( function ( mw, $ ) { var actions = {}, types = { BOOT: 'BOOT', LINK_DWELL: 'LINK_DWELL', LINK_ABANDON_START: 'LINK_ABANDON_START', LINK_ABANDON_END: 'LINK_ABANDON_END', LINK_CLICK: 'LINK_CLICK', FETCH_START: 'FETCH_START', FETCH_END: 'FETCH_END', FETCH_FAILED: 'FETCH_FAILED', PREVIEW_DWELL: 'PREVIEW_DWELL', PREVIEW_ABANDON_START: 'PREVIEW_ABANDON_START', PREVIEW_ABANDON_END: 'PREVIEW_ABANDON_END', COG_CLICK: 'COG_CLICK', SETTINGS_DIALOG_CLOSED: 'SETTINGS_DIALOG_CLOSED' }, FETCH_START_DELAY = 500, // ms. ABANDON_END_DELAY = 300; // ms. /** * Represents Page Previews booting. * * When a Redux store is created, the `@@INIT` action is immediately * dispatched to it. To avoid overriding the term, we refer to booting rather * than initializing. * * Page Previews persists critical pieces of information to local storage. * Since reading from and writing to local storage are synchronous, Page * Previews is booted when the browser is idle (using * [`mw.requestIdleCallback`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/Window/requestIdleCallback)) * so as not to impact latency-critical events. * * @param {Function} isUserInCondition See `mw.popups.createExperiment` * @param {String} sessionToken * @param {Function} generateToken */ actions.boot = function ( isUserInCondition, sessionToken, generateToken ) { return { type: types.BOOT, isUserInCondition: isUserInCondition(), sessionToken: sessionToken, pageToken: generateToken() }; }; /** * Represents Page Previews fetching data via the [gateway](./gateway.js). * * @param {ext.popups.Gateway} gateway * @param {Element} el * @return {Redux.Thunk} */ function fetch( gateway, el ) { var title = $( el ).data( 'page-previews-title' ); return function ( dispatch ) { dispatch( { type: types.FETCH_START, el: el, title: title } ); gateway( title ) .fail( function () { dispatch( { type: types.FETCH_FAILED, el: el } ); } ) .done( function ( result ) { dispatch( { type: types.FETCH_END, el: el, result: result } ); } ); }; } /** * Represents the user dwelling on a link, either by hovering over it with * their mouse or by focussing it using their keyboard or an assistive device. * * @param {Element} el * @param {Event} event * @param {ext.popups.Gateway} gateway * @return {Redux.Thunk} */ actions.linkDwell = function ( el, event, gateway ) { return function ( dispatch, getState ) { dispatch( { type: types.LINK_DWELL, el: el, event: event, interactionStarted: mw.now() } ); mw.popups.wait( FETCH_START_DELAY ) .then( function () { var previewState = getState().preview; if ( previewState.enabled && previewState.activeLink === el ) { dispatch( fetch( gateway, el ) ); } } ); }; }; /** * Represents the user abandoning a link, either by moving their mouse away * from it or by shifting focus to another UI element using their keyboard or * an assistive device. * * @param {Element} el * @return {Object} */ actions.linkAbandon = function ( el ) { return function ( dispatch ) { dispatch( { type: types.LINK_ABANDON_START, el: el } ); mw.popups.wait( ABANDON_END_DELAY ) .then( function () { dispatch( { type: types.LINK_ABANDON_END, el: el } ); } ); }; }; /** * Represents the user clicking on a link with their mouse, keyboard, or an * assistive device. * * @param {Element} el * @return {Object} */ actions.linkClick = function ( el ) { return { type: types.LINK_CLICK, el: el }; }; /** * Represents the user dwelling on a preivew with their mouse. * * @return {Object} */ actions.previewDwell = function () { return { type: types.PREVIEW_DWELL }; }; /** * Represents the user abandoning a preview by moving their mouse away from * it. * * @return {Object} */ actions.previewAbandon = function () { return function ( dispatch ) { dispatch( { type: types.PREVIEW_ABANDON_START } ); mw.popups.wait( ABANDON_END_DELAY ) .then( function () { dispatch( { type: types.PREVIEW_ABANDON_END } ); } ); }; }; /** * Represents the user clicking either the "Enable previews" footer menu link, * or the "cog" icon that's present on each preview. * * @return {Object} */ actions.showSettings = function () { return { type: types.COG_CLICK }; }; /** * Represents the user closing the settings dialog and saving their settings. * * @return {Object} */ actions.settingsDialogClosed = function () { return { type: types.SETTINGS_DIALOG_CLOSED }; }; mw.popups.actions = actions; mw.popups.actionTypes = types; }( mediaWiki, jQuery ) );