{ "name": "PageImages", "author": "Max Semenik", "url": "https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:PageImages", "descriptionmsg": "pageimages-desc", "license-name": "WTFPL", "type": "api", "requires": { "MediaWiki": ">= 1.37.0" }, "APIPropModules": { "pageimages": "PageImages\\ApiQueryPageImages" }, "MessagesDirs": { "PageImages": [ "i18n", "i18n/api" ] }, "AutoloadNamespaces": { "PageImages\\": "includes/" }, "TestAutoloadNamespaces": { "PageImages\\Tests\\": "tests/phpunit/" }, "Hooks": { "AfterParserFetchFileAndTitle": "PageImages\\Hooks\\ParserFileProcessingHookHandlers::onAfterParserFetchFileAndTitle", "ApiOpenSearchSuggest": "PageImages\\PageImages::onApiOpenSearchSuggest", "BeforePageDisplay": "PageImages\\PageImages::onBeforePageDisplay", "InfoAction": "PageImages\\PageImages::onInfoAction", "SearchResultProvideThumbnail": "PageImages\\Hooks\\SearchResultProvideThumbnailHookHandler::onSearchResultProvideThumbnail", "LinksUpdate": "PageImages\\Hooks\\LinksUpdateHookHandler::onLinksUpdate", "ParserMakeImageParams": "PageImages\\Hooks\\ParserFileProcessingHookHandlers::onParserMakeImageParams", "SpecialMobileEditWatchlist::images": "PageImages\\PageImages::onSpecialMobileEditWatchlistImages" }, "JobClasses": { "InitImageDataJob": "PageImages\\Job\\InitImageDataJob" }, "config": { "PageImagesScores": { "description": "Images <120px are usually from maintenace or stub templates; >600px are panoramas, less suitable.", "value": { "position": [ 8, 6, 4, 3 ], "width": { "119": -100, "400": 10, "600": 5, "601": 0 }, "galleryImageWidth": { "99": -100, "100": 0 }, "ratio": { "3": -100, "5": 0, "20": 5, "30": 0, "31": -100 } } }, "PageImagesDenylist": { "value": [ { "type": "db", "page": "MediaWiki:Pageimages-denylist", "db": false } ] }, "PageImagesDenylistExpiry": { "value": 900 }, "PageImagesExpandOpenSearchXml": { "value": false }, "PageImagesNamespaces": { "value": [ 0 ] }, "PageImagesLeadSectionOnly": { "description": [ "Temporary feature flag - Whether page images should be restricted to those in section id 0.", "FIXME: Please remove a month after it has defaulted to true on the cluster (T152115)" ], "value": true }, "PageImagesAPIDefaultLicense": { "description": "Get images with either a 'free' license or 'any' (including free and non-free) license by default, via 'pilicense' option, in pageprops query api. The value of this setting should be either 'free' or 'any'.", "value": "free" }, "PageImagesOpenGraphFallbackImage": { "description": "A url to fallback image that will be shown when there is no image on a page.", "value": false } }, "manifest_version": 2 }