{ "@metadata": { "authors": [ "Ryan Lane ", "Tyler Romeo " ] }, "oathauth-desc": "Provides authentication support using HMAC based one-time passwords", "oath": "OATHAuth", "specialpages-group-oath": "Two-factor authentication", "oathauth-account": "Two-factor account name:", "oathauth-legend": "Verify your credentials", "oathauth-secret": "Two-factor secret key:", "oathauth-enable": "Enable two-factor authentication", "oathauth-failedtoenableoauth": "Failed to enable two-factor authentication.", "oathauth-alreadyenabled": "Two-factor authentication is already enabled.", "oathauth-verify": "Verify two-factor token", "openstackmanager-scratchtokens": "The following list is a list of one-time use scratch tokens. These tokens can only be used once, and are for emergency use. Please write these down and keep them in a secure location. If you lose your phone, these tokens are the only way to rescue your account. These tokens will never be shown again.", "oathauth-reset": "Reset two-factor credentials", "oathauth-donotdeleteoldsecret": "Please do not delete your old credentials until you have validated your new credentials.", "oathauth-token": "Token", "oathauth-currenttoken": "Current token", "oathauth-newtoken": "New token", "oathauth-disable": "Disable two-factor authentication", "oathauth-login": "Login with two-factor authentication", "oathauth-displayoathinfo": "two-factor authentication options", "oathauth-validatedoath": "Validated two-factor credentials. Two-factor authentication will now be enforced.", "oathauth-backtopreferences": "Back to preferences.", "oathauth-failedtovalidateoauth": "Failed to validate two-factor credentials", "oathauth-reattemptreset": "Reattempt reset of two-factor credentials.", "oathauth-reattemptenable": "Reattempt enabling of two-factor authentication.", "oathauth-disabledoath": "Disabled two-factor authentication.", "oathauth-failedtodisableoauth": "Failed to disable two-factor authentication.", "oathauth-reattemptdisable": "Reattempt disabling of two-factor authentication.", "oathauth-failedtoresetoath": "Failed to reset two-factor credentials.", "oathauth-notloggedin": "Login required", "oathauth-mustbeloggedin": "You must be logged in to perform this action.", "oathauth-prefs-label": "Two-factor authentication:", "oathauth-abortlogin": "The two-factor authentication token provided was invalid.", "oathauth-step1": "Step 1: Download the app", "oathauth-step1-test": "Download a mobile app for two-factor authentication (such as Google Authenticator) on to your phone.", "oathauth-step2": "Step 2: Scan the QR code", "oathauth-step2alt": "Or enter the secret manually:", "oathauth-step3": "Step 3: Write down the scratch codes", "oathauth-step4": "Step 4: Verification", "oathauth-entertoken": "Enter a code from your mobile app to verify:", "right-oathauth-enable": "Enable two-factor authentication", "action-oathauth-enable": "enable two-factor authentication", "oathauth-auth-token-label": "Token", "oathauth-auth-token-help": "The one-time password used as the second factor of two-factor authentication.", "oathauth-auth-ui": "Please enter verification code from your mobile app", "oathauth-throttled": "Too many verification attempts! Please wait $1.", "oathauth-login-failed": "Verification failed.", "oathauth-describe-provider": "Two-factor authentication (OATH)." }