database = $database; $this->cache = $cache; $this->moduleRegistry = $moduleRegistry; $this->centralIdLookupFactory = $centralIdLookupFactory; $this->setLogger( $logger ); } /** * @param LoggerInterface $logger */ public function setLogger( LoggerInterface $logger ) { $this->logger = $logger; } /** * @param User $user * @return OATHUser * @throws ConfigException * @throws MWException */ public function findByUser( User $user ) { $oathUser = $this->cache->get( $user->getName() ); if ( !$oathUser ) { $oathUser = new OATHUser( $user, [] ); $uid = $this->centralIdLookupFactory->getLookup() ->centralIdFromLocalUser( $user ); $res = $this->database->getDB( DB_REPLICA )->newSelectQueryBuilder() ->select( [ 'oad_data', 'oat_name', ] ) ->from( 'oathauth_devices' ) ->join( 'oathauth_types', null, [ 'oat_id = oad_type' ] ) ->where( [ 'oad_user' => $uid ] ) ->caller( __METHOD__ ) ->fetchResultSet(); $module = null; foreach ( $res as $row ) { if ( $module && $row->oat_name !== $module->getName() ) { // Not supported by current application-layer code. throw new RuntimeException( "user {$uid} has multiple different oathauth modules defined" ); } if ( !$module ) { $module = $this->moduleRegistry->getModuleByKey( $row->oat_name ); $oathUser->setModule( $module ); if ( !$module ) { throw new MWException( 'oathauth-module-invalid' ); } } $keyData = FormatJson::decode( $row->oad_data, true ); $oathUser->addKey( $module->newKey( $keyData ) ); } $this->cache->set( $user->getName(), $oathUser ); } return $oathUser; } /** * @param OATHUser $user * @param string|null $clientInfo * @throws ConfigException * @throws MWException */ public function persist( OATHUser $user, $clientInfo = null ) { if ( !$clientInfo ) { $clientInfo = RequestContext::getMain()->getRequest()->getIP(); } $prevUser = $this->findByUser( $user->getUser() ); $userId = $this->centralIdLookupFactory->getLookup()->centralIdFromLocalUser( $user->getUser() ); $moduleId = $this->moduleRegistry->getModuleId( $user->getModule()->getName() ); $rows = []; foreach ( $user->getKeys() as $key ) { $rows[] = [ 'oad_user' => $userId, 'oad_type' => $moduleId, 'oad_data' => FormatJson::encode( $key->jsonSerialize() ) ]; } $dbw = $this->database->getDB( DB_PRIMARY ); $dbw->startAtomic( __METHOD__ ); // TODO: only update changed rows $dbw->delete( 'oathauth_devices', [ 'oad_user' => $userId ], __METHOD__ ); $dbw->insert( 'oathauth_devices', $rows, __METHOD__ ); $dbw->endAtomic( __METHOD__ ); $userName = $user->getUser()->getName(); $this->cache->set( $userName, $user ); if ( $prevUser !== false ) { $this->logger->info( 'OATHAuth updated for {user} from {clientip}', [ 'user' => $userName, 'clientip' => $clientInfo, 'oldoathtype' => $prevUser->getModule()->getName(), 'newoathtype' => $user->getModule()->getName(), ] ); } else { // If findByUser() has returned false, there was no user row or cache entry $this->logger->info( 'OATHAuth enabled for {user} from {clientip}', [ 'user' => $userName, 'clientip' => $clientInfo, 'oathtype' => $user->getModule()->getName(), ] ); Manager::notifyEnabled( $user ); } } /** * @param OATHUser $user * @param string $clientInfo * @param bool $self Whether the user disabled the 2FA themselves */ public function remove( OATHUser $user, $clientInfo, bool $self ) { $userId = $this->centralIdLookupFactory->getLookup() ->centralIdFromLocalUser( $user->getUser() ); $this->database->getDB( DB_PRIMARY )->delete( 'oathauth_devices', [ 'oad_user' => $userId ], __METHOD__ ); $userName = $user->getUser()->getName(); $this->cache->delete( $userName ); $this->logger->info( 'OATHAuth disabled for {user} from {clientip}', [ 'user' => $userName, 'clientip' => $clientInfo, 'oathtype' => $user->getModule()->getName(), ] ); Manager::notifyDisabled( $user, $self ); } }