. * * This extension requires that the PageImages and TextExtracts * extensions have also been installed. * * Install BetaFeatures if you don't want Popups to load for all users. * * @file * @ingroup extensions */ $wgExtensionCredits['betafeatures'][] = array( 'author' => array( 'Prateek Saxena', 'Yair Rand' ), 'descriptionmsg' => 'popups-desc', 'name' => 'Popups', 'path' => __FILE__, 'url' => 'https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Popups', 'license-name' => 'GPL-2.0+', ); /** * @var bool: Whether the extension should be enabled as an opt-in beta feature. * If true, the BetaFeatures extension must be installed. False by default. */ $wgPopupsBetaFeature = false; $wgPopupsSurveyLink = false; $wgConfigRegistry['popups'] = 'GlobalVarConfig::newInstance'; $wgAutoloadClasses['PopupsHooks'] = __DIR__ . '/Popups.hooks.php'; $wgMessagesDirs['Popups'] = __DIR__ . '/i18n'; $wgExtensionMessagesFiles['Popups'] = __DIR__ . '/Popups.i18n.php'; $wgHooks['GetBetaFeaturePreferences'][] = 'PopupsHooks::getPreferences'; $wgHooks['BeforePageDisplay'][] = 'PopupsHooks::onBeforePageDisplay'; $wgHooks['ResourceLoaderTestModules'][] = 'PopupsHooks::onResourceLoaderTestModules'; $wgHooks['EventLoggingRegisterSchemas'][] = 'PopupsHooks::onEventLoggingRegisterSchemas'; $wgHooks['ResourceLoaderRegisterModules'][] = 'PopupsHooks::onResourceLoaderRegisterModules'; $wgHooks['ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars'][] = 'PopupsHooks::onResourceLoaderGetConfigVars';