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namespace PageImages\Hooks;
use Exception;
use File;
use FormatMetadata;
use MediaWiki\Config\Config;
use MediaWiki\Context\DerivativeContext;
use MediaWiki\Hook\ParserAfterTidyHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\ParserModifyImageHTMLHook;
use MediaWiki\Hook\ParserTestGlobalsHook;
use MediaWiki\Http\HttpRequestFactory;
use MediaWiki\Linker\LinksMigration;
use MediaWiki\MainConfigNames;
use MediaWiki\Page\PageReference;
use MediaWiki\Parser\Parser;
use MediaWiki\Parser\ParserOutput;
use MediaWiki\Title\TitleFactory;
use PageImages\PageImageCandidate;
use PageImages\PageImages;
use RepoGroup;
use RuntimeException;
use Wikimedia\ObjectCache\WANObjectCache;
use Wikimedia\Rdbms\IConnectionProvider;
* Handlers for parser hooks.
* The ParserModifyImageHTML hook handler collects candidate images, and marks
* them with a temporary HTML comment in the parser output.
* The ParserAfterTidy hook handler processes the candidate images, identifying
* the best image and the best free image. If $wgPageImagesLeadSectionOnly is
* set, images following the first section header are discarded. It removes the
* temporary comments and saves the resulting best images to page_props.
* The various query interfaces will retrieve the lead image from page_props.
* @license WTFPL
* @author Max Semenik
* @author Thiemo Kreuz
class ParserFileProcessingHookHandlers implements
private const CANDIDATE_REGEX = '/<!--MW-PAGEIMAGES-CANDIDATE-([0-9]+)-->/';
protected Config $config;
private RepoGroup $repoGroup;
private WANObjectCache $mainWANObjectCache;
private HttpRequestFactory $httpRequestFactory;
private IConnectionProvider $connectionProvider;
private TitleFactory $titleFactory;
private LinksMigration $linksMigration;
public function __construct(
Config $config,
RepoGroup $repoGroup,
WANObjectCache $mainWANObjectCache,
HttpRequestFactory $httpRequestFactory,
IConnectionProvider $connectionProvider,
TitleFactory $titleFactory,
LinksMigration $linksMigration
) {
$this->config = $config;
$this->repoGroup = $repoGroup;
$this->mainWANObjectCache = $mainWANObjectCache;
$this->httpRequestFactory = $httpRequestFactory;
$this->connectionProvider = $connectionProvider;
$this->titleFactory = $titleFactory;
$this->linksMigration = $linksMigration;
* @param array &$globals
public function onParserTestGlobals( &$globals ) {
$globals += [
'wgPageImagesScores' => [
'width' => [
200 => 10,
1000 => 20
'position' => [],
'ratio' => [],
'galleryImageWidth' => []
'wgPageImagesLeadSectionOnly' => true
* ParserModifyImageHTML hook. Save candidate images, and mark them with a
* comment so that we can later tell if they were in the lead section.
* @param Parser $parser
* @param File $file
* @param array $params
* @param string &$html
public function onParserModifyImageHTML(
Parser $parser,
File $file,
array $params,
string &$html
): void {
$page = $parser->getPage();
if ( !$page || !$this->processThisTitle( $page ) ) {
$this->calcWidth( $params, $file );
$index = $this->addPageImageCandidateToParserOutput(
PageImageCandidate::newFromFileAndParams( $file, $params ),
$html .= "<!--MW-PAGEIMAGES-CANDIDATE-$index-->";
* ParserAfterTidy hook handler. Remove candidate images which were not in
* the lead section.
* @param Parser $parser
* @param string &$text
public function onParserAfterTidy( $parser, &$text ) {
$parserOutput = $parser->getOutput();
$allImages = $parserOutput->getExtensionData( 'pageImages' );
if ( !$allImages ) {
// Find and remove our special comments
$images = [];
if ( $this->config->get( 'PageImagesLeadSectionOnly' ) ) {
$leadEndPos = strpos( $text, '<mw:editsection' );
} else {
$leadEndPos = false;
$text = preg_replace_callback(
static function ( $m ) use ( $allImages, &$images, $leadEndPos ) {
$offset = $m[0][1];
$id = intval( $m[1][0] );
$inLead = $leadEndPos === false || $offset < $leadEndPos;
if ( $inLead && isset( $allImages[$id] ) ) {
$images[] = PageImageCandidate::newFromArray( $allImages[$id] );
return '';
$text, -1, $count, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE
[ $bestImageName, $freeImageName ] = $this->findBestImages( $images );
if ( $freeImageName ) {
$parserOutput->setPageProperty( PageImages::getPropName( true ), $freeImageName );
// Only store the image if it's not free. Free image (if any) has already been stored above.
if ( $bestImageName && $bestImageName !== $freeImageName ) {
$parserOutput->setPageProperty( PageImages::getPropName( false ), $bestImageName );
// Strip comments from indicators (T298930)
foreach ( $parserOutput->getIndicators() as $id => $value ) {
$stripped = preg_replace( self::CANDIDATE_REGEX, '', $value );
if ( $stripped !== $value ) {
$parserOutput->setIndicator( $id, $stripped );
// We may have comments in TOC data - Parser::cleanupTocLine strips them for us.
* Find the best images out of an array of candidates
* @param PageImageCandidate[] $images
* @return array{string|false,string|false} The best image, and the best free image
private function findBestImages( array $images ) {
if ( !$images ) {
return [ false, false ];
// Determine the image scores
$scores = [];
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $images as $image ) {
$score = $this->getScore( $image, $counter++ );
$fileName = $image->getFileName();
$scores[$fileName] = max( $scores[$fileName] ?? -1, $score );
$bestImageName = false;
$freeImageName = false;
foreach ( $scores as $name => $score ) {
if ( $score > 0 ) {
if ( !$bestImageName || $score > $scores[$bestImageName] ) {
$bestImageName = $name;
if ( ( !$freeImageName || $score > $scores[$freeImageName] ) && $this->isImageFree( $name ) ) {
$freeImageName = $name;
return [ $bestImageName, $freeImageName ];
* Adds $image to $parserOutput extension data.
* @param PageImageCandidate $image
* @param ParserOutput $parserOutput
* @return int
private function addPageImageCandidateToParserOutput(
PageImageCandidate $image,
ParserOutput $parserOutput
) {
$images = $parserOutput->getExtensionData( 'pageImages' ) ?: [];
$images[] = $image->jsonSerialize();
$parserOutput->setExtensionData( 'pageImages', $images );
return count( $images ) - 1;
* Returns true if data for this title should be saved
* @param PageReference $pageReference
* @return bool
private function processThisTitle( PageReference $pageReference ) {
static $flipped = null;
$flipped ??= array_flip( $this->config->get( 'PageImagesNamespaces' ) );
return isset( $flipped[$pageReference->getNamespace()] );
* Estimates image size as displayed if not explicitly provided. We don't follow the core size
* calculation algorithm precisely because it's not required and editor's intentions are more
* important than the precise number.
* @param array[] &$params
* @param File $file
private function calcWidth( array &$params, File $file ) {
if ( isset( $params['handler']['width'] ) ) {
if ( isset( $params['handler']['height'] ) && $file->getHeight() > 0 ) {
$params['handler']['width'] =
$file->getWidth() * ( $params['handler']['height'] / $file->getHeight() );
} elseif ( isset( $params['frame']['thumbnail'] )
|| isset( $params['frame']['thumb'] )
|| isset( $params['frame']['frameless'] )
) {
$thumbLimits = $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::ThumbLimits );
$defaultUserOptions = $this->config->get( MainConfigNames::DefaultUserOptions );
$params['handler']['width'] = $thumbLimits[$defaultUserOptions['thumbsize']]
?? 250;
} else {
$params['handler']['width'] = $file->getWidth();
* Returns score for image, the more the better, if it is less than zero,
* the image shouldn't be used for anything
* @param PageImageCandidate $image Associative array describing an image
* @param int $position Image order on page
* @return float
protected function getScore( PageImageCandidate $image, $position ) {
// Exclude images with class="notpageimage"
if ( preg_match( '/(?:^|\s)notpageimage(?=\s|$)/', $image->getFrameClass() ) ) {
return -1000;
$pageImagesScores = $this->config->get( 'PageImagesScores' );
if ( $image->getHandlerWidth() ) {
// Standalone image
$score = $this->scoreFromTable( $image->getHandlerWidth(), $pageImagesScores['width'] );
} else {
// From gallery
$score = $this->scoreFromTable( $image->getFullWidth(), $pageImagesScores['galleryImageWidth'] );
if ( isset( $pageImagesScores['position'][$position] ) ) {
$score += $pageImagesScores['position'][$position];
$ratio = intval( $this->getRatio( $image ) * 10 );
$score += $this->scoreFromTable( $ratio, $pageImagesScores['ratio'] );
$denylist = $this->getDenylist();
if ( isset( $denylist[$image->getFileName()] ) ) {
$score = -1000;
return $score;
* Returns score based on table of ranges
* @param int $value The number that the various bounds are compared against
* to calculate the score
* @param float[] $scores Table of scores for different ranges of $value
* @return float
protected function scoreFromTable( $value, array $scores ) {
$lastScore = 0;
// The loop stops at the *first* match, and therefore *requires* the input array keys to be
// in increasing order.
ksort( $scores, SORT_NUMERIC );
foreach ( $scores as $upperBoundary => $score ) {
$lastScore = $score;
if ( $value <= $upperBoundary ) {
if ( !is_numeric( $lastScore ) ) {
wfLogWarning( 'The PageImagesScores setting must only contain numeric values!' );
return (float)$lastScore;
* Check whether image's copyright allows it to be used freely.
* @param string $fileName Name of the image file
* @return bool
protected function isImageFree( $fileName ) {
$file = $this->repoGroup->findFile( $fileName );
if ( $file ) {
// Process copyright metadata from CommonsMetadata, if present.
// Image is considered free if the value is '0' or unset.
return empty( $this->fetchFileMetadata( $file )['NonFree']['value'] );
return true;
* Fetch file metadata
* @param File $file File to fetch metadata from
* @return array
protected function fetchFileMetadata( $file ) {
$format = new FormatMetadata;
$context = new DerivativeContext( $format->getContext() );
// we don't care about the language, and specifying singleLanguage is slightly faster
$format->setSingleLanguage( true );
// we don't care about the language, so avoid splitting the cache by selecting English
$context->setLanguage( 'en' );
$format->setContext( $context );
return $format->fetchExtendedMetadata( $file );
* Returns width/height ratio of an image as displayed or 0 if not available
* @param PageImageCandidate $image
* @return float|int
protected function getRatio( PageImageCandidate $image ) {
$width = $image->getFullWidth();
$height = $image->getFullHeight();
return $width > 0 && $height > 0 ? $width / $height : 0;
* Returns a list of images denylisted from influencing this extension's output
* @return int[] Flipped associative array in format "image BDB key" => int
* @throws Exception
protected function getDenylist() {
return $this->mainWANObjectCache->getWithSetCallback(
$this->mainWANObjectCache->makeKey( 'pageimages-denylist' ),
$this->config->get( 'PageImagesDenylistExpiry' ),
function () {
$list = [];
foreach ( $this->config->get( 'PageImagesDenylist' ) as $source ) {
switch ( $source['type'] ) {
case 'db':
$list = array_merge(
$this->getDbDenylist( $source['db'], $source['page'] )
case 'url':
$list = array_merge(
$this->getUrlDenylist( $source['url'] )
throw new RuntimeException(
"unrecognized image denylist type '{$source['type']}'"
return array_flip( $list );
* Returns list of images linked by the given denylist page
* @param string|false $dbName Database name or false for current database
* @param string $page
* @return string[]
private function getDbDenylist( $dbName, $page ) {
$title = $this->titleFactory->newFromText( $page );
if ( !$title || !$title->canExist() ) {
return [];
$dbr = $this->connectionProvider->getReplicaDatabase( $dbName );
$id = $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
->select( 'page_id' )
->from( 'page' )
->where( [ 'page_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'page_title' => $title->getDBkey() ] )
->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchField();
if ( !$id ) {
return [];
[ $blNamespace, $blTitle ] = $this->linksMigration->getTitleFields( 'pagelinks' );
$queryInfo = $this->linksMigration->getQueryInfo( 'pagelinks' );
return $dbr->newSelectQueryBuilder()
->select( $blTitle )
->tables( $queryInfo['tables'] )
->joinConds( $queryInfo['joins'] )
->where( [ 'pl_from' => (int)$id, $blNamespace => NS_FILE ] )
->caller( __METHOD__ )->fetchFieldValues();
* Returns list of images on given remote denylist page.
* Not quite 100% bulletproof due to localised namespaces and so on.
* Though if you beat people if they add bad entries to the list... :)
* @param string $url
* @return string[]
private function getUrlDenylist( $url ) {
$list = [];
$text = $this->httpRequestFactory->get( $url, [ 'timeout' => 3 ], __METHOD__ );
$fileExtensions = $this->config->get( 'FileExtensions' );
$regex = '/\[\[:([^|\#]*?\.(?:' . implode( '|', $fileExtensions ) . '))/i';
if ( $text && preg_match_all( $regex, $text, $matches ) ) {
foreach ( $matches[1] as $s ) {
$t = $this->titleFactory->makeTitleSafe( NS_FILE, $s );
if ( $t ) {
$list[] = $t->getDBkey();
return $list;