import createPreviewBehavior from '../../src/previewBehavior'; import { createStubUser } from './stubs'; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups.preview.settingsBehavior', { beforeEach() { function newFromText( title ) { return { getUrl() { return `url/${ title }`; } }; } mediaWiki.Title = { newFromText }; /* global Map */ this.config = new Map(); }, afterEach() { mediaWiki.Title = null; } } ); QUnit.test( 'it should set the settingsUrl', function ( assert ) { const user = createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ false ), actions = {}; const behavior = createPreviewBehavior( user, actions ); assert.deepEqual( behavior.settingsUrl, 'url/Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it shouldn\'t set the settingsUrl if the user is logged out', function ( assert ) { const user = createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ true ), actions = {}, behavior = createPreviewBehavior( user, actions ); assert.strictEqual( behavior.settingsUrl, undefined, 'No settings URL is set.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it shouldn\'t set a showSettings handler if the user is logged in', function ( assert ) { const user = createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ false ), actions = {}, behavior = createPreviewBehavior( user, actions ); assert.strictEqual( behavior.showSettings, $.noop, 'No show settings handler is set.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should set a showSettings handler if the user is logged out', function ( assert ) { const user = createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ true ), event = { preventDefault: this.sandbox.spy() }, actions = { showSettings: this.sandbox.spy() }, behavior = createPreviewBehavior( user, actions ); behavior.showSettings( event ); assert.ok( event.preventDefault.called, 'It should prevent the default action of the event.' ); assert.ok( actions.showSettings.called, 'It should dispatch the SETTINGS_SHOW action.' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it should mix in default actions', function ( assert ) { const user = createStubUser( /* isAnon = */ true ), actions = {}; actions.previewDwell = () => {}; actions.abandon = () => {}; actions.previewShow = () => {}; actions.linkClick = () => {}; const behavior = createPreviewBehavior( user, actions ); assert.strictEqual( behavior.previewDwell, actions.previewDwell, 'Preview dwelled action is mixed.' ); assert.strictEqual( behavior.previewAbandon, actions.abandon, 'Preview action is mixed.' ); assert.strictEqual( behavior.previewShow, actions.previewShow, 'Preview shown action is mixed.' ); assert.strictEqual(, actions.linkClick, 'Link click action is mixed.' ); } );