import { createModel, getPreviewType, previewTypes, registerModel, test, isAnythingEligible } from '../../../src/preview/model'; QUnit.module( 'ext.popups.preview#createModel' ); QUnit.test( 'it should copy the basic properties', ( assert ) => { const thumbnail = {}, model = createModel( 'Foo', '', 'en', 'ltr', 'Foo bar baz.', 'standard', thumbnail ); assert.strictEqual( model.title, 'Foo', 'The title is passed.' ); assert.strictEqual( model.url, '', 'The URL is generated.' ); assert.strictEqual( model.languageCode, 'en', 'The language code is passed.' ); assert.strictEqual( model.languageDirection, 'ltr', 'The language direction is passed.' ); assert.strictEqual( model.type, previewTypes.TYPE_PAGE, 'The preview type is "page preview".' ); assert.strictEqual( model.thumbnail, thumbnail, 'The thumbnail is passed' ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it computes the type property', ( assert ) => { function createModelWith( { extract, type } ) { return createModel( 'Foo', '', 'en', 'ltr', extract, type ); } assert.strictEqual( createModelWith( { extract: 'Foo', type: 'standard' } ).type, previewTypes.TYPE_PAGE, 'A non-generic ("page") preview has an extract and type "standard" property.' ); assert.strictEqual( createModelWith( { extract: 'Foo', type: undefined } ).type, previewTypes.TYPE_PAGE, 'A non-generic ("page") preview has an extract with an undefined "type" property.' ); assert.strictEqual( createModelWith( { extract: undefined, type: undefined } ).type, previewTypes.TYPE_GENERIC, 'A generic ("empty") preview has an undefined extract and an undefined "type" property.' ); assert.strictEqual( createModelWith( { extract: undefined, type: 'standard' } ).type, previewTypes.TYPE_GENERIC, 'A generic ("empty") preview has an undefined extract regardless of "type".' ); assert.strictEqual( createModelWith( { extract: 'Foo', type: 'disambiguation' } ).type, previewTypes.TYPE_DISAMBIGUATION, 'A disambiguation preview has an extract and type ("disambiguation") property.' ); } ); QUnit.module( 'ext.popups.preview#getPreviewType', { beforeEach() { this.referenceLink = $( '' ) .attr( 'href', '#RefLink' ) .appendTo( $( '' ).addClass( 'reference' ) ).get( 0 ); this.referenceLinkNoFragment = $( '' ) .attr( 'href', '/wiki/Url' ) .appendTo( $( '' ).addClass( 'reference' ) ).get( 0 ); this.validEl = $( '' ).appendTo( $( '' ).addClass( 'reference' ) ).get( 0 ); this.registerRefModel = () => { registerModel( previewTypes.TYPE_REFERENCE, '.reference a[ href*="#" ]' ); }; }, afterEach() { test.reset(); } } ); QUnit.test( 'isAnythingEligible returns false by default', function ( assert ) { test.reset(); assert.strictEqual( isAnythingEligible(), false ); } ); QUnit.test( 'isAnythingEligible returns true when model is registered', function ( assert ) { this.registerRefModel(); assert.strictEqual( isAnythingEligible(), true ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it uses the reference gateway with valid element', function ( assert ) { this.registerRefModel(); assert.strictEqual( getPreviewType( this.referenceLink ), previewTypes.TYPE_REFERENCE ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it does not suggest page previews on reference links when reference previews are not registered', function ( assert ) { assert.strictEqual( getPreviewType( this.referenceLink ), null ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it uses the page gateway when on links to a different page', function ( assert ) { registerModel( previewTypes.TYPE_PAGE, 'a' ); assert.strictEqual( getPreviewType( this.validEl ), previewTypes.TYPE_PAGE ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it does not use the reference gateway when there is no fragment', function ( assert ) { this.registerRefModel(); assert.strictEqual( getPreviewType( this.referenceLinkNoFragment ), null ); } ); QUnit.test( 'it does not suggest page previews on reference links not having a parent with reference class', function ( assert ) { const el = $( '' ).appendTo( $( '' ) ).get( 0 ); this.registerRefModel(); assert.strictEqual( getPreviewType( el ), null ); } );