2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
* Browser globals
import jquery from 'jquery';
import '../mocks/js/mockMediaWiki.js';
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
* Custom CSS is inserted into the <head> via webpack.
* However, the Popups-specific CSS is imported as a string and inserted into the <head> manually
* in order to change it later for RTL transformations with CSSJanus.
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
import '../mocks/less/custom.less';
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
// NOTE: The following import overrides the webpack config for this specific LESS file in order to
// omit the 'style-loader' and import the content as a string.
// The "./mocks/less" path is hard-coded and should be kept in sync with the path in webpack.config.js
import PopupsCSSString from '!css-loader!less-loader?{"paths":"./mocks/less"}!../../src/ui/index.less';
// The CSSJanus library is used to transform CSS for RTL languages.
import * as cssjanus from 'cssjanus';
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
* Storybook dependencies
import { document } from 'global';
import { storiesOf } from '@storybook/html';
import { withKnobs, text, select, number, object } from '@storybook/addon-knobs';
* Popups dependencies
import { createPointerMasks } from '../../src/ui/renderer.js';
import { convertPageToModel } from '../../src/gateway/rest.js';
import { parseHTMLResponse } from '../../src/gateway/restFormatters.js';
import { default as CONSTANTS } from '../../src/constants';
* Popups helpers
import MODELS from '../mocks/models';
import grid from '../helpers/grid';
import createPopup from '../helpers/createPopup';
2019-03-06 13:22:15 +00:00
* SVG Assets
import pointerMaskSVG from '../../src/ui/pointer-mask.svg';
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
const popupsCSS = {
ltr: PopupsCSSString,
rtl: cssjanus.transform( PopupsCSSString.toString() )
KNOBS_PARAM = { knobs: {
escapeHTML: false
} },
PopupsCSSElementId = 'PopupsCssElement';
* Inserts the Popups CSS string into the <head> of the document manually.
* @param {string} CSSString
function insertPopupsStyleElement() {
const PopupsCSSElement = document.createElement( 'style' ),
customCSSElement = document.head.querySelector( 'style:last-of-type' );
PopupsCSSElement.type = 'text/css';
PopupsCSSElement.id = PopupsCSSElementId;
document.head.insertBefore( PopupsCSSElement, customCSSElement );
* Modifies the Popups CSS via CSSJanus and changes the document lang and dir attributes.
* @param {string} lang
* @param {string} dir
function modifyStorybookHead( lang, dir ) {
const PopupsCSSElement = document.getElementById( PopupsCSSElementId );
if ( document.documentElement.lang !== lang ) {
document.documentElement.lang = lang;
if ( document.documentElement.dir !== dir ) {
document.documentElement.dir = dir;
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
if ( PopupsCSSElement.innerHTML !== popupsCSS[ dir ] ) {
PopupsCSSElement.innerHTML = popupsCSS[ dir ]
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
* Extends default model with params and adds knobs to it.
* @param {object} model
* @param {object} extendedModel
* @returns {object}
function extendModelWithKnobs( DEFAULT_MODEL, extendedModel ) {
var extendedModel = extendedModel || {},
thumbnail = extendedModel.thumbnail || DEFAULT_MODEL.thumbnail || undefined,
mergedModel = Object.assign(
extract: text( "extract", extendedModel.extract || DEFAULT_MODEL.extract),
languageDirection: select(
'Language direction',
['ltr', 'rtl'],
extendedModel.languageDirection || DEFAULT_MODEL.languageDirection )
if ( thumbnail ) {
mergedModel.thumbnail = {
source: text( 'thumbnail - URL', thumbnail.source ),
width: number( 'thumbnail - width', thumbnail.width),
height: number( 'thumbnail - height', thumbnail.height)
return mergedModel;
* If an API response is valid, returns a model based on it, if not, returns the initial model.
* @param {object} ApiValue
* @param {object} initModel
* @param {number} thumbnailSize
* @param {function} ApiParser
* @return {object} PagePreview model
function useApiOrInitModel( ApiValue, initModel, thumbnailSize, ApiParser ) {
if ( JSON.stringify( ApiValue ) !== '{}' ) {
return convertPageToModel( ApiValue, thumbnailSize, ApiParser );
return initModel;
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
* Global DOM manipulations
createPointerMasks( document.body );
modifyStorybookHead( 'en', 'ltr' );
* Stories
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
storiesOf( 'Thumbnails', module )
.add( 'portrait', () => {
initModel = extendModelWithKnobs( MODELS.THUMBNAIL_PORTRAIT ),
apiResponse = object('API Response', {} ),
2019-03-06 13:22:15 +00:00
model = useApiOrInitModel( apiResponse, initModel, CONSTANTS.THUMBNAIL_SIZE, parseHTMLResponse );
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
object('Effective model', Object.assign( {}, model, { extract: model.extract[0].outerHTML } ) );
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( model.languageCode, model.languageDirection )
return `${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(1), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(2), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(1), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(2), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
.add( 'landscape', () => {
initModel = extendModelWithKnobs( MODELS.THUMBNAIL_LANDSCAPE ),
apiResponse = object('API Response', {} ),
2019-03-06 13:22:15 +00:00
model = useApiOrInitModel( apiResponse, initModel, CONSTANTS.THUMBNAIL_SIZE, parseHTMLResponse );
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
object('Effective model', Object.assign( {}, model, { extract: model.extract[0].outerHTML } ) );
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( model.languageCode, model.languageDirection )
return `${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row(1), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row(2), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row(1), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( model, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row(2), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
.add( 'portrait - SVG', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.SVG_PORTRAIT.languageCode, MODELS.SVG_PORTRAIT.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_PORTRAIT, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(1), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_PORTRAIT, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(1), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_PORTRAIT, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(2), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_PORTRAIT, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row(2), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
.add( 'landscape - SVG', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.SVG_LANDSCAPE.languageCode, MODELS.SVG_LANDSCAPE.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_LANDSCAPE, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_LANDSCAPE, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_LANDSCAPE, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.SVG_LANDSCAPE, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
.add( 'landscape - Thin thumbnail', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.THIN_THUMBNAIL.languageCode, MODELS.THIN_THUMBNAIL.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.THIN_THUMBNAIL, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.THIN_THUMBNAIL, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.THIN_THUMBNAIL, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.THIN_THUMBNAIL, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
.add( 'portrait - Thumbnail divider', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.THUMBNAIL_DIVIDER.languageCode, MODELS.THUMBNAIL_DIVIDER.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.THUMBNAIL_DIVIDER, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.THUMBNAIL_DIVIDER, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.THUMBNAIL_DIVIDER, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.THUMBNAIL_DIVIDER, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
storiesOf( 'Text', module )
.add( 'Short & long', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.LONG_WORD_1.languageCode, MODELS.LONG_WORD_1.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.LONG_WORD_1, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.LONG_WORD_2, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1.5), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.LONG_WORD_THUMB, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
.add( 'Math & chemistry', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.CHEM_2.languageCode, MODELS.CHEM_2.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.CHEM_2, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.CHEM_3, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2.4 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.MATH_1, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1.8 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.CHEM_1, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1.55 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.MATH_2, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} );
storiesOf( 'Disambiguation', module )
.add( 'standard', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.DISAMBIGUATION.languageCode, MODELS.DISAMBIGUATION.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.DISAMBIGUATION, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.DISAMBIGUATION, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1.7 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.DISAMBIGUATION, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1.7 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.DISAMBIGUATION, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1.7 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1.7 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
storiesOf( 'RTL', module )
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
.add( 'portrait', () => {
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.HE_WIKI.languageCode, MODELS.HE_WIKI.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 3) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 4 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 3 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 4 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
} )
.add( 'landscape', () => {
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.HE_WIKI2.languageCode, MODELS.HE_WIKI2.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.HE_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
} )
.add( 'landscape - thin thumbnail', () => {
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.AR_WIKI2.languageCode, MODELS.AR_WIKI2.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 1 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: true } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.AR_WIKI2, { offset: { top: grid.landscape.row( 2 ), left: grid.landscape.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: true, flippedY: true } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
storiesOf( 'Non-latin', module )
.add( 'thumbnails', () => {
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( MODELS.RU_WIKI.languageCode, MODELS.RU_WIKI.languageDirection )
return `
${createPopup( MODELS.RU_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.EL_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.HZ_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 2 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.KO_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 1 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.JA_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 1 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 3 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
${createPopup( MODELS.TH_WIKI, { offset: { top: grid.portrait.row( 2 ), left: grid.portrait.col( 3 ) }, flippedX: false, flippedY: false } )}
2018-12-12 23:08:38 +00:00
} )
2019-03-06 13:22:15 +00:00
storiesOf( 'assets', module )
.add( 'SVG Masks', () => {
const parser = new DOMParser(),
svgDoc = parser.parseFromString(pointerMaskSVG, "image/svg+xml"),
clipPaths = svgDoc.querySelectorAll('clipPath'),
domString = Array.prototype.reduce.call( clipPaths, ( v, clipPath ) => {
return v += `
<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="500" height="500" viewBox="0 0 1000 1000">
}, '' )
2019-03-11 14:01:59 +00:00
modifyStorybookHead( 'en', 'ltr' )
2019-03-06 13:22:15 +00:00
return `
<p>SVG masks are rendered in at a width/height of 500px in a viewbox of 1000px, so half size.</p>
} )