import wait from '../../src/wait'; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups/wait' ); QUnit.test( 'it should resolve after waiting', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); const then =; return wait( 150 ).then( () => { assert.strictEqual( ( - then ) > 150, true, 'It waits for the given duration' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should not catch after resolving', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); return wait( 0 ).catch( () => { assert.ok( false, 'It never calls a catchable after resolution' ); } ).then( () => { assert.ok( true, 'It resolves' ); } ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should not resolve after aborting', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 1, 'All assertions are executed.' ); const deferred = wait( 0 ); const chain = deferred.then( () => { assert.ok( false, 'It never calls a thenable after rejection' ); } ).catch( () => { assert.ok( true, 'It calls the catchable' ); } ); deferred.abort(); return chain; } ); QUnit.test( 'it should catch after resolving and aborting', function ( assert ) { assert.expect( 2, 'All assertions are executed.' ); const deferred = wait( 0 ); const chain = deferred.catch( () => { assert.ok( true, 'It calls the catchable' ); } ); deferred.then( () => { assert.ok( true, 'It resolves' ); deferred.abort(); } ); return chain; } );