var counts = require( '../../../src/counts' ), createModel = require( '../../../src/preview/model' ).createModel, eventLogging = require( '../../../src/reducers/eventLogging' ); QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/reducers#eventLogging', { setup: function () { this.initialState = eventLogging( undefined, { type: '@@INIT' } ); } } ); QUnit.test( '@@INIT', function ( assert ) { assert.deepEqual( this.initialState, { previewCount: undefined, baseData: {}, event: undefined, interaction: undefined } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'BOOT', function ( assert ) { var action = { type: 'BOOT', isEnabled: true, isNavPopupsEnabled: false, sessionToken: '0123456789', pageToken: '9876543210', page: { title: 'Foo', namespaceID: 1, id: 2 }, user: { isAnon: false, editCount: 11, previewCount: 22 } }, expectedEditCountBucket, expectedPreviewCountBucket, state; expectedEditCountBucket = counts.getEditCountBucket( action.user.editCount ); expectedPreviewCountBucket = counts.getPreviewCountBucket( action.user.previewCount ); state = eventLogging( this.initialState, action ); assert.deepEqual( state, { previewCount: action.user.previewCount, baseData: { pageTitleSource:, namespaceIdSource:, pageIdSource:, isAnon: action.user.isAnon, popupEnabled: action.isEnabled, pageToken: action.pageToken, sessionToken: action.sessionToken, editCountBucket: expectedEditCountBucket, previewCountBucket: expectedPreviewCountBucket, hovercardsSuppressedByGadget: action.isNavPopupsEnabled }, event: { action: 'pageLoaded' }, interaction: undefined } ); // --- // And when the user is logged out... action.user.isAnon = true; state = eventLogging( this.initialState, action ); assert.strictEqual( state.baseData.isAnon, true ); assert.strictEqual( state.baseData.editCountBucket, undefined, 'It shouldn\'t add the editCountBucket property when the user is logged out.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'EVENT_LOGGED', function ( assert ) { var state, action; state = { event: {} }; action = { type: 'EVENT_LOGGED' }; assert.deepEqual( eventLogging( state, action ), { event: undefined }, 'It dequeues any event queued for logging.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'PREVIEW_SHOW', function ( assert ) { var state, count = 22, expectedCount = count + 1, token = '1234567890'; state = { previewCount: count, baseData: { previewCountBucket: counts.getPreviewCountBucket( count ) }, event: undefined, // state.interaction.started is used in this part of the reducer. interaction: { token: token } }; state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'PREVIEW_SHOW', token: token } ); assert.equal( state.previewCount, expectedCount, 'It updates the user\'s preview count.' ); assert.deepEqual( state.baseData, { previewCountBucket: counts.getPreviewCountBucket( expectedCount ) }, 'It re-buckets the user\'s preview count.' ); } ); QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/reducers#eventLogging @integration', { setUp: function () { = $( '' ); } } ); QUnit.test( 'LINK_DWELL starts an interaction', function ( assert ) { var state, action; state = { interaction: undefined }; action = { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: '0987654321', timestamp: }; assert.deepEqual( eventLogging( state, action ), { interaction: { link: action.el, token: action.token, started: action.timestamp, isUserDwelling: true }, event: undefined } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'LINK_DWELL doesn\'t start a new interaction under certain conditions', function ( assert ) { var state, now =, action; state = { interaction: undefined }; action = { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: '0987654321', timestamp: now }; state = eventLogging( state, action ); action.token = '1234567890'; action.timestamp = now + 200; state = eventLogging( state, action ); assert.deepEqual( state.interaction, { link: action.el, token: '0987654321', started: now, isUserDwelling: true } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'LINK_DWELL should enqueue a "dismissed" or "dwelledButAbandoned" event under certain conditions', function ( assert ) { var token = '0987654321', now =, state; // Read: The user dwells on link A, abandons it, and dwells on link B fewer // than 300 ms after (before the ABANDON_END action is reduced). state = eventLogging( undefined, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: token, timestamp: now } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'ABANDON_START', timestamp: now + 250 } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el: $( '' ), token: '1234567890', timestamp: now + 500 } ); assert.deepEqual( state.event, { linkInteractionToken: '0987654321', totalInteractionTime: 250, // 250 - 0 action: 'dwelledButAbandoned' } ); // --- state = eventLogging( undefined, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: token, timestamp: now } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'LINK_CLICK', el: } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el: $( '' ), token: 'banana', timestamp: now + 500 } ); assert.strictEqual( state.event, undefined, 'It shouldn\'t enqueue either event if the interaction is finalized.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'LINK_CLICK should enqueue an "opened" event', function ( assert ) { var token = '0987654321', state, expectedState, now =; state = { interaction: undefined }; expectedState = state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: token, timestamp: now } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'LINK_CLICK', el:, timestamp: now + 250 } ); assert.deepEqual( state.event, { action: 'opened', linkInteractionToken: token, totalInteractionTime: 250 }, 'The event is enqueued and the totalInteractionTime property is an integer.' ); expectedState.interaction.finalized = true; assert.deepEqual( state.interaction, expectedState.interaction, 'It should finalize the interaction.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'PREVIEW_SHOW should update the perceived wait time of the interaction', function ( assert ) { var state, now =, token = '1234567890'; state = { interaction: undefined }; state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: token, timestamp: now } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'PREVIEW_SHOW', token: token, timestamp: now + 500 } ); assert.deepEqual( state.interaction, { link:, token: token, started: now, isUserDwelling: true, timeToPreviewShow: 500 } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'FETCH_COMPLETE', function ( assert ) { var model, token = '1234567890', initialState = { interaction: { token: token } }, state; model = createModel( 'Foo', '', 'en', 'ltr', '', {} ); state = eventLogging( initialState, { type: 'FETCH_COMPLETE', result: model, token: token } ); assert.strictEqual( state.interaction.previewType, model.type, 'It mixes in the preview type to the interaction state.' ); // --- state = eventLogging( initialState, { type: 'FETCH_COMPLETE', result: model, token: 'banana' } ); assert.strictEqual( initialState, state, 'It should NOOP if there\'s a new interaction.' ); // --- delete initialState.interaction; state = eventLogging( initialState, { type: 'FETCH_COMPLETE', result: model, token: '0123456789' } ); assert.strictEqual( initialState, state, 'It should NOOP if the interaction has been finalised.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'ABANDON_START', function ( assert ) { var state = { interaction: {} }; state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'ABANDON_START', timestamp: } ); assert.notOk( state.interaction.isUserDwelling, 'It should mark the link or preview as having been abandoned.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'ABANDON_END', function ( assert ) { var state, action; action = { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: '1234567890' }; state = eventLogging( state, action ); action = { type: 'ABANDON_END', token: '1234567890' }; assert.deepEqual( eventLogging( state, action ), state, 'ABANDON_END should NOOP if the user is dwelling on the preview or the link.' ); // --- action.token = '0987654321'; assert.deepEqual( eventLogging( state, action ), state, 'ABANDON_END should NOOP if the current interaction has changed.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'PREVIEW_DWELL', function ( assert ) { var state = { interaction: {} }; state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'PREVIEW_DWELL' } ); assert.ok( state.interaction.isUserDwelling, 'It should mark the link or preview as being dwelled on.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'SETTINGS_SHOW should enqueue a "tapped settings cog" event', function ( assert ) { var state = { interaction: {} }; state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'SETTINGS_SHOW' } ); assert.deepEqual( state.event, { action: 'tapped settings cog' } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'ABANDON_END should enqueue an event', function ( assert ) { var dwelledState, token = '0987654321', now =, state; dwelledState = eventLogging( undefined, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: token, timestamp: now } ); state = eventLogging( dwelledState, { type: 'ABANDON_START', token: token, timestamp: now + 500 } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'ABANDON_END', token: token } ); assert.deepEqual( state.event, { linkInteractionToken: token, totalInteractionTime: 500, action: 'dwelledButAbandoned' }, 'It should enqueue a "dwelledButAbandoned" event when the preview hasn\'t been shown.' ); assert.strictEqual( state.interaction, undefined, 'It should close the interaction.' ); // --- state = eventLogging( dwelledState, { type: 'PREVIEW_SHOW', token: token, timestamp: now + 700 } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'ABANDON_START', token: token, timestamp: now + 850 } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'ABANDON_END', token: token } ); assert.deepEqual( state.event, { linkInteractionToken: token, totalInteractionTime: 850, action: 'dismissed', // N.B. that the FETCH_* actions have been skipped. previewType: undefined }, 'It should enqueue a "dismissed" event when the preview has been shown.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'ABANDON_END doesn\'t enqueue an event under certain conditions', function ( assert ) { var token = '0987654321', now =, dwelledState, state; dwelledState = eventLogging( undefined, { type: 'LINK_DWELL', el:, token: token, timestamp: now } ); state = eventLogging( dwelledState, { type: 'ABANDON_END', token: '1234567890' } ); assert.strictEqual( state.event, undefined, 'It shouldn\'t enqueue an event if there\'s a new interaction.' ); // --- state = eventLogging( dwelledState, { type: 'ABANDON_END', token: token } ); assert.strictEqual( state.event, undefined, 'It shouldn\'t enqueue an event if the user is dwelling on the preview or the link.' ); // --- state = eventLogging( dwelledState, { type: 'LINK_CLICK', timestamp: now + 500 } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'EVENT_LOGGED' } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'ABANDON_START', token: token, timestamp: now + 700 } ); state = eventLogging( state, { type: 'ABANDON_END', token: token, timestamp: now + 1000 // ABANDON_END_DELAY is 300 ms. } ); assert.strictEqual( state.event, undefined, 'It shouldn\'t enqueue an event if the interaction is finalized.' ); } );