( function ( mw ) { QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/userSettings', { setup: function () { var stubUser = mw.popups.tests.stubs.createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ true ); this.storage = new mw.Map(); this.userSettings = mw.popups.createUserSettings( this.storage, stubUser ); } } ); QUnit.test( '#getIsEnabled should return true if the storage is empty', 1, function ( assert ) { assert.ok( this.userSettings.getIsEnabled() ); } ); QUnit.test( '#getIsEnabled should return false if Link Previews have been disabled', 2, function ( assert ) { this.userSettings.setIsEnabled( false ); assert.notOk( this.userSettings.getIsEnabled() ); // --- this.userSettings.setIsEnabled( true ); assert.ok( this.userSettings.getIsEnabled(), '#getIsEnabled should return true if Page Previews have been enabled' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#hasIsEnabled', 2, function ( assert ) { assert.notOk( this.userSettings.hasIsEnabled() ); // --- this.userSettings.setIsEnabled( false ); assert.ok( this.userSettings.hasIsEnabled(), '#hasIsEnabled should return true even if "isEnabled" has been set to falsy.' ); } ); QUnit.test( '#getPreviewCount should return the count as a number', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 3 ); assert.strictEqual( this.userSettings.getPreviewCount(), 0, '#getPreviewCount returns 0 when the storage is empty.' ); // --- this.storage.set( 'ext.popups.core.previewCount', false ); assert.strictEqual( this.userSettings.getPreviewCount(), -1, '#getPreviewCount returns -1 when the storage isn\'t available.' ); // --- this.storage.set( 'ext.popups.core.previewCount', '111' ); assert.strictEqual( this.userSettings.getPreviewCount(), 111 ); } ); QUnit.test( '#setPreviewCount should store the count as a string', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 1 ); this.userSettings.setPreviewCount( 222 ); assert.strictEqual( this.storage.get( 'ext.popups.core.previewCount' ), '222' ); } ); }( mediaWiki ) );