thumbnailProvider = $thumbnailProvider; $this->pageProps = $pageProps; $this->repoGroup = $repoGroup; } /** * Returns a list of fileNames for a given list of PageIdentity objects (outside of NS_FILE) * * @param PageIdentity[] $identitiesByPageId key-value array of where key * is pageId, value is PageIdentity * @return array */ private function getFileNamesByPageId( array $identitiesByPageId ): array { $nonFileIdentitiesByPageId = array_filter( $identitiesByPageId, static function ( PageIdentity $pageIdentity ) { return $pageIdentity->getNamespace() !== NS_FILE; } ); $propValues = $this->pageProps->getProperties( $nonFileIdentitiesByPageId, // T320661: only provide free images for search purposes (array)PageImages::getPropNames( PageImages::LICENSE_FREE ) ); $fileNames = array_map( static function ( $prop ) { return $prop[ PageImages::getPropName( false ) ] ?? $prop[ PageImages::getPropName( true ) ] ?? null; }, $propValues ); return array_filter( $fileNames, static function ( $fileName ) { return $fileName !== null; } ); } /** * @param array $pageIdentities array that contain $pageId => PageIdentity. * @param array &$results Placeholder for result. $pageId => SearchResultThumbnail * @param int|null $size size of thumbnail height and width in points */ public function onSearchResultProvideThumbnail( array $pageIdentities, &$results, ?int $size = null ): void { $fileNamesByPageId = $this->getFileNamesByPageId( $pageIdentities ); $results ??= []; foreach ( $fileNamesByPageId as $pageId => $fileName ) { $file = $this->repoGroup->findFile( $fileName ); if ( !$file ) { continue; } $thumbnail = $this->thumbnailProvider->buildSearchResultThumbnailFromFile( $file, $size ); if ( $thumbnail ) { $results[$pageId] = $thumbnail; } } } }