import createPagePreviewGateway from '../../../src/gateway/page'; import * as RestModule from '../../../src/gateway/rest'; import * as MediawikiModule from '../../../src/gateway/mediawiki'; QUnit.module( 'gateway/page.js', { beforeEach() { mw.Api = function () {}; this.createMediaWikiApiGateway = this.sandbox.stub( MediawikiModule, 'default' ); this.createRESTBaseGateway = this.sandbox.stub( RestModule, 'default' ); this.config = new Map(); } } ); QUnit.test( 'it uses mediawiki plain text gateway with wgPopupsGateway == "mwApiPlain"', function ( assert ) { this.config.set( 'wgPopupsGateway', 'mwApiPlain' ); createPagePreviewGateway( this.config ); assert.ok( this.createMediaWikiApiGateway.called, 'MW plain text gateway called' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it uses rest plain text gateway with wgPopupsGateway == "restbasePlain"', function ( assert ) { this.config.set( 'wgPopupsGateway', 'restbasePlain' ); createPagePreviewGateway( this.config ); assert.ok( this.createRESTBaseGateway.called, 'REST plain text gateway called' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it uses rest HTML gateway with wgPopupsGateway == "restbaseHTML"', function ( assert ) { this.config.set( 'wgPopupsGateway', 'restbaseHTML' ); createPagePreviewGateway( this.config ); assert.ok( this.createRESTBaseGateway.called, 'REST HTML gateway called' ); } );