'free' ] ); $context = $this->createMock( \IContextSource::class ); $context->method( 'getConfig' ) ->willReturn( $config ); $main = $this->getMockBuilder( \ApiMain::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $main->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'getContext' ) ->willReturn( $context ); $query = $this->getMockBuilder( \ApiQuery::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $query->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'getMain' ) ->willReturn( $main ); return new ApiQueryPageImages( $query, '' ); } public function testConstructor() { $instance = $this->newInstance(); $this->assertInstanceOf( ApiQueryPageImages::class, $instance ); } public function testGetCacheMode() { $instance = $this->newInstance(); $this->assertSame( 'public', $instance->getCacheMode( [] ) ); } public function testGetAllowedParams() { $instance = $this->newInstance(); $params = $instance->getAllowedParams(); $this->assertIsArray( $params ); $this->assertNotEmpty( $params ); $this->assertContainsOnly( 'array', $params ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'limit', $params ); $this->assertSame( 50, $params['limit'][ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] ); $this->assertSame( 'limit', $params['limit'][ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] ); $this->assertSame( 1, $params['limit'][IntegerDef::PARAM_MIN] ); $this->assertSame( 50, $params['limit'][IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX] ); $this->assertSame( 100, $params['limit'][IntegerDef::PARAM_MAX2] ); $this->assertArrayHasKey( 'license', $params ); $this->assertSame( [ 'free', 'any' ], $params['license'][ApiBase::PARAM_TYPE] ); $this->assertSame( 'free', $params['license'][ApiBase::PARAM_DFLT] ); $this->assertFalse( $params['license'][ApiBase::PARAM_ISMULTI] ); } /** * @dataProvider provideGetTitles */ public function testGetTitles( $titles, $missingTitlesByNamespace, $expected ) { $pageSet = $this->getMockBuilder( \ApiPageSet::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->getMock(); $pageSet->method( 'getGoodTitles' ) ->willReturn( $titles ); $pageSet->method( 'getMissingTitlesByNamespace' ) ->willReturn( $missingTitlesByNamespace ); $queryPageImages = new ApiQueryPageImagesProxyMock( $pageSet ); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $queryPageImages->getTitles() ); } public function provideGetTitles() { return [ [ [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ) ], [], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ) ], ], [ [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ) ], [ NS_TALK => [ 'Bar' => -1, ], ], [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ) ], ], [ [ Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ) ], [ NS_FILE => [ 'Bar' => -1, ], ], [ 0 => Title::makeTitle( NS_MAIN, 'Foo' ), -1 => Title::makeTitle( NS_FILE, 'Bar' ), ], ], ]; } /** * @dataProvider provideExecute * @param array $requestParams Request parameters to the API * @param array $titles Page titles passed to the API * @param array $queryPageIds Page IDs that will be used for querying the DB. * @param array $queryResults Results of the DB select query * @param int $setResultValueCount The number results the API returned */ public function testExecute( $requestParams, $titles, $queryPageIds, $queryResults, $setResultValueCount ) { $mock = TestingAccessWrapper::newFromObject( $this->getMockBuilder( ApiQueryPageImages::class ) ->disableOriginalConstructor() ->onlyMethods( [ 'extractRequestParams', 'getTitles', 'dieWithError', 'addTables', 'addFields', 'addWhere', 'select', 'setResultValues' ] ) ->getMock() ); $mock->method( 'extractRequestParams' ) ->willReturn( $requestParams ); $mock->method( 'getTitles' ) ->willReturn( $titles ); $mock->method( 'select' ) ->willReturn( new FakeResultWrapper( $queryResults ) ); // continue page ID is not found if ( isset( $requestParams['continue'] ) && $requestParams['continue'] > count( $titles ) ) { $mock->expects( $this->once() ) ->method( 'dieWithError' ); } $originalRequested = in_array( 'original', $requestParams['prop'] ); $this->assertTrue( $this->hasExpectedProperties( $queryResults, $originalRequested ) ); $license = $requestParams['license'] ?? 'free'; if ( $license == PageImages::LICENSE_ANY ) { $propName = [ PageImages::getPropName( true ), PageImages::getPropName( false ) ]; } else { $propName = PageImages::getPropName( true ); } $mock->expects( $this->exactly( count( $queryPageIds ) > 0 ? 1 : 0 ) ) ->method( 'addWhere' ) ->with( [ 'pp_page' => $queryPageIds, 'pp_propname' => $propName ] ); $mock->expects( $this->exactly( $setResultValueCount ) ) ->method( 'setResultValues' ); $mock->execute(); } public function provideExecute() { return [ [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail' ], 'thumbsize' => 100, 'limit' => 10, 'license' => 'any', 'langcode' => null ], [ Title::newFromText( 'Page 1' ), Title::newFromText( 'Page 2' ) ], [ 0, 1 ], [ (object)[ 'pp_page' => 0, 'pp_value' => 'A_Free.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME_FREE ], (object)[ 'pp_page' => 0, 'pp_value' => 'A.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME ], (object)[ 'pp_page' => 1, 'pp_value' => 'B.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME ], ], 2 ], [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail' ], 'thumbsize' => 200, 'limit' => 10, 'langcode' => null ], [], [], [], 0 ], [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail' ], 'continue' => 1, 'thumbsize' => 400, 'limit' => 10, 'license' => 'any', 'langcode' => null ], [ Title::newFromText( 'Page 1' ), Title::newFromText( 'Page 2' ) ], [ 1 ], [ (object)[ 'pp_page' => 1, 'pp_value' => 'B_Free.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME_FREE ], (object)[ 'pp_page' => 1, 'pp_value' => 'B.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME ], ], 1 ], [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail' ], 'thumbsize' => 500, 'limit' => 10, 'license' => 'any', 'langcode' => 'en' ], [ Title::newFromText( 'Page 1' ), Title::newFromText( 'Page 2' ) ], [ 0, 1 ], [ (object)[ 'pp_page' => 1, 'pp_value' => 'B_Free.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME ], ], 1 ], [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail' ], 'continue' => 1, 'thumbsize' => 500, 'limit' => 10, 'license' => 'any', 'langcode' => 'de' ], [ Title::newFromText( 'Page 1' ), Title::newFromText( 'Page 2' ) ], [ 1 ], [ (object)[ 'pp_page' => 1, 'pp_value' => 'B_Free.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME_FREE ], ], 1 ], [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail' ], 'thumbsize' => 510, 'limit' => 10, 'license' => 'free', 'langcode' => 'de' ], [ Title::newFromText( 'Page 1' ), Title::newFromText( 'Page 2' ) ], [ 0, 1 ], [], 0 ], [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail' ], 'thumbsize' => 510, 'limit' => 10, 'license' => 'free', 'langcode' => 'en' ], [ Title::newFromText( 'Page 1' ), Title::newFromText( 'Page 2' ) ], [ 0, 1 ], [ (object)[ 'pp_page' => 0, 'pp_value' => 'A_Free.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME_FREE ], (object)[ 'pp_page' => 1, 'pp_value' => 'B_Free.jpg', 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME_FREE ], ], 2 ], [ [ 'prop' => [ 'thumbnail', 'original' ], 'thumbsize' => 510, 'limit' => 10, 'license' => 'free', 'langcode' => 'en' ], [ Title::newFromText( 'Page 1' ), Title::newFromText( 'Page 2' ) ], [ 0, 1 ], [ (object)[ 'pp_page' => 0, 'pp_value' => 'A_Free.jpg', 'pp_value_original' => 'A_Free_original.jpg', 'pp_original_width' => 80, 'pp_original_height' => 80, 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME_FREE ], (object)[ 'pp_page' => 1, 'pp_value' => 'B_Free.jpg', 'pp_value_original' => 'B_Free_original.jpg', 'pp_original_width' => 80, 'pp_original_height' => 80, 'pp_propname' => PageImages::PROP_NAME_FREE ], ], 2 ], ]; } private function hasExpectedProperties( $queryResults, $originalRequested ) { if ( $originalRequested ) { return $this->allResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, 'pp_value_original' ) && $this->allResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, 'pp_original_width' ) && $this->allResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, 'pp_original_height' ); } else { return $this->noResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, 'pp_value_original' ) && $this->noResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, 'pp_original_width' ) && $this->noResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, 'pp_original_height' ); } } private function noResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, $propName ) { foreach ( $queryResults as $result ) { if ( property_exists( $result, $propName ) ) { return false; } } return true; } private function allResultsHaveProperty( $queryResults, $propName ) { foreach ( $queryResults as $result ) { if ( !property_exists( $result, $propName ) ) { return false; } } return true; } }