{ "name": "Popups", "namemsg": "popups-message", "author": [ "Prateek Saxena", "[https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Reading/Web/Team Readers Web Team]", "Yair Rand" ], "url": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Popups", "descriptionmsg": "popups-desc", "license-name": "GPL-2.0-or-later", "requires": { "MediaWiki": ">= 1.43" }, "AutoloadNamespaces": { "Popups\\": "includes/" }, "ConfigRegistry": { "popups": "GlobalVarConfig::newInstance" }, "Hooks": { "BeforePageDisplay": "PopupsHooks", "ResourceLoaderGetConfigVars": "PopupsHooks", "GetPreferences": "PopupsHooks", "UserGetDefaultOptions": "PopupsHooks", "MakeGlobalVariablesScript": "PopupsHooks" }, "HookHandlers": { "PopupsHooks": { "class": "Popups\\PopupsHooks", "services": [ "Popups.Config", "Popups.Context", "Popups.Logger", "UserOptionsManager" ] } }, "MessagesDirs": { "Popups": [ "i18n" ] }, "attributes": { "EventLogging": { "Schemas": { "ReferencePreviewsPopups": "/analytics/legacy/referencepreviewspopups/1.1.0", "VirtualPageView": "/analytics/legacy/virtualpageview/1.0.0" } } }, "config": { "PopupsVirtualPageViews": { "description": "@var bool: Whether the extension should log virtual pageviews.", "value": false }, "PopupsHideOptInOnPreferencesPage": { "description": "@var bool: Whether the option to enable/disable Page Previews should be hidden on Preferences page. False by default", "value": false }, "PopupsOptInDefaultState": { "description": "@var string:['1'|'0'] Default Page Previews visibility for old accounts. Has to be a string as a compatibility with beta feature settings. For more info see @T191888", "value": "1" }, "PopupsConflictingNavPopupsGadgetName": { "description": "@var string: Navigation popups gadget name", "value": "Navigation_popups" }, "PopupsConflictingRefTooltipsGadgetName": { "description": "@var string: Name of a gadget that would cause duplicate reference preview popups. Known conflicting gadgets include \"ReferenceTooltips\", \"CiteTooltip\" alias \"RefTooltip\", \"ReferencePopups\", and \"tooltipRef\" (see T274353).", "value": "ReferenceTooltips" }, "PopupsGateway": { "description": "Which gateway to use for fetching Popups data. Available options: [mwApiPlain|restbasePlain|restbaseHTML]. Full and always up to date list is available in src/gateway/index.js", "value": "mwApiPlain" }, "PopupsRestGatewayEndpoint": { "description": "Specify a REST endpoint where summaries should be sourced from. Endpoint must meet the spec at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Specs/Summary/1.2.0", "value": "/api/rest_v1/page/summary/" }, "PopupsStatsvSamplingRate": { "description": "Sampling rate for logging performance data to statsv.", "value": 0 }, "PopupsPageDisabled": { "description": "List of pages that should not show Popups. Includes subpages. These pages are subject to the HTML cache policy of the wiki. A purge on these pages maybe needed to see the effect of this configuration variable. Every excluded page should be defined by a canonical name, eg: Special:Userlogin", "value": [ "Special:CreateAccount", "Special:GlobalRenameRequest", "Special:Userlogin", "Special:MergeAccount", "Special:ChangeCredentials", "Special:OAuthListConsumers", "Special:GlobalUserRights", "Special:Notifications", "Special:UserRights", "Special:Upload", "Special:VipsTest", "Special:ApiFeatureUsage", "Special:ExpandTemplates", "Special:GadgetUsage", "Special:GraphSandbox", "Special:TemplateSandbox", "Special:MostLinkedFiles", "Special:Book" ] }, "PopupsTextExtractsIntroOnly": { "description": "Whether we should extract intro text only or full page text. This is only applicable when using PopupsGateway=mwApiPlain.", "value": true } }, "ResourceModules": { "ext.popups.icons": { "class": "MediaWiki\\ResourceLoader\\OOUIIconPackModule", "selectorWithoutVariant": ".popups-icon--{name}", "icons": [ "infoFilled", "settings" ] }, "ext.popups": { "packageFiles": [ { "name": "resources/ext.popups/types.json", "callback": "Popups\\PopupsHooks::getCustomPopupTypes" }, "resources/ext.popups/index.js" ] }, "ext.popups.main": { "class": "MediaWiki\\ResourceLoader\\CodexModule", "codexStyleOnly": true, "codexComponents": [ "CdxButton", "CdxIcon", "CdxCheckbox" ], "scripts": [ "resources/dist/index.js" ], "styles": [ "src/ui/index.less" ], "messages": [ "popups-settings-title", "popups-settings-option-page", "popups-settings-option-page-description", "popups-settings-option-reference", "popups-settings-option-reference-description", "popups-settings-save", "popups-settings-cancel", "popups-settings-enable", "popups-settings-icon-gear-title", "popups-settings-help", "popups-settings-help-ok", "popups-preview-no-preview", "popups-preview-footer-read", "popups-preview-disambiguation", "popups-preview-disambiguation-link" ], "dependencies": [ "web2017-polyfills", "mediawiki.experiments", "mediawiki.jqueryMsg", "mediawiki.storage", "mediawiki.Title", "mediawiki.Uri", "mediawiki.user", "mediawiki.util" ] } }, "ResourceFileModulePaths": { "localBasePath": "", "remoteExtPath": "Popups" }, "ServiceWiringFiles": [ "includes/ServiceWiring.php" ], "DefaultUserOptions": { "popups": "1", "popupsreferencepreviews": "0", "popups-reference-previews": "0" }, "ConditionalUserOptions": { "popups": [ [ "1", [ "registered-after", "20170816000000" ] ], [ "0", [ "named-user" ] ] ] }, "manifest_version": 2 }