PREVIEW_SEEN', ( assert ) => { const action = { type: actionTypes.PREVIEW_SEEN, title: 'Bears', pageId: 1, namespace: 0 }; assert.deepEqual( pageviews( { page: PAGE }, action ), { page: PAGE, pageview: PAGEVIEW }, 'It should set a flag requesting a pageview is recorded.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'PAGEVIEW_LOGGED', ( assert ) => { const action = { type: actionTypes.PAGEVIEW_LOGGED }; assert.deepEqual( pageviews( { pageview: PAGEVIEW, page: PAGE }, action ), { page: PAGE, pageview: undefined }, 'When complete it should remove the pageview record.' ); } );