Localisation updates from https://translatewiki.net.

Change-Id: Id09c3d6a1462c4c89b95939d4eeaa4d96b783e13
This commit is contained in:
Translation updater bot 2016-12-12 22:34:25 +01:00
parent ade8ec0504
commit 6e407e6873
16 changed files with 77 additions and 49 deletions

View file

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"محمد أحمد عبد الفتاح",
"oathauth-account": "اسم المستخدم:",
"oathauth-enable": "تفعيل التوثيق ذي العاملين",
"oathauth-scratchtokens": "تُظهر القائمة التالية رموز تسجيل دخول تُستعمل لمرة واحدة فقط، وتستعمل في الحالات الطارئة فقط، لذلك رجاءاً قُم بكتابة هذه الرموز بمكان آمن، وفي حالة فقدان هاتفك يُمكنك استعمال هذه الرموز لاستعادة حسابك، مع العلم أنَّ هذه الرموز لن تظهر مرة أخرى نهائياً.",
"oathauth-token": "الرمز",
"oathauth-disable": "تعطيل التوثيق ذو العاملين",

View file

@ -6,13 +6,13 @@
"oathauth-desc": "Ufre soporte d'identificación utilizando contraseñes pa una sola vez basaes en HMAC",
"specialpages-group-oath": "Identificación de dos factores",
"oathauth-account": "Nome de la cuenta de dos factores:",
"oathauth-account": "Nome de la cuenta:",
"oathauth-legend": "Comprueba les credenciales",
"oathauth-secret": "Clave secreta de dos factores:",
"oathauth-secret": "Clave secreta d'identificación en dos pasos:",
"oathauth-enable": "Activar la identificación de dos factores",
"oathauth-failedtoenableoauth": "Error al activar la identificación de dos factores.",
"oathauth-alreadyenabled": "La identificación de dos factores yá ta activada.",
"oathauth-verify": "Comprobar el pase de dos factores",
"oathauth-verify": "Comprobar el pase d'identificación en dos pasos",
"oathauth-scratchtokens": "La siguiente llista ye una llista de pases d'un solu usu. Estos pases sólo puen utilizase una vez, y son pa usu d'emerxencia. Por favor, apúnteles y guárdeles nun llugar seguru. Si pierde'l teléfonu, estos pases son la única manera de rescatar la so cuenta. Estos pases nunca volverán a apaecer.",
"oathauth-reset": "Reaniciar les credenciales de dos factores",
"oathauth-donotdeleteoldsecret": "Nun desanicies les credenciales antigües mentanto nun valides les nueves.",
@ -30,27 +30,29 @@
"oathauth-disabledoath": "Desactivada la identificación de dos factores.",
"oathauth-failedtodisableoauth": "Error al desactivar la identificación de dos factores.",
"oathauth-reattemptdisable": "Volver a intentar desactivar la identificación de dos factores.",
"oathauth-failedtoresetoath": "Nun pudieron reaniciase les credenciales de dos factores.",
"oathauth-failedtoresetoath": "Fallu al reaniciar les credenciales d'identificación en dos pasos.",
"oathauth-notloggedin": "Ye necesario aniciar sesión",
"oathauth-mustbeloggedin": "Tien d'aniciar sesión pa facer esta aición.",
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Identificación de dos factores:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "El pase d'identificación de dos factores dau nun ye válidu.",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "Demasiaos intentos de comprobación. Téntalo sero.",
"oathauth-step1": "Pasu 1: Descarga la app",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Descarga una app pa móvil pa l'autenticación de dos pasos (como Google Authenticator) al to teléfonu.",
"oathauth-step1": "Pasu 1: Descargar un programa d'identificación en dos pasos",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Descarga un programa pa identificación en dos pasos. Pué ser una aplicación pa móvil (como Google Authenticator) o d'escritoriu.",
"oathauth-step2": "Pasu 2: escanea'l códigu QR",
"oathauth-step2alt": "O escribe'l códigu secretu manualmente:",
"oathauth-step3": "Pasu 3: Apunta los códigos",
"oathauth-step4": "Pasu 4: Comprobación",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Escribe'l códigu de la aplicación móvil para verificar:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Escribe'l códigu dende'l preséu d'identificación a comprobar:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "Activar la identificación de dos factores",
"action-oathauth-enable": "activar la identificación de dos factores",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "Pase",
"oathauth-auth-token-help": "La contraseña d'un usu emplegada como segundu factor na autenticación de dos pasos.",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Escribe'l códigu de comprobación de l'aplicación pa móvil",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Escribe un códigu de comprobación dende'l preséu d'identificación",
"oathauth-throttled": "Demasiaos intentos de comprobación. Espera $1.",
"oathauth-login-failed": "Falló la comprobación.",
"oathauth-describe-provider": "Identificación de dos factores (OATH).",
"grant-group-authentication": "Facer les aiciones d'autenticación propies y pa otros",
"grant-oath": "Acceder a la información d'autenticación en dos factores (OAuth) propies y pa otros"
"grant-oath": "Acceder a la información d'autenticación en dos factores (OAuth) propies y pa otros",
"right-oathauth-api-all": "Consultar y validar la información OATH propia y d'otros",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "comprobar l'estatus OATH"

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@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"oathauth-desc": "Poskytuje podporu pro autentizaci pomocí jednorázových hesel založených na HMAC",
"specialpages-group-oath": "Dvoufaktorová autentizace",
"oathauth-account": "Název účtu pro dvoufaktorovou autentizaci:",
"oathauth-account": "Název účtu:",
"oathauth-legend": "Ověření přihlašovacích údajů",
"oathauth-secret": "Tajný klíč pro dvoufaktorovou autentizaci:",
"oathauth-enable": "Zapnutí dvoufaktorové autentizace",
@ -39,18 +39,18 @@
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Dvoufaktorová autentizace:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "Poskytnutý dvoufaktorový ověřovací token byl neplatný.",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "Příliš mnoho pokusů o ověření! Zkuste to prosím později.",
"oathauth-step1": "Krok 1: Stáhněte si aplikaci",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Stáhněte si do telefonu mobilní aplikaci pro dvoufaktorovou autentizaci (jako je třeba Google Authenticator).",
"oathauth-step1": "Krok 1: Stáhněte si program pro dvoufaktorovou autentizaci",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Stáhněte si program nebo mobilní aplikaci (jako je třeba Google Authenticator) pro dvoufaktorovou autentizaci",
"oathauth-step2": "Krok 2: Naskenujte QR kód",
"oathauth-step2alt": "Nebo tajemství zadejte ručně:",
"oathauth-step3": "Krok 3: Zapište si jednorázové kódy",
"oathauth-step4": "Krok 4: Ověření",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Pro ověření zadejte kód z vaší mobilní aplikace:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Pro ověření zadejte kód z vašeho autentizačního zařízení:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "Zapnutí dvoufaktorové autentizace",
"action-oathauth-enable": "zapnout dvoufaktorovou autentizaci",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "Kód",
"oathauth-auth-token-help": "Jednorázové heslo používané jako druhý faktor dvoufaktorové autentizace.",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Zadejte prosím ověřovací kód ze své mobilní aplikace",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Zadejte prosím ověřovací kód ze svého autentizačního zařízení",
"oathauth-throttled": "Příliš mnoho pokusů o ověření! Počkejte prosím $1.",
"oathauth-login-failed": "Ověření se nezdařilo.",
"oathauth-describe-provider": "Dvoufaktorová autentizace (OATH).",

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@ -37,24 +37,25 @@
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "Der angegebene Zweifaktor-Authentifizierungstoken war ungültig.",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "Zu viele Verifizierungsversuche! Bitte später erneut versuchen.",
"oathauth-step1": "Schritt 1: Lade die App herunter",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Lade eine mobile App (wie Google Authenticator) für die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung auf dein Telefon herunter.",
"oathauth-step1": "Schritt 1: Lade ein Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungsprogramm herunter",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Lade ein Programm zur Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung herunter. Das kann eine mobile Anwendung (wie Google Authenticator) oder eine Desktop-Anwendung sein.",
"oathauth-step2": "Schritt 2: Scanne den QR-Code",
"oathauth-step2alt": "Oder gib das Geheimnis manuell ein:",
"oathauth-step3": "Schritt 3: Schreibe die Sondercodes auf",
"oathauth-step4": "Schritt 4: Verifizierung",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Gib zur Verifizierung einen Code von deiner mobilen App ein:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Gib zur Verifizierung einen Code von deinem Authentifizierungsgerät ein:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "Die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung aktivieren",
"action-oathauth-enable": "die Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung zu aktivieren",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "Token",
"oathauth-auth-token-help": "Das Einmalpasswort, verwendet als zweiter Faktor der Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung.",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Bitte den Verifizierungscode vom Authentifizierungsgerät eingeben",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Bitte einen Verifizierungscode vom Authentifizierungsgerät eingeben",
"oathauth-throttled": "Zu viele Verifizierungsversuche! Bitte warte $1.",
"oathauth-login-failed": "Verifizierung fehlgeschlagen.",
"oathauth-describe-provider": "Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (OATH).",
"grant-group-authentication": "Authentifizierungs-Aktionen für sich selbst und andere ausführen",
"grant-oath": "Auf Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierungs-Informationen für sich selbst und andere zugreifen",
"right-oathauth-api-all": "OATH-Informationen für sich selbst und andere abfragen und validieren",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "den OATH-Status zu überprüfen",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-1": "Ruft Informationen über den aktuellen Benutzer ab",
"apihelp-oathvalidate-description": "Validiert einen Token der Zwei-Faktor-Authentifizierung (OATH).",
"apihelp-oathvalidate-param-user": "Benutzer, für den der Token validiert werden soll. Standard ist der aktuelle Benutzer.",

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@ -12,13 +12,13 @@
"oathauth-scratchtokens": "All on ühekordsete koodide nimekiri. Igat koodi saab kasutada vaid ühel korral, koodid on mõeldud hädaolukorra jaoks. Kirjuta koodid üles ja pane turvalisse kohta hoiule. Kui peaksid telefoni kaotama, on need koodid ainus võimalus oma kontot päästa. Allolevaid koode rohkem ei kuvata.",
"oathauth-notloggedin": "Vajalik on sisselogimine",
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Kaheastmeline autentimine:",
"oathauth-step1": "Samm 1: laadi alla rakendus",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Laadi kaheastmelise autentimise mobiilirakendus (näiteks Google Authenticator) oma telefoni.",
"oathauth-step1": "Samm 1: laadi alla kaheastmelise autentimise rakendus",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Laadi alla kaheastmelise autentimise programm. See võib olla mobiilirakendus (näiteks Google Authenticator) või lauaarvuti rakendus.",
"oathauth-step2": "Samm 2: skaneeri QR-kood",
"oathauth-step2alt": "Või sisesta salavõti käsitsi:",
"oathauth-step3": "Samm 3: kirjuta üles ühekordsed koodid",
"oathauth-step4": "Samm 4: kinnitamine",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Kinnitamiseks sisesta mobiilirakendusest pärit kood:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Kinnitamiseks sisesta autentimisseadmest pärit kood:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "Lubada kaheastmelist autentimist",
"action-oathauth-enable": "kaheastmelist autentimist lubada"

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@ -38,13 +38,13 @@
"oathauth-prefs-label": "אימות דו־שלבי:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "אסימון האימות הדו־שלבי שסופק היה בלתי תקין.",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "יותר מדי ניסיונות אימות! נא לנסות שוב מאוחר יותר.",
"oathauth-step1": "צעד 1: הורדת היישום",
"oathauth-step1-test": "יש להוריד את היישום לאימות הדו־שלבי (כגון Google Authenticator) לטלפון שלך.",
"oathauth-step1": "צעד 1: הורדת תכנית לאימות דו־שלבי",
"oathauth-step1-test": "יש להוריד תכנית לאימות דו־שלבי. זה יכול להיות יישום נייד (כגון המאמת של גוגל) או יישום שולחני",
"oathauth-step2": "צעד 2: סריקת קוד ה־QR",
"oathauth-step2alt": "אפשר גם להזין את המפתח הסודי באופן ידני:",
"oathauth-step3": "צעד 3: רישום קודי גירוד",
"oathauth-step4": "צעד 4: אישור",
"oathauth-entertoken": "נא להזין את הקוד מהיישום הנייד שלך לאישור:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "נא להזין את הקוד מהמכשיר המאמת שלך לאישור:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "הפעלת אימות דו־שלבי",
"action-oathauth-enable": "להפעיל אימות דו־שלבי",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "אסימון",

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@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Autenticazione a due fattori:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "Il token di autenticazione a due fattori fornito non è valido.",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "Troppi tentativi di verifica! Riprova più tardi.",
"oathauth-step1": "Passo 1: scarica l'app",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Scarica un'applicazione mobile per l'autenticazione a due fattori (come Google Authenticator) sul tuo cellulare.",
"oathauth-step1": "Passo 1: scarica un programma per l'autenticazione a due fattori",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Scarica un programma per l'autenticazione a due fattori. Può essere un'applicazione mobile (come Google Authenticator) o per desktop.",
"oathauth-step2": "Passo 2: scansiona il codice QR",
"oathauth-step2alt": "O inserisci il codice segreto manualmente:",
"oathauth-step3": "Passo 3: scrivi il codice 'graffiato'",
"oathauth-step4": "Passo 4: verifica",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Inserisci un codice dalla tua applicazione mobile per verificare:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Inserisci un codice dal tuo dispositivo di autenticazione per verificare:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "Abilita autenticazione a due fattori",
"action-oathauth-enable": "abilitare l'autenticazione a due fattori",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "Token",

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@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
"oathauth-mustbeloggedin": "이 동작을 수행하려면 로그인해야 합니다.",
"oathauth-prefs-label": "2요소 인증:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "입력된 2요소 인증 토큰이 유효하지 않습니다.",
"oathauth-step1": "1단계: 을 다운로드하세요",
"oathauth-step1-test": "2요소 인증을 위한 모바일 앱(Google Authenticator 등)을 전화로 다운로드하세요.",
"oathauth-step1": "1단계: 2요소 인증 프로그램을 다운로드하세요",
"oathauth-step1-test": "2요소 인증을 위한 프로그램을 다운로드하세요. 모바일 애플리케이션(Google Authenticator 등)이나 데스크톱 애플리케이션일 수 있습니다.",
"oathauth-step2": "2단계: QR 코드를 스캔하세요",
"oathauth-step2alt": "아니면 수동으로 비밀 키를 입력하세요:",
"oathauth-step3": "3단계: 스크래치 코드를 기록하세요",
"oathauth-step4": "4단계: 확인",
"oathauth-entertoken": "확인을 위해 모바일 앱에서 코드를 입력하세요:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "확인을 위해 인증 장치로부터 받은 코드를 입력하세요:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "2요소 인증 활성화",
"action-oathauth-enable": "2요소 인증 활성화",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "토큰",
@ -54,5 +54,6 @@
"oathauth-throttled": "너무 많은 인증을 요청했습니다! $1 기다리세요.",
"oathauth-login-failed": "인증 검토 실패.",
"oathauth-describe-provider": "2단계 인증(OATH)",
"grant-group-authentication": "인증을 위해 OAuth 사용"
"grant-group-authentication": "인증을 위해 OAuth 사용",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "OATH 상태 학인"

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@ -18,10 +18,11 @@
"oathauth-notloggedin": "Dir musst ageloggt sinn",
"oathauth-mustbeloggedin": "Dir musst ageloggt si fir dës Aktioun maachen ze kënnen.",
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Authentifikatioun mat zwee Elementer:",
"oathauth-step1": "Schrëtt 1: D'App eroflueden",
"oathauth-step1": "Schrëtt 1: Den Zwee-Facteur-Authentifikatiounsprogramm eroflueden",
"oathauth-step2": "Schrëtt 2: De QR-Code scannen",
"oathauth-step4": "Schrëtt 4: Verificatioun",
"grant-group-authentication": "Authentifikatiouns-Aktioune fir sech selwer a fir Anerer maachen",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "OATH-Status nokucken",
"apihelp-query+oath-param-user": "Benotzer vun deem d'Informatioun gefrot gëtt. Standard ass et den aktuelle Benotzer.",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-1": "Informatiounen iwwer den aktuelle Benotzer kréien",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-2": "Informatiounen iwwer de Benotzer <kbd>Beispill</kbd> kréien"

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@ -6,15 +6,15 @@
"oathauth-desc": "Овозможува заверка на корисничката веродостојност со HMAC врз основа на еднократни лозинки",
"specialpages-group-oath": "Двочинителска заверка",
"oathauth-account": "Двофакторско корисничко име:",
"oathauth-account": "Име на сметката:",
"oathauth-legend": "Потврдете ги вашите најавни податоци",
"oathauth-secret": "Двофакторски таен клуч:",
"oathauth-secret": "Таен клуч за двочинителска заверка:",
"oathauth-enable": "Овозможување на двочинителска заверка на веродостојноста",
"oathauth-failedtoenableoauth": "Не успеав да овозможам двочинителска заверка.",
"oathauth-alreadyenabled": "Двочинителската заверка е веќе овозможена.",
"oathauth-verify": "Потврдете ja двочинителската шифра",
"oathauth-verify": "Потврдете ja двочинителската шифра за заверка",
"oathauth-scratchtokens": "Ова е список на еднократни шифри. Можат да се користат само еднаш и служат за непредвидени случаи. Запишете ги и чувајте ги на безбедно место. Ако го загубите телефонот, шифрите се единствен начин да си ја повратите сметката. Овие шифри никогаш повеќе нема да се прикажат.",
"oathauth-reset": "Презадавање на двофакторско полномоштво",
"oathauth-reset": "Презадавање на двочинителско полномоштво",
"oathauth-donotdeleteoldsecret": "Не ги бришете вашите стари најавни податоци додека не ги потврдите новите.",
"oathauth-token": "Шифра",
"oathauth-currenttoken": "Постојна шифра",
@ -22,38 +22,39 @@
"oathauth-disable": "Оневозможување на двочинителска заверка на веродостојноста",
"oathauth-login": "Најава со двочинителска заверка",
"oathauth-displayoathinfo": "Поставки за двочинителската заверка",
"oathauth-validatedoath": "Двофакторското полномоштво е заверено. Сега стапува на сила.",
"oathauth-validatedoath": "Двочинителското полномоштво е заверено. Сега стапува на сила.",
"oathauth-backtopreferences": "Назад на поставките.",
"oathauth-failedtovalidateoauth": "Не успеав да го заверам двофакторското полномоштво",
"oathauth-failedtovalidateoauth": "Не успеав да го заверам двочинителското полномоштво",
"oathauth-reattemptreset": "Обиди се пак да го зададеш новото полномоштво.",
"oathauth-reattemptenable": "Обиди се пак да ја овозможиш двочинителската заверка.",
"oathauth-disabledoath": "Двочинителската заверка е оневозможена.",
"oathauth-failedtodisableoauth": "Не успеав да ја оневозможам двочинителската заверка.",
"oathauth-reattemptdisable": "Обиди се пак да ја оневозможиш двочинителската заверка.",
"oathauth-failedtoresetoath": "Не успеав одново да го зададам двофакторското полномоштво.",
"oathauth-failedtoresetoath": "Не успеав да го презададам полномоштвото за двочинителска заверка.",
"oathauth-notloggedin": "Мора да се најавите",
"oathauth-mustbeloggedin": "Мора да сте најавени за да ја извршите оваа постапка.",
"oathauth-prefs-label": "Двочинителска заверка:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "Укажаната шифра за двочинителска заверка е неважечка.",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "Направивте премногу обиди за заверка! Обидете се подоцна.",
"oathauth-step1": "Чекор 1: Преземете го прилогот",
"oathauth-step1-test": "На телефонот мреземете мобилен прилог за двочинителска заверка (како Google Authenticator).",
"oathauth-step1": "Чекор 1: Преземете го програмот за двочинителска заверка",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Преземете го програмот за двочинителска заверка. Ова може да биде мобилен прилог (како Google Authenticator) или прилог за столен сметач",
"oathauth-step2": "Чекор 2: Отчитајте го QR-кодот",
"oathauth-step2alt": "Или пак внесете ја тајната рачно:",
"oathauth-step3": "Чекор 3: Запишете го кодовите",
"oathauth-step4": "Чекор 4: Заверка",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Внесете код од мобилниот прилог за да потврдите:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "Внесете код од вашиот уред на заверка за да потврдите:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "Овозможување на двочинителска заверка",
"action-oathauth-enable": "овозможување на двочинителска заверката",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "Жетон",
"oathauth-auth-token-help": "Еднократната лозинка што служи како втор чинител во двочинителската заверка.",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Внесете потврден код од вашиот мобилен прилог.",
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Внесете потврден код од вашиот уред на заверка",
"oathauth-throttled": "Направивте премногу обиди за заверка! Почекајте $1.",
"oathauth-login-failed": "Заверката не успеа.",
"oathauth-describe-provider": "Двочинителска заверка (OATH).",
"grant-group-authentication": "Вршење заверка за себе и други",
"grant-oath": "Пристап до податоците за двочинителска заверка (OATH) за себе и други",
"right-oathauth-api-all": "Барање и проверка на податоци за OATH за себе и други",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "проверување на OATH-статус",
"apihelp-query+oath-description": "Проверка дали двочинителската заверка (OATH) е овозможена за даден корисник.",
"apihelp-query+oath-param-user": "За кој корисник да се дадат информации. По основно: тековниот корисник.",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-1": "Дај информации за тековниот корисник.",

View file

@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
"oathauth-throttled": "Zbyt wiele prób weryfikacji! Poczekaj $1.",
"oathauth-login-failed": "Weryfikacja nie powiodła się.",
"oathauth-describe-provider": "Uwierzytelnianie dwuetapowe (OATH).",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "sprawdzania statusu OATH",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-1": "Pobierz informacje o aktualnym użytkowniku",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-2": "Pobierz informacje na temat użytkownika <kbd>Example</kbd>",
"apihelp-oathvalidate-param-totp": "Token uwierzytelniania dwuetapowego (OATH)."

View file

@ -7,7 +7,8 @@
"Tyler Romeo <tylerromeo@gmail.com>",
"oathauth-desc": "{{desc|name=OATH Auth|url=https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:OATHAuth}}",
@ -44,7 +45,7 @@
"oathauth-abortlogin": "Error message shown on login and password change pages when authentication is aborted.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "Error message shown on login and password change pages when authentication is aborted due to rate limit violations.\n\nSee [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Two_factor_authentication two factor authentication]",
"oathauth-step1": "Label for step 1 on Special:OATH form",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Text for step 1 on Special:OATH form",
"oathauth-step1-test": "Text for step 1 on Special:OATH for. Check the name of \"Google Authenticator\" in your language in the Play Market—it's quite likely that it's translated.",
"oathauth-step2": "Label for step 2, the QR code, on Special:OATH",
"oathauth-step2alt": "Label for information on how to manually do step 2 on Special:OATH",
"oathauth-step3": "Label for step 3 information on Special:OATH",

i18n/sd.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"Mehtab ahmed"
"action-oathauth-api-all": "OATH جو مرتبو چڪاسيو"

View file

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@
"oathauth-auth-ui": "Ange verifieringskoden från din autentiseringsenhet",
"oathauth-login-failed": "Verifiering misslyckades.",
"grant-group-authentication": "Använd OAuth för autentisering",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "kolla OATH-status",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-1": "Skaffa information om den aktuella användaren.",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-2": "Hämta information om användaren <kbd>Example</kbd>"

i18n/te.json Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
"@metadata": {
"authors": [
"action-oathauth-api-all": "OATH స్థితి గమనించండి"

View file

@ -39,13 +39,13 @@
"oathauth-prefs-label": "双因素验证:",
"oathauth-abortlogin": "提供的双因素验证令牌无效。",
"oathauth-abortlogin-throttled": "尝试了太多次验证!请稍后再试。",
"oathauth-step1": "第1步下载应用程序",
"oathauth-step1-test": "在您的手机上下载用于双因素验证的移动应用程序例如Google Authenticator",
"oathauth-step1": "第1步下载双因素验证程序",
"oathauth-step1-test": "下载用于双因素验证的程序。这可以是移动应用例如Google Authenticator或桌面端应用",
"oathauth-step2": "第2步扫描二维码",
"oathauth-step2alt": "或手动输入密钥:",
"oathauth-step3": "第3步记下即时性代码",
"oathauth-step4": "第4步验证",
"oathauth-entertoken": "输入来自您的移动应用程序的代码进行验证:",
"oathauth-entertoken": "输入来自您的验证设备的代码进行验证:",
"right-oathauth-enable": "启用双因素验证",
"action-oathauth-enable": "启用双因素验证",
"oathauth-auth-token-label": "令牌",
@ -57,6 +57,7 @@
"grant-group-authentication": "为自己和他人执行身份验证操作",
"grant-oath": "访问自己和他人的双因素验证OATH信息",
"right-oathauth-api-all": "查询并验证自己和他人的OATH信息",
"action-oathauth-api-all": "检查OATH状态",
"apihelp-query+oath-description": "检查是否为某一用户启用双因素验证OATH。",
"apihelp-query+oath-param-user": "获取相关信息的用户。默认为当前用户。",
"apihelp-query+oath-example-1": "获取有关当前用户的信息",