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"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Ryan Lane <rlane@wikimedia.org>",
"Tyler Romeo <tylerromeo@gmail.com>",
"oathauth-desc": "{{desc|name=OATH Auth|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OATHAuth}}",
"disableoathforuser": "{{doc-special|DisableOATHForUser}}",
"verifyoathforuser": "{{doc-special|VerifyOATHForUser}}",
"oath": "{{optional}}\n{{doc-special|OATH}}",
"specialpages-group-oath": "{{doc-special-group|like=[[Special:OATH]]}}\n\nSee [[w:en:Two_factor_authentication|Wikipedia article on two factor authentication]].\n\n{{Identical|Two factor authentication}}",
"oathauth-account": "Plain text associated with [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication] on this wiki (username@<wiki name>) found on Special:OATH.\n{{Identical|Account name}}",
"oathauth-secret": "Plain text found on Special:OATH while enabling OATH\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-enable": "Page title on Special:OATH, when enabling OATH.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-scratchtokens": "Plain text, found on Special:OATH while enabling OATH.",
"oathauth-token": "HTMLForm label, found on [[Special:OATH]], when verifying OATH.\n{{Identical|Token}}",
"oathauth-disable": "Page title on Special:OATH while disabling OATH.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-validatedoath": "Plain text found on Special:OATH after a token has been validated.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-noscratchforvalidation": "Plain text found on Special:OATH if the user used the incorrect type of token while enabling OATH.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-failedtovalidateoath": "Plain text found on Special:OATH when validation of a token has failed.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-disabledoath": "Plain text found on Special:OATH when disabling OATH has been successful.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Plain text label seen on Special:Preferences\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]\n{{Identical|Two factor authentication}}",
"oathauth-step1": "Label for step 1 on Special:OATH form",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Text for step 1 on Special:OATH for. Check the name of \"Google Authenticator\" in your language in the Play Market—it may be translated.\n\nThis message is not parsed, so don't add formatting or links.",
"oathauth-step2": "Label for step 2, the QR code, on Special:OATH",
"oathauth-step2alt": "Label for information on how to manually do step 2 on Special:OATH",
"oathauth-step3": "Label for step 3 information on Special:OATH",
"oathauth-step4": "Label for step 4 information on Special:OATH",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Label on input field on Special:OATH asking user to enter token",
"oathauth-disable-for-user": "Title of the special page to disable other users' two-factor authentication (OATH)",
"oathauth-verify-for-user": "Title of the special page to verify other users' two-factor authentication (OATH) status",
"right-oathauth-disable-for-user": "{{doc-right|oathauth-disable-for-user}}",
"action-oathauth-disable-for-user": "{{doc-action|oathauth-disable-for-user}}",
"right-oathauth-verify-user": "{{doc-right|oathauth-verify-user}}",
"action-oathauth-verify-user": "{{doc-action|oathauth-verify-user}}",
"right-oathauth-view-log": "{{doc-right|oathauth-view-log}}",
"action-oathauth-view-log": "{{doc-action|oathauth-view-log}}",
"oathauth-disable-intro": "Intro message for special to disable other users' two-factor authentication (OATH)",
"oathauth-enteruser": "Label for user field in special page to verify or disable two-factor authentication",
"oathauth-enterdisablereason": "Label for field for reason in special page to disable two-factor authentication",
"oathauth-enterverifyreason": "Label for field for reason in special page to verify two-factor authentication",
"oathauth-user-not-does-not-have-oath-enabled": "Error message when user does not have two-factor authentication (OATH) enabled",
"right-oathauth-enable": "{{doc-right|oathauth-enable}}",
"action-oathauth-enable": "{{doc-action|oathauth-enable}}",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "Label of the second-factor field on special pages and in the API\n{{Identical|Token}}",
"oathauth-auth-token-help": "Extended help message for the second factor field in the API.",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Shown on top of the login form when second factor is required",
"oathauth-throttled": "Error message when throttling limit is hit.\n\nParameters:\n* $1 - throttle block duration",
"oathauth-login-failed": "Error message when verifying the second factor failed.",
"oathauth-describe-provider": "Description of the extension as an authentication provider.",
"grant-group-authentication": "{{Related|Grant-group}}",
"grant-oath": "Name for grant \"oath\".\n{{Related|Grant}}",
"right-oathauth-api-all": "{{doc-right|oathauth-api-all}}",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "{{doc-action|oathauth-api-all}}",
"oathauth-user-not-found": "Message that Special:DisableOATHForUser will display when no user account can be found with the name provided",
"oath-log-name": "The Special:Log log name that appears in the drop-down on the Special:Log page",
"oath-log-header": "The Special:Log description that appears on the Special:Log page when you filter logs on this specific log name",
"logentry-oath-disable-other": "The template of the log entry message\n\n* <code>$1</code> is the person disabling the two-factor authentication.\n* <code>$2</code> is the user whose 2FA is being disabled.\n* <code>$3</code> is the user whose 2FA is being disabled (again).",
"logentry-oath-verify": "The template of the log entry message\n\n* <code>$1</code> is the person verifying the two-factor authentication.\n* <code>$2</code> is the user whose 2FA is being verified.\n* <code>$3</code> is the user whose 2FA is being verified (again).",
"oauthauth-ui-no-module": "User preference value when no 2FA module is enabled",
"oathauth-module-invalid": "Error message when the OATHAuth module registered by user is invalid",
"oathauth-module-totp-label": "User preference value when the TOTP module is enabled",
"oathauth-ui-manage": "Button on Special:Preferences, that leads to [[Special:OATHManage]]",
"oathmanage": "{{doc-special|OATHManage}}",
"oathauth-ui-not-enabled-modules": "Header on Special:OATHManage under which all modules that are not currently enabled are listed. This is used only if user already has 2FA enabled",
"oathauth-ui-enabled-module": "Header on Special:OATHManage under which is the currently selected 2FA module shown",
"oathauth-enable-generic": "Button label that enables the module\n{{Identical|Enable}}",
"oathauth-disable-generic": "Button label that disables the module\n{{Identical|Disable}}",
"oathauth-invalid-data-format": "Error message when the key instance cannot be created based on provided data",
"oathauth-invalid-key-type": "Error message when key class is unexpected",
"oathauth-disable-page-title": "Page title for [[Special:OATHManage]] when user is disabling a module. \n$1 - display name of the module",
"oathauth-enable-page-title": "Page title for [[Special:OATHManage]] when user is enabling a module. \n$1 - display name of the module",
"oathauth-action-exclusive-to-2fa": "Error messages when user action is blocked due to the permission being exclusive to users with 2FA enabled",
"oathauth-ui-available-modules": "Header on Special:OATHManage under which all 2FA modules that can be enabled. Used only when user does not have 2FA enabled",
"oathauth-ui-general-help": "Help on what is two-factor authentication, displayed on Special:OATHManage.",
"oathauth-totp-description": "Description of TOTP module, shown on Special:OATHManage.\n\n[[:w:en:HMAC|HMAC]] is a type of a [[:w:en:Message authentication code|message authentication code]] in cryptography.",
"oathauth-disable-method-warning-header": "Page title for warning page when disabling current 2FA method",
"oathauth-disable-method-warning-button-label": "Label for the button that confirms disabling current or switching to alternative 2FA method",
"oathauth-disable-method-warning": "Generic message warning the user of token/data loss when authentication method is disabled.\n$1 - Current method name",
"oathauth-switch-method-warning-header": "Page title for warning page when switching to an alternative 2FA method",
"oathauth-switch-method-warning": "Generic message warning the user of token/data loss when switching to an alternative method.\n$1 - Current method name, $2 - Name of the method that is being switched to",
"oathauth-totp-disable-warning": "TOTP specific warning message when disabling/switching to alternative 2FA method",
"oathauth-invalidrequest": "Generic error message that is displayed when request cannot be processed due to an unpredicted reason",
"oathauth-verify-enabled": "Notice that a user has 2FA enabled, shown on success at [[Special:VerifyOATHForUser]].\n$1 - Name of user",
"oathauth-verify-disabled": "Notice that a user does not have 2FA enabled, shown on success at [[Special:VerifyOATHForUser]].\n$1 - Name of user"